A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1085 This encounter is too harsh

Gu Jinli was very happy. The eldest sister had waited for several years and finally waited for this moment.

She knew that her eldest sister had always liked Brother Luo Wu. She told her back then that she would guard her heart and it would be the same no matter who she married, but she just didn't want to cause trouble to the family.

Fortunately, the eldest sister and Brother Luo Wu got together in the end. They were childhood sweethearts, liked each other, and were devoted to each other, which was beautiful.

Mrs. Chu, like Mrs. Cui, cried with joy. But her tears were so raging that she couldn't stop them.

Mrs. Chen looked at her with suspicion when she saw it, and said in a sullen voice: "Sister-in-law Luo, why are you crying on your big day? Those who don't know better would think that your family is not holding a happy event, but..."

"Shut up!" Ms. Chu yelled out anxiously, interrupted Ms. Chen, glared at her and said: "Today is the wedding ceremony for Sister Xiu and Brother Wu. If you dare to say something unlucky, , I will ask the ladies from the escort agency to come and beat you three times a day!"

Mrs. Chen was stunned. She didn't expect Mrs. Chu to yell at her and threaten her. She was shocked and said: "Sister-in-law Luo, I just said it casually, why do you take it seriously?"

She is a talkative and loves to say rude things. She has never seen Mr. Chu cry so hard. She couldn't hold back and wanted to say something like that.

Mrs. Chu sneered and said, "Just talking casually? Today is Sister Xiu's and Brother Wu's big day. Is it time for you to talk casually?"

Looking for a fight, right?

Mrs. Chen has always been afraid of Mrs. Chu. She knew that Mrs. Chu was not as easy to talk to as Mrs. Cui. She was scolded so much that she didn’t dare to say a word, so she apologized to Mrs. Chu: “Sister-in-law Luo, please calm down, I won’t dare to do it again. ”

Madam Chu attached great importance to Gu Jinxiu and Luo Wu's big day, and asked Madam Chen to say nine auspicious words before letting her go.

Then he continued to look at Luo Wu and Gu Jinxiu... crying with joy.

Mrs. Chen rolled her eyes and cried again. You are allowed to cry on your big day, but I am not allowed to say anything wrong. You are really bullying others.

But Mrs. Chen knew that she couldn't do Mrs. Chu. In order to avoid being slapped in the face, she happily forgave Mrs. Chu and ran to talk to Mrs. Xu Er.

The Xu family also has people coming today, and Xu Zhong also came with Mrs. Xu Second.

"Linglong, you are finally here. Auntie wants you to death." After Mrs. Chen greeted Mrs. Xu Er, she pulled Xu Zhong to talk: "The two silk flowers you gave me are very beautiful. Auntie likes them very much. After Brother Xing saw it, he also said he liked it very much."

When Xu Zhong heard Chen talking about silk flowers and Gu Dexing, his face burned. He lowered his head slightly and shyly said to Chen, "If Aunt Gu likes it, Linglong will make other styles of silk flowers for you."

Mrs. Chen smiled and said: "If you like it, don't make it in other styles. No matter what style it is, it is not as beautiful as the lotus flower. Unless it is made into the shape of a mandarin duck, it will be more beautiful than the lotus flower style."

As soon as these words came out, everyone knew what Chen meant.

Mrs. Xu Er was very happy. It was the right time to bring Linglong here today.

She originally didn't want to bring Linglong, because the Gu Dexing family had not expressed any hint since the last time she gave Chen a hint. Mrs. Xu Er waited for several days and almost gave up before she received it from Chen. Dragon Boat Festival etiquette.

It's just that the Dragon Boat Festival gifts were sent along with Gu Jin'an's family and Qi Kangming's family, and there was no other hint about the marriage between the two families.

Mrs. Xu Er was so confused by Mrs. Chen that she was like guessing riddles. She couldn't figure out what Mrs. Chen meant?

