In the past two years, Gu Dexing also went to the county and prefectures to participate in some cultural gatherings. He made great progress in dealing with people. Although he blushed and was embarrassed, he quickly reacted. He first took a few steps back, then bowed his hands and said to Xu Zhong: "Someone I’ve met Miss Xu, she’s very polite.”

Ms. Chen was very upset when she heard this and said: "So and so, you said that, how does Linglong know who you are."

Then he smiled at Xu Zhong and said: "His name is Gu Dexing. He is the eldest grandson of the eldest son of our family. His father is the patriarch of the Gu clan. He will also be the clan leader in the future and can control An Ge'er's clan."

Gu Jinli: "..."

Hey, just say it, why are you stepping on my big brother?

Gu Dexing was a little embarrassed when he saw Mrs. Chen's proud look on her face, and said quickly: "Miss Xu, I'm really sorry. I didn't know she was here, and I bumped into her. I can't apologize to her."

After Xu Zhong heard this, his affection for Gu Dexing increased a lot. He also knew how to apologize, which showed that he was a polite person.

She still lowered her head and did not dare to look at Gu Dexing, but she turned towards him and bowed to him: "I have met the eldest brother of the Gu family."

Mrs. Chen felt depressed when she heard this. She originally thought that the two of them, who were young and at that restless age, would burst into flames when they met. Who knew how they would live together in the future if they stood far away from each other and greeted each other politely, but were not close at all?

Thinking about it, she would directly attack Gu Dagui.

"Don't call him the eldest brother of the Gu family. Our two families are so familiar with each other. Linglong, please call him Brother Dexing. All the children in our family call him that." Mrs. Chen couldn't stand it any longer, so she simply did it herself, facing Xu. After Zhong finished speaking, he said to Gu Dexing: "This is the eldest girl of the Xu family, her nickname is Linglong. As I told you just now, we all call her Linglong, so you should call her Linglong too."

But Gu Dexing didn't shout. You couldn't shout the girl's nickname randomly, and he and Miss Xu were discussing marriage. It was even more difficult to call her by her nickname before the marriage was finalized.

So he said to Mrs. Chen: "Second Aunt, please take Miss Xu back to the flower hall first. There are many people here, so as not to bump into Miss Xu. Moreover, after being out for a long time, Mrs. Xu will be anxious if she can't see Miss Xu."

This is to remind Mrs. Chen that if you bring this girl to meet your foreign husband, if my wife finds out, she will probably get angry with you.

Mrs. Chen was also a little afraid that Mrs. Xu would be blamed. After hearing this, she thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's go first."

Then he handed the two pots to him: "Come here and take the pots away. We have to put the vegetables back in the evening."

Gu Dexing already wants to die, why are you still thinking about dressing up? Miss Xu is a girl from a rich family, and people don’t eat leftovers. If you say it out loud like this, what will you do if Miss Xu dislikes you?

In order for Chen to leave with Xu Zhong as soon as possible, Gu Dexing had no choice but to pick up the two pottery basins. After taking the pottery basin, he stepped aside and stood.

"Look at you like that." Mrs. Chen said with disgust, took Xu Zhong's hand and walked away, but after walking two meters, she let go of Xu Zhong's hand and ran to the kitchen: "I forgot to take the soy milk, there is With fruit slices."

Xiaoyu Yatou made fruit soy milk with fresh fruits in it, which was very expensive. If she didn't eat more, she would feel like she was at a loss.

Gu Dexing was stunned. He never thought that Chen could leave Xu Zhong in the yard and run to get the soy milk... He was embarrassed and nervous. His hands holding the two pots were full of sweat. He wanted to tell Xu Zhong What to say, but it feels inappropriate.

But he finally said: "I'm sorry, my second aunt is like this, don't be angry."

Xu Zhong was also confused at first, and when his face turned pale with nervousness, he breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Gu Dexing's words, and boldly replied: "It's okay."

Although the voice was not loud, Gu Dexing heard it and was very happy. Just as he was about to say a few more words, Mrs. Chen came out with a food box and said to Xu Zhong: "Linglong, let's go and let your mother taste this fruit." Soy milk tastes very good, has a red date flavor, and can replenish blood, so we women should drink more of it."

Gu Dexing was going crazy and wished he could go deaf on the spot. The second aunt is too cool. He is still here, and she is talking to Miss Xu about whether to replenish blood or not.

Xu Zhong blushed so much that he followed Chen and left.

After they left, Gu Dexing let out a breath. It was considered that they were gone. If they didn't leave, the marriage would probably be ruined.

However, he was still very happy to see Xu Zhong... She was probably more nervous than him, but she didn't run away. Instead, she saluted him and said hello, which showed that she was probably satisfied with him in her heart.

Gu Dexing was also very satisfied with Xu Zhong... He secretly took a look at Xu Zhong's appearance. Although she was not a great beauty, she was very delicate in appearance, gentle and generous in temperament, and she was a good girl.

"Brother Xing, what are you doing standing in the yard? The sun is too strong, so don't get heatstroke." Zhu Camellia's mother was helping to cook in the kitchen. When she saw Gu Dexing standing in the yard in a daze and giggling, she couldn't help but ask. he.

Seeing two clay pots in his hands, he knew they were used to hold leftovers. He took the pots and said, "I'll just take it. You can go back to the front yard."

Gu Dexing came back to his senses, nodded, straightened his robe, and returned to the living room in the front yard with a somewhat wandering step.

Gu Jinli and Gui Niu hid and watched a good show. They clicked their tongues and shook their heads: "Look at this, Brother Dexing's peach blossoms are blooming, and they are still blooming in full bloom."

Gui Niu, who was already seven years old, asked half-understood: "Sister Xiaoyu, what is a true peach blossom?"

Gu Jinli: "The ones who can get married are called positive peach blossoms, and the ones who just want to get married but end up being unhappy are called rotten peach blossoms."

Gui Niu's eyes lit up: "I understand, Sister Xiaoyu is saying that Brother Dexing wants to marry Sister Xu?"

Gu Jinli pressed her little head and said: "The marriage has not been decided yet, so you can't say that. We can wait until the marriage is decided."

Although both families are interested in it, and they are hinting at the back and forth, this era is too harsh on women, so they had better not talk nonsense.

"Let's go get fruit and soy milk to drink." Gu Jinli took Gui Niu into the kitchen. Not only did he get fruit and soy milk for Gui Niu, he also brought fruit milk, water chestnut powder and fruit jelly made from fruits.

The milk is buffalo milk. After a little processing, fresh fruits are added, and it is very delicious.

Gui Niu, Jin Niu and Luo Huiniang all like to eat, but fruits and buffalo milk are hard to find, and Gu Jinli can't make them many times a year. It's hard for them to eat them.

"Take these two portions of fruit milk to Luo's house for your sister Huiniang." Gu Jinli took two bowls of milk with peach pulp and asked Guiniu to give it to Luo Huiniang.

Luo Huiniang was a bit miserable today, because it was the groom's family who gave the bride the engagement gift. As the future sister-in-law, she could not come to the Gu family according to Da Chu's rules.

However, Gu Jinli asked Xiao Ji to accompany her. Both of them had a carefree temper. If they could talk endlessly together, Luo Huiniang would not be too bored.

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