A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1089 Not a good match


"At the beginning of April, the hams had just been auctioned, and because of the Dragon Boat Festival, your Dou Shaodong family wanted to seize the Dragon Boat Festival gift business, so they bought six more hams at an extra 20% of the price. According to the rules, his five The bidding qualifications for the month have been used up. If you want to buy more ham, you will come too early in June."

Gu Jinli had many doubts about Dou Shaodong's family suddenly sending people to look for him. He always felt that Dou Shaodong's family was playing some trick.

After hearing this, the maid raised a gentle and pleasant smile and said: "Gu Xiaodong, don't worry, the meeting place is at Yanfu Building. The young master also brought Aunt Tang here, so it's not a meeting alone. And this time I'm looking for you." Gu Xiaodong’s family is here to talk to you about new drinks. My young master is very interested in your new drinks. If this business can be negotiated, the money that can be earned will be sky-high, and Gu Xiaodong’s family can also get it. A lot of money."

The young master said that Gu Xiaodong's family loves money, and using this excuse, 90% of the time he can invite her over.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli became interested... To put it bluntly, the new drink is a modern cocktail. It is made from several drinks. Both the taste and color are better than Dachu's drinks. The Dou family is an imperial merchant, and Dou Shaodong's family has been doing business in Jiangnan for a long time. They have connections in the capital and Jiangnan. By cooperating with Dou Shaodong's family, she can indeed expand the new wine business, and treat the prepared new wine as The gold liquid was sold to the hands of nobles, literati, and famous families.

Gu Jinli agreed and said to Erqing who was driving: "Let's go to Yanfu Tower first."

"Yes." Erqing said to the maid of the Dou family: "Come on, sit on the board in front of the car, and let's go together."

"Thank you, girl." The maid of the Dou family was very happy. After bowing to Erqing, she sat on the board of the front car. However, the stiff wooden board was very uncomfortable to sit on, which made the maid of the Dou family frown, but she did not complain. What? Instead, he smiled and talked to Erqing: "My slave Xiaozhi, thanks to the grace of the young master, I was given the surname Dou. May I ask what I call the girl?"

Dou Zhi, bean juice?

Gu Jinli smiled, this name is really... interesting.

Not long after, they arrived at Yanfu Tower.

However, Gu Jinli did not go directly to the private room to meet Dou Shaodong's family. Instead, he entered through the back door, went to the back house first to find Qi Kangle, and told her the matter: "Cousin Le, let's go to Dou Shaodong's family together to avoid trouble."

Dou Shaodong's family is an adult man. Even if Dou Zhi said that there was still Granny Tang around, it would be difficult for her to see him alone.

Moreover, Granny Tang and Dou Zhi were both from Dou Shaodong's family, so she would not be so stupid as to put herself in a private room with only Dou's family.

After hearing this, Qi Kangle agreed: "Okay, cousin, I'll go with you. If that guy dares to have any dirty ideas, he won't be able to do the ham business anymore."

Dou Zhi was stunned. This Gu Xiaodong was so cautious that she even found someone to accompany her... The young master's plan might have failed. If she doesn't do things well, she won't be able to escape a punishment.

Dou Zhi was a little unhappy, but she didn't dare to stop Qi Kangle. If she had stopped Qi Kangle from going, Gu Xiaodong's family would definitely not go because of their caution.

"Let's go." Gu Jinli glanced at Dou Zhi and walked to Qianpu Restaurant first.

And Dou Zhi's every move fell into her eyes, and it was already certain that Dou Shaodong's family was not just looking for her for new drinks this time.

Dou Shaodong's family was waiting for Gu Jinli in the innermost private room upstairs.

He was specially dressed up, with a white jade hairpin in the bun on his head, a red brocade robe with gold trim on his body, and boots given by the emperor on his feet. Coupled with his handsome face, he was really capable. A large number of girls were stunned.

He believed that no matter how much Gu Jinli liked Qin Baihu, he would abandon Qin Baihu after seeing such a handsome and wealthy young man.

Grandma Tang sat aside, looked at her young master, and asked: "Does the young master really fall in love with Gu Xiaodong's family? She was born in a poor family and does not have a strong natal family to rely on. Marrying her will not be of much help to the young master. "

If the young master wants to seize the Dou family, he must marry a noble girl who is powerful in the family. A peasant girl is not even worthy of being a concubine.

Dou Shaodong drank a glass of wine and said ambiguously: "Mommy, you think too much."

When Grandma Tang heard this, she didn't ask any more questions. She had been a servant all her life, and she knew the young master's temper. If the young master didn't want to tell, she would never ask for the truth.

Dou Shaodong's family was happily drinking wine while waiting for Gu Jinli. But when he saw Gu Jinli come in, he was obviously stunned. Anger rose in his heart and he said rudely: "Gu Xiaodong's family can't trust Dou." , Who do you think Dou is? He even brought a girl from the Qi family with him."

This is to guard against him.

Gu Jinli was not polite to him and replied directly: "I'm old and already engaged, so naturally I can't see my husband alone."

Then he said: "You want to talk to me about the new wine business? How do you want to talk about it? What are your plans? How about the split? Tell me."

Dou Shaodong's family was choked up: "You really don't waste any time. You start talking about business as soon as you come in."

Gu Jinli looked around the private room and found that there was only an old lady there and no one was ambushing here. He felt relieved and sat at the table and said: "Your Dou Zhi said that you came to me to talk about the new wine business." , then what’s wrong with me talking about business as soon as I come in?”

We're not familiar with each other, okay. For people we're not familiar with, we'll naturally discuss business directly. Do we need to develop a relationship with you first?

As she said this, she looked at Dou Shaodong's house and was stunned... Is this guy crazy? Dressed like this, are you here to get married?

Dou Shaodong's family choked again. This Gu Jinli was really direct and merciless. Qin Sanlang actually liked such a temper. He must be mentally ill.


Dou Shaodong's family looked at Gu Jinli's face...hiss, although he has a bad temper, he has a good-looking face. She is really a beauty. Qin Sanlang must have fallen in love with her face and was fascinated by her beauty, so he wanted to marry her. As a wife.

But is there any point in being good-looking? For people like them, naturally they have to marry a noble girl when they want to marry. This marriage is due to the power of the girl's mother's family. The Gu family's background is so poor, what's the use of marrying Gu Jinli? She can't rely on her mother's family's power at all.

If Qin Baihu is really the young marquis Qin he thinks he is, then Gu Jinli is really not qualified to marry him.

If Mr. Qin Xiaohou likes her face, he can take her as a concubine, and there is no need to marry her as his wife.

With a bang, Gu Jinli picked up the wine bottle, smashed it on the table, looked at Dou Shaodong's house, and sneered: "Does it look good? Do you want me to dig out your eyes and take them back to my house so that you can see with these eyes?" enough."

After saying that, he smashed the wine bottle with a clang sound, which frightened Granny Tang so much that her face turned pale.

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