Are you happy or not? You can give me a hint.

Without giving any hint, when her family was about to give up, she sent her family two generous Dragon Boat Festival gifts.

In fact, they misunderstood Mr. Chen.

Mrs. Chen has already told Gu Dafu and Gu Dexing, and they are both happy. It just takes time to prepare things and find someone to propose marriage, and the Gu family encountered bandits again. Luo Wu told them not to go out if nothing happened, so Chen could only endure it for now. Even the Dragon Boat Festival gifts were given by everyone together. Go,

It was only after seeing the two Dragon Boat Festival gifts that Xu Zhong persuaded Mrs. Xu to come to Gu's house to attend Gu Jinxiu's engagement ceremony.

Xu Zhong said that with Chen's stingy temper, it would be interesting to send a Dragon Boat Festival gift to the Xu family and also give one to their second bedroom alone.

Regardless of whether the guess is correct or not, there is no harm in attending Gu Jinxiu's engagement ceremony. If Mrs. Chen still doesn't express anything after arriving, it won't be too late for her family to give up.

Unexpectedly, they had come at the right time. Mrs. Chen was so enthusiastic towards them that she kept talking about Gu Dexing and other objects with the meaning of marriage, which made Xu Zhong blush.

Mrs. Chen held Xu Zhong's hand and smiled and said: "Look at our Linglong, what a beautiful girl, her face is as red as a fruit. My nephew Xing Ge'er likes to eat fruits the most. If he sees you, he will definitely like it."

Mrs. Xu Er was shocked. Just give a hint, don't say it so bluntly. The marriage has not been decided yet. If you say that, I will suspect that you are playing a rogue.

Gu Jinli was sitting in the flower hall, listening to Mrs. Chen talking at the top of her voice about how she liked Xu Zhong. Looking at Mrs. Xu's appearance, she was really worried that Mrs. Xu would not be able to hold back and beat Mrs. Chen as a gangster. .

This is not the most violent thing. The most violent thing is that Mrs. Chen actually learned a trick from the woman in the back house and asked Gui Niu to go to Gu Dexing and tell Gu Dexing to bring two pottery basins and put them in the kitchen of Gu Jinli's house. , after the guests leave, the family can divide the remaining meat and vegetables and take them home to eat.

When people in the countryside eat at a banquet, the leftover dishes will be distributed to relatives to take home for eating. Although Gu Dexing felt that he was a little too anxious to prepare the leftovers before the guests left, he did not suspect it was a scam. The family brought two clay pots.

But as soon as he entered the kitchen courtyard of Gu Jinli's house, he saw Xu Zhong face to face.

"Hey, brother Xing is here." Chen was very happy, like a matchmaker trying to keep a matchmaker. While holding Xu Zhong's hand, he pointed at Gu Dexing and said, "This is my nephew Gu Dexing. What a wonderful person." By coincidence, we met him when we came to the kitchen to get two bowls of soy milk. It was really fate."

Gu Jinli and Gui Niu were hiding not far away, watching the situation here, and almost died laughing.

What fate?

What chance encounter?

No one would believe this chance encounter that was brought about by force.

Naturally, Xu Zhong didn't believe Chen's nonsense, but she was a girl, and her family was interested in Gu Dexing, so the marriage between the two families should be successful.

Therefore, he didn't dare to speak or look at Gu Dexing. He just blushed and lowered his head.

Gu Dexing was not stupid, and he understood Chen's personality. Looking at the situation in front of him, he knew that his second aunt had deliberately asked him to meet Xu Zhong.

But he was holding two pottery basins in his hands. How could he bow to the Xu family girl with this look? !

Mrs. Chen also noticed Gu Dexing's embarrassment, but she thought it was nothing. It was Xie Xie who snatched the two pottery basins from Gu Dexing's hands and said, "Brother Xing, what are you doing standing there in a daze? Quickly give Linglong a massage." It’s a meeting gift.”

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