Qin Sanlang: "It's okay. They are marching on foot. I can catch up with them on horseback."

Zhong Yu's thorny side has been suppressed by him. Even if he sees that he is not around, he doesn't dare to make any trouble.

I guess I'm glad he's not here, he can give orders and enjoy the life of a bandit-suppressing vanguard.

"Today is the engagement ceremony between brother Luo Wu and eldest sister. It's a shame that I'm not here." Qin Sanlang opened his eyes, raised his hand and caressed her cheek and said, "We will be a family from now on. As a brother-in-law, it's not a good thing that I'm not here." Don’t embarrass my little fish.”

Gu Jinli smiled: "You came back because of this. Don't do this again. Our families are so familiar, Brother Luo Wu and Eldest Sister won't mind."

Qin Sanlang smiled, but did not agree.

Xiaoyu is his wife, the girl he likes. As long as he can give it to her, he will give it to her;

Seeing the tiredness on his face, Gu Jinli hurriedly said, "Stop talking and go to sleep. I will wake you up before the guests come."

Erqing will stay outside the house and stop Xiaoji, and no one else will come in. He can stay here with peace of mind.

Qin Sanlang suddenly felt like a child, reluctant to close his eyes and wanted to see her for a while longer.

Gu Jinli smiled, leaned over and kissed the tip of his nose, saying, "I'm going to reward you. Go to bed quickly and don't get angry."

As soon as she finished speaking, a big hand clasped her head and pressed her towards him.

He held her head with one hand and her waist with the other, pressing her whole body against him, breathing heavily from the end of his nose, and kissed her deeply and forcefully.

Not only did he take a shower, he also brushed his teeth. Gu Jinli could smell the fragrance of tooth powder flowing between his teeth.

"...It smells like grass." She murmured.

Qin Sanlang was startled, turned around, turned over and leaned over, raised her chin, and greedily sucked in her breath: "It smells of small fish, sweet."

Gu Jinli's face turned red, you brat, you said it was sweet or not, are you looking for a beating?

But she has no strength to hit him now. She doesn't know why, but every time he kisses her, she loses her strength. Even if she wants to bite him, she can only make a shallow tooth mark.

When Gu Jinli was thinking wildly, he suddenly let go of her, turned towards the back of the bed, and said in a hoarse and low voice: "I fell asleep."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and adjusted his chaotic breath.

Gu Jinli was stunned. What was this kid doing suddenly turning his back?

"Okay, go to sleep." She poked his back, but he arched his back slightly as if he was shocked by an electric shock, and his back muscles became extremely stiff.

Seeing this, Gu Jinli suddenly understood why he was like this, and quickly retracted his hand, not daring to poke him again.

After more than a quarter of an hour, he turned around, closed his eyes but accurately held her hand, pulled her hand into his arms and placed it in his arms, and fell asleep soon after.

Gu Jinli listened to his breathing, counted his pulse, and knew that he was really asleep. He finally couldn't help laughing, leaned over and kissed him, saying, "Idiot, there's no need to be shy."

What are you shy about? I know medical skills, how can I not understand?

However, her face also turned red, and her heart was beating a little fast thinking about his appearance before.

After a while, she lay on the edge of the bed, watching him sleeping, but as she watched, she didn't know when she fell asleep.

Qin Sanlang woke up earlier than her. Looking at her sleeping on the edge of the bed, he felt extremely satisfied... There were still ten days before his and Xiaoyu's engagement ceremony. When could they get married?

Get married as soon as possible, he is greedy and wants to eat fish...

When Gu Jinli woke up, it was already past midnight, and Qin Sanlang was still on her bed. She looked at the fierce sun outside and was startled when she heard the noise outside: "What time is it? The Luo family is here?" "

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, the Luo family has brought a matchmaker to the door. People from Shang Xiucai, Shangli's family, and Yuanli's family have already arrived. People from Jiang's, Xu's, and Zheng's families are in the county and they didn't come that early. .”

Gu Jinli looked at his calm look and almost screamed, dragging him and saying, "Why didn't you wake me up earlier? Get up quickly, I have to go out to meet guests."

After saying that, he was startled again, looked at him in horror and said, "Didn't my mother or third grandma come to call me?"

If Mrs. Cui and the third mistress find out that he is in her room, they will be blown up even if they have a letter of appointment.

Qin Sanlang smiled, sat up, hugged her, and said, "Don't be nervous, they came to call you, but they were dealt with by Er Qing."

Gu Jinli: "How do you deal with it? The excuse of sleeping in can usually be used, but it cannot be used today."

After dinner last night, Gu Dashan and Mrs. Cui specially told them that today is the big day for the eldest sister. No one in the family is allowed to stay in bed and must get up before Chen hour. Si hour has passed now.

"I found a good reason for you, and they won't doubt it." Qin Sanlang told her the reason he found: "Erqing told them, you heard that I came back in a hurry, so you got up early to see me, and we Will come together."

In the past, she would often go to see him when he was sleeping. Aunt Dashan and the third grandma would not say anything.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly got up and pulled him up: "Hurry up, even if you have a reason, you can't stay here anymore. Go back to your home quickly."

Qin Sanlang no longer stayed on her bed. He got up and straightened his clothes. He also took the wooden comb on the dressing table, combed her hair and said, "That's it. You change your clothes and we'll leave."

Gu Jinli glared at him: "You go first, I'll change my clothes and go there by myself."

Brat, do you still want to stay here and watch me change my clothes?

Qin Sanlang smiled and stopped teasing her. He nodded obediently: "Okay, I'll go back first. Erqing will cover you. You can just climb over the wall without worry. Everyone is in the living room or flower hall in the front yard. Won’t come here.”

Even if they come, they will only flock to Gu Jinxiu's house. His Xiaoyu's house is very safe.

"Hey, let's go quickly." Gu Jinli pushed Qin Sanlang towards the window, and very sneakily opened the window a small crack. After peeking at no one outside, he opened the window: "Hurry, we will encounter you if you are too late. People."

Qin Sanlang looked at her and couldn't laugh or cry. Such a nervous little fish was so cute and wanted to kiss her.

But Gu Jinli had already pushed him away, so he could only leave through the window. He stood outside the window and said to her, "I'm leaving."

Gu Jinli was so anxious that he wanted to punch him: "Get out of here quickly."

Mrs. Jiang and Yuanyuan should be here. She has already heard Yuanyuan's voice. If she doesn't leave, it will be over.

Qin Sanlang also heard it and walked away without waiting any longer.

Gu Jinli hurriedly took out the summer dress he had prepared and put it on. As soon as he changed it, Yuanyuan's voice rang out: "Are you Sister Erqing? Sister Erqing, are Sister Xiaoyu here?"

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