A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1082 Paying someone to beat you

Zhong Yu already wanted to kill Qin Sanlang, but now he did not dare to confront Qin Sanlang head-on. He could only hold the banknote in both hands and handed it to Qin Sanlang.

Only then did Qin Sanlang accept it and left him a message: "Those in charge of the army are most particular about rules and are most taboo about willfulness. Once they are willful, countless people will die because of one person's willfulness. If you don't understand this truth, I advise you to hurry up." Disarm and return to the fields, lest you kill your comrades."

Then he said: "This sentence is worth five hundred taels. Including the alcohol money you compensated, it is exactly one thousand taels, which is even."

After saying that, he turned around neatly, walked back to the tree where he was before, and continued to eat the grilled fish that Xiaoyu made for him.


Zhong Yu couldn't hold it in and was so angry that he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Originally, he gave Qin Sanlang a thousand taels of silver notes in order to humiliate him with money, but Qin Sanlang's words not only slapped him in the face, but also made him money.

Zhong Yu felt like... he paid Qin Sanlang to beat him.


Zhong Yu was going crazy and roared silently. He was so aggrieved that he almost wanted to hit the wall.

"General, General Qi~" Liu Tong called out to Zhong Yu in fear, feeling regretful in his heart. If he had known this, he would not have given alcohol to Zhong General Qi, but what happened has already happened, and it is useless for him to regret it anymore. I couldn't run away. If I ran away if I got into trouble, I would only die more miserably in the future. I could only bite the bullet and said: "Your arm is still bleeding. Please wrap up the wound for you."

Zhong Yu stared at him, wishing to chop him into pieces.

But he is not an idiot. He knows how to get along well with his soldiers. If he angers his soldiers at every turn, he will really die without knowing how he will die when he goes to the battlefield.

"Hurry up." Zhong Yu stretched out his arm again, and said fearfully: "Just wrap it like this, don't apply any medicine."

Qin Sanlang's medicine was poisonous. Once he applied it, he almost died from the pain. If he applied it again, he would die suddenly on the spot.

"Hey." Liu Tong was also afraid and did not dare to give Zhong Yu any more medicine. He quickly bandaged the wound on his arm and ran away immediately.

Zhong Yu endured the pain in his hands and followed Qin Sanlang's instructions to clean up the bandit's stronghold with his soldiers.

Other soldiers also followed Qin Sanlang's instructions to clean up the stockade, sweep the "battlefield", and seal the belongings found in the stockade into boxes.

Before the application time in the afternoon, all the finishing work was completed.

Qin Sanlang didn't seem to be in a hurry to go back. He asked them to patrol around the stockade again to make sure that no fish had slipped through the net. Then he stepped on the point of Shen Shi and gave the order to go back to the camp.

But this place is far away from the Fucheng garrison camp, and we will definitely not be able to reach it today. Qin Sanlang sat on the horse and called Zhang Zhong: "Give me the order to go to Tianfu County's military camp to rest, and then set off to Fucheng garrison early tomorrow morning." Military camp."

"Yes." Zhang Zhong was riding on a horse, holding an order flag in his hand, and shouted: "Send the vanguard military order to rest at the Tianfu County Military Station tonight and set off back to the camp tomorrow morning!"

After shouting several times and running back and forth twice, Qin Sanlang's order was passed on.

Zhong Yu frowned and was very puzzled. With Qin Sanlang's temperament of tormenting the soldiers, how could he let them rest in Tianfu County? They should be asked to travel overnight and arrive at the Fucheng garrison camp before tomorrow evening.

Zhong Yu felt that he had caught Qin Sanlang's hand, so he rode on horseback to ask Qin Sanlang: "Why don't you rush back to the camp overnight instead of resting in Tianfu County?"

Qin Sanlang sat on the horse, looked down at Zhong Yu, and said with an indifferent expression: "Are you a pioneer officer?"

One sentence made Zhong Yu choke up.

"No, who are you qualified to ask me?" Qin Sanlang stared at Zhong Yu and said: "Zhong Yu questioned the general's order and was forced to abandon his horse and walk on foot. If he disobeyed the order, he would be beaten with thirty military sticks!"

Zhong Yu's face turned green. Qin Sanlang wanted to hit him with thirty military sticks? !

But now Qin Sanlang is the vanguard of suppressing bandits, and as long as he has not returned to camp yet, he is qualified to control him. Zhong Yu had no choice but to abandon his horse and walk on foot.

Si'an suppressed his laughter and felt that Zhong Yu was really willing to die. He knew that he was no match for his master but he still had to challenge his master. He didn't take advantage of it at all and was beaten and punished. Why bother? Isn't it good to just obey orders honestly?

Zhang Zhong and the others silently begged God to bless Zhong Yu. If he failed to learn to obey orders, it would only be worse in the future.

The matter of disobeying orders in battle is not over yet, Qin Baihu will not let him go, and will only work hard to train him until he is honest.

Zhong Yu kept a dark face the whole time and walked until it was completely dark before arriving at the Tianfu County Military Station.

Qin Sanlang did not let him rest, but gave him a task: "Go and guard the water prison, keep an eye on Fan Tu, Xiao Youzi, Chang Lao and three others. If they run away, you know the consequences."

Zhong Yu is a very strong person. He let Xiaoyouzi run away last night. Although he is extremely tired now, he still cheers up and leads his soldiers to guard the water prison without daring to relax.

After Qin Sanlang arranged the matter, he told You Ping: "Watch carefully to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Yes." You Ping responded, leading his men to ambush outside the water prison.

Qin Sanlang took Si'an and rushed back to Dafeng Village overnight.

By the time he returned to the village, it was almost dawn and Gu Jinli was sleeping soundly.

Qin Sanlang knew that she was tired from doing alcohol, so he couldn't bear to wake her up. He went back to Qin's house first, took a shower and washed his hair, and then sneaked to see her after he thought she was about to wake up.

So when Gu Jinli was lying on the bed stretching and suddenly heard a familiar bird call, he was stunned.

She hurriedly jumped up from the bed, rushed to the window, opened the window, and when she saw Qin Sanlang, she laughed out loud in surprise. She was afraid that Gu Jinxiu in the same yard would hear her, so she lowered her voice and asked him: "Why are you back?" ?Aren’t you going to send the bandits to Fucheng?”

After wiping out the bandits, he still wanted to send the bandit leader to Fucheng to resume his life. He had been unavailable for the past few days, and everyone in the family thought he would never come back.

Qin Sanlang jumped into the room from the window, held her in his arms, smelled the fragrance in her hair, and said, "I miss you."

Gu Jinli smiled: "What a coincidence, I miss you too."

Qin Sanlang's heart skipped a beat after hearing this. Every time she said such intimate words, he couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation in his heart.

"You came back all night. You took a shower and your hair is still a little wet." Gu Jinli said, holding his hand and saying, "Come here and sleep for a while. I'll watch over you."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang let her hold his hand, came to her bed, lay on her bed with a little uneasiness, held her hand, closed his eyes, and said to her: "I Leave in the afternoon."

Gu Jinli was stunned and asked: "Afternoon? Will it delay your business?"

He must have escorted the bandits through Tianfu County and took the time to go home. But when he came back, the Fucheng defenders who were suppressing the bandits together would not wait for him. Those who had military orders would rush on when the time came.

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