A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1088 Dou Shaodong’s Family Seeking Death

Qin Sanlang laughed when he heard this, nodded and said: "Okay, if that kid tries to die again, I will punish him even more."

He took two steps forward, came close to her, and took her into his arms: "I thought about being separated from you again, and you had to work so hard to make me some medicine for knife wounds at home. I felt uncomfortable, but not unhappy."

He just wanted her to be a rich and powerful landlady who didn't have to work, but now she often has to work for him.

"You can sell medicine for knife wounds. What's the point of making money? Besides, I have old doctor Wu to help me, Jingzi and the others to help me. I just talk and say a few words, but it's actually very free." Gu Jinli She pinched his face and said with a smile: "So you are feeling distressed for nothing. I am having a good time at home."

Qin Sanlang looked at her smiling face. Although he was still reluctant to leave, he felt much better. He put the things she had brought on the horse and took her hand to the backyard: "I have something good for you. .”

"What?" Gu Jinli was very curious: "Is it food or money?"

Qin Sanlang laughed out loud: "Both."

The Qin family's new house was built in the northwest style and was divided into an upper room and a lower room. Qin Sanlang lived in the yard of the lower room, occupying the entire backyard.

The room in the middle belonged to him. He took Gu Jinli directly into the room and gave her two boxes: "They are all yours."

Gu Jinli had a good nose and his eyes fell on the box on the left. He took it first and opened it. His eyes were full of surprise: "It's a red cherry fruit."

The red cherry fruit is a cherry, and this kind of fruit existed in ancient times.

"When I went to Niugou Town to kill wolves, I saw a few early cherry blossoms in the mountains. I knew you liked them, so I specially picked the redder ones for you first. In the past two months, you have had red cherry blossoms to eat." Qin When Sanlang saw those red cherry fruits, he immediately said a sentence in his mind, these are the fruits of my little fish, no one is allowed to snatch them!

"It will be a little sour. When we hold the engagement ceremony, we will send another batch back. Then you can eat sweeter red cherry fruits." Qin Sanlang picked up a red cherry fruit and fed it into her mouth.

Gu Jinli took a bite of the fruit, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it in his stomach: "It's delicious, not very sour, but the sweetness is not that strong and a bit bland."

But she still liked it because he got it for her.

"You eat too." Gu Jinli took a red cherry fruit and fed it into his mouth.

Qin Sanlang ate it, but found it very sweet. Seeing that she was about to feed a second one, he held her hand and stopped her: "One is enough, you eat."

There are less than ten red cherry fruits in this box, and they are not enough for her to eat.

Gu Jinli didn't care, he just wanted to feed it to him: "Eat together, and bring it to me when you come back next time."

Qin Sanlang smiled and nodded: "Okay, I will bring you the red cherry tree next time."

What he said was true. There were several red cherry trees in the mountain. He had told Er'an and the others to dig out two of them. One would be planted in Gu's house and the other in his yard until she gets married. In summer you can see red cherry blossoms.

"Okay." Gu Jinli also wanted to plant a few fruit trees. The red cherry trees are good, "Just two or three. Leave some for the mountains."

You must save seeds for everything in the mountains and don't dig up everything. This is a rule that the Third Grandma and the others often say. He also said that he would leave seeds for mountain treasures and save lives for the people in times of disaster.

"Yes." Qin Sanlang responded, and he and she finished eating the red cherry fruit.

Gu Jinli opened another box and saw a stack of banknotes inside: "There are so many, did Mr. Lei Wu send them?"

The fishing village will send some sea freight to Dayong for sale, and every few months Qin Sanlang will receive money from Lei Wuye.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, it's the silver from the last batch of overseas goods. You keep it. This is our family's property."

He also kept some to buy jewelry for her engagement gift.

"Okay, I will hide it." Gu Jinli happily put away the box, looked up at him and said, "I can't bear to leave it, little brother Qin."

Qin Sanlang was stunned, his heart was suddenly tugged, he retracted his long arms and hugged her tightly: "I will be back early."

Gu Jinli smiled: "I'll wait for you to come back."

She knew that Qin Sanlang was nervous about her, so she would say these words every time Qin Sanlang left her. She used these words to tell him her feelings, so that he could work on his own affairs with peace of mind when he was outside, and he would go home when he was done. She waited Looking at him.

Qin Sanlang couldn't stand her saying such intimate words to him, so he did intimate things to her, pressed her against the wall and kissed her hard.

But God was not kind to him. He had just tasted some sweetness when Mr. Qin came back. He had excellent hearing and keenly heard the sound of the front door opening. He hurriedly let go of her, making Gu Jinli laugh so hard.

Qin Sanlang was very helpless, straightened her slightly messy skirt, held her hand and said, "Let's go."

Gu Jinli suppressed a smile and followed him out of the room. He looked at the box, thought of A Ji, and asked, "Has that A Ji contacted you in private? Wrote you a letter or something?"

Gu Jinli didn't like Ning Ji. A Ji was hostile to her and was very weird, so he wanted Brother Qin to be careful about A Ji to avoid being plotted by him.

"No." Qin Sanlang knew that she hated Ah Ji and promised: "If he contacts me privately, I will tell you, don't worry."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli felt relieved and came to the front yard. After greeting Mr. Qin, the two of them sent Qin Sanlang away together.

There has been a lot going on in Tianfu County recently, and there are still cases to be handled in the Yamen, so Luo Wu also left today, but only after dark.

Gu Jinxiu went to see him off and whispered for more than a quarter of an hour. According to Xiaoji's gossip, Luo Wu hugged Gu Jinxiu and kissed him at the end.

"My servant only told my little boss about this, not even Brother Cheng. If I did, Brother Wu of the Luo family might be tripped up by Brother An."

Brother Cheng admires Gu Jinan the most and tells Gu Jinan everything, but Xiaoji thinks that Gu Jinan is a bit, um, insidious... Yes, Xiaoji just thinks that Gu Jinan is very insidious and likes to secretly punish people, so he is very afraid of him.

Gu Jinli said, "You are overthinking. The elder sister and Brother Luo Wu were the first to see the signs."

He had long been prepared for his cabbage to be taken away.

In fact, the eldest brother wanted them to get married as soon as possible, thinking that after leaving them to their respective husbands, he would be much more relaxed and just take care of Brother Cheng who has not yet grown up.

Ah, the pain of the firstborn.

"Go to bed quickly. We have to get up early to go to Songzi Village tomorrow." After Gu Jinli made the alcohol, the next step was to go to Songzi Village to see the knife. If he could make a good knife, it would be a good birthday gift for Brother Qin.

"Hey, slave girl, go back to sleep now." Xiao Ji left Gu Jinli's room and went to sleep in the next room.

The next day, after Gu Jinli finished working in the pharmaceutical workshop, he took Erqing and Xiaoji with him and took a mule cart to Songzi Village.

But before they arrived at Songzizhuang, they were stopped by the maid sent by Dou Shaodong's family.

Gu Jinli looked at the maid in front of him, frowned and asked, "Are you right? Your young master wants to see me? But about the ham? If it's about the ham, just go directly to Cousin Ping, I'm engaged , you can’t see foreign men casually.”

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