"Miss Gu, don't be angry. My young master is here to discuss business with the girl. I don't mean any offense." Aunt Tang was afraid that Gu Jinli would smash her young master to death with a wine pot, so she hurriedly got up to apologize to Gu Jinli.

Then he looked at Dou Shaodong's house and reminded: "Master, we are already here, you should talk about business."

But what exactly is this business, Grandma Tang is not sure, so she can only remind her like this.

Qi Kangle frowned and looked at Dou Shaodong's house, and said: "Dou Shaodong's house, what your grandma said is that if you have anything to do, just tell her as soon as possible. Don't waste time. Cousin Xiaoyu has to go to Songzi Village and doesn't have much time to stay here."

Dou Shaodong's family was a little angry. Although he admired Gu Jinli's business ability, he hated that Gu Jinli wanted to marry Qin Baihu.

Since the first time he came to buy ham and caught a glimpse of that figure, he felt that the figure was somewhat similar to Qin Xiaohou. Although they were just similar, Qin Xiaohou had helped him and was a life-saving benefactor to him. If Qin Xiaohou He is still alive, so he must find him and avenge him.

Therefore, Dou Shaodong's family began to trace the similarities between Qin Sanