"Ms. Chen, shut up. Just after Mrs. Xu Er helped you, you are going to cross the river and destroy the bridge. How shameless are you?" The third grandma said angrily: "How to educate girls is the Xu family's business, and it is not your turn as an outsider. Talk too much."

I'll just apologize to you. If I have to use Qiao to say something to teach other girls a lesson, is she a girl from your Gu family? It's up to you to set the record for your elders, that's a girl from the Xu family.

Lu said: "Sister-in-law, there is no need to reprimand the eldest brother and sister. Ling Yatou's temper is really too bad. Her father-in-law also said that before she is engaged, she must change her temper to avoid having to eat at her husband's house later. Big loss.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Chen looked happy, held Mrs. Lu's hand and said, "That's what I mean. Second sister-in-law Xu understands me."

Then he sighed: "We met too late. If we had known each other for more than ten years earlier, I would definitely marry my sister-in-law and be sisters for life."

Lu smiled: "It's not too late to get to know each other now, and we will still have decades to get along with each other."

When Gu Jinli heard this, he glanced at Mrs. Xu. Mrs. Xu must have tolerated Mr. Chen too much. If Mrs. Xu Er were a man, she would suspect that Mrs. Xu Er was attracted to Chen.

It's not that Gu Jinli is just thinking, it's Chen's temper. If he had just met someone, he wouldn't be able to stand it. Only after getting along for a long time will he know that she has no bad intentions and is willing to tolerate her noise.

Gu Jinli didn't think for long before Lu gave her a cryptic answer.

Mrs. Lu took out a box and handed it to Mrs. Chen: "My eldest daughter, Linglong, was very sorry about what happened yesterday. After returning home, she made a pair of silk flowers overnight and asked me to bring them to you as an apology. Please don’t be angry.”

"Linglong girl is so polite. She even made me an apology with her own hands, so I have to accept it." Mrs. Chen was very happy when she saw the apology. She took the box and opened it. There were two brand-new flowers lying inside. The silk flower, there were some golden silk threads on the silk flower, was surprised and said: "Hey, this silk flower is wrapped with gold thread, it is too precious."

, talking about Jin Gui, but had no intention of returning it, and immediately put it in his pocket: "Sister-in-law, go back and tell Linglong girl that I like this silk flower very much, thank you for your hard work."

If she has time, she can make a few more. The gold thread is very valuable. When she sells it, she can get a lot of money.

Ms. Lu was stunned for a moment. She accepted it so quickly. Did Ms. Chen understand her hint?

But Mrs. Lu is marrying her daughter, not her daughter-in-law, so she has to be reserved. She can't say it clearly, otherwise her daughter will lose value. But looking at Mrs. Chen, if she doesn't say it clearly, she doesn't seem to know.

Mrs. Lu frowned in worry.

Gu Jinli became even more suspicious when he saw it. Mrs. Lu tolerated Mrs. Chen's silence, and Xu Zhong even made a pair of silk flowers for Mrs. Chen overnight. Not only did they use precious gold thread, but the silk flowers also looked like lotus flowers.

Winged birds and parallel lotus flowers represent the companionship of husband and wife.

Moreover, it was Xu Ling who scolded Chen, and it had nothing to do with Xu Zhong. Why did Xu Zhong send silk flowers to Chen to apologize?

I'm afraid this apology is an excuse to imply that something else is true.

Grandma Lu was also stunned. Looking at Mrs. Chen's appearance, let alone understanding the hint, she probably didn't even remember who Linglong was.

Aunt Lu and Mrs. Lu looked at each other with expressions of confusion on their faces, but they did not dare to say anything more. They praised Gu Jinxiu and the other four girls: "Third Auntie, you girls are all top-notch in appearance." One is very good, especially the two girls from Sister-in-law Dashan’s family. I have never seen such beautiful girls in most of my life. I am so envious of others.”

Gu Jinli smiled. Isn't this already a compliment? Are you still complimenting me? It's too obvious to find something to say.

However, Mrs. Lu changed the topic and quickly asked: "Sister-in-law Dashan, I heard that your eldest daughter is engaged?"

Mrs. Cui nodded with a smile: "It's settled. Sister Xiu and Xiaoyu have both been promised to other families. Sister Xiu has been promised to the Luo family, and Xiaoyu has been promised to the Qin family. They both know each other well. They have already received the letter of appointment. Today, the two The elders of the family will come over to discuss the date of the wedding ceremony."

Mrs. Cui smiled from ear to ear as soon as she talked about the engagement of her two daughters. The two daughters were backward, and she could sleep peacefully at night. Unlike when Sister Xiu was not engaged, she was so worried that she cried.

After hearing this, Mrs. Lu said with great envy: "Just settle down, unlike my Linglong family, who still has nothing to settle when they reach their age."

This is to tell Mr. Chen that my Linglong family is not allowed to live with others. Did you hear that?

But Mrs. Chen misunderstood. She rolled her eyes in her heart and thought to herself: Why don't the Xu family give up? Is this because I can’t see Xu Ling anymore? Do I want to tell Xu Zhong to An Geer? Tsk tsk tsk, don’t even look at Brother An if you want it?

If Ms. Lu knew that Mr. Chen thought so, she would be so angry that she would vomit blood.

But she didn't know that she was talking about the marriages of several older men in Gu Jin'an: "Zhaoming was delayed in proposing marriage because he was studying. The family was worried about it, thinking that after he was admitted as a scholar, he would be married immediately. girl."

Then he asked Mrs. Chen: "Brother and sister Dagui, your brother Xing is older than Zhaoming. Does he have a girl he likes?"

Mrs. Chen's expression was a little bad, she felt that Mrs. Lu was laughing at Gu Dexing for not getting engaged at his old age, so she said with a cold face: "All those intellectuals and madmen get married late. Some of them get married in their thirties, and Brother Xing is only two years old." I'm in my early teens, and it's not too late to get engaged after I pass the exam."

Mrs. Lu was stunned. Looking at Mrs. Chen's face, she knew that she had misunderstood and was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Mammy Lu quickly said: "Mrs. Gu has misunderstood. My second wife heard that Young Master Ming mentioned Brother Xing and thought that Brother Xing was a good young man, so she regarded him as our nephew and was a little worried about his marriage. This I just asked casually, without any malice."

After hearing this, Ms. Chen's face became better and she said with a smile: "Look at my brain, I have misunderstood you. Don't be angry, Sister-in-law Xu. I was also made angry by those shrews in the village. Those long-tongued people who didn't practice cultivation in their previous lives will suffer from poverty in this life." Women, they always like to talk about the marriages of our children. They do it on purpose. They want to make our family anxious so that they can marry the daughters of their relatives. Oh, they are dreaming!"

He added: "The children of our family are all promising. They must marry a rich girl. At least they must marry someone who is literate. If they marry the daughters of those shrew relatives, none of them even know their own names." How to write, how will you live after getting married?"

"Ms. Chen, you're the one who is so noisy. You can't stop talking." The third grandma's expression was a little bad. Mrs. Chen, a fool, scolded other girls for being illiterate. But among the women of the Qin Gu Luotian family, except Cui and Chu Except for the family name, everyone is illiterate. Who are you scolding?

Mrs. Chen also reacted, and after apologizing to the third mistress, she said to the second wife Xu: "Second sister-in-law Xu, don't think I'm noisy. That's just me. I can't say anything. I just don't like those tongue-tied relatives in the village." The girl at home.”

"Brothers and sisters, you are worried too much. You also feel sorry for the younger members of your family and want to match them with girls from good families." Mrs. Lu was a little tired, but she was brave enough to talk about Gu Dexing's marriage. But Mrs. Chen just didn't show any sign... Could it be that she looked down on her Linglong family and was pretending not to understand?

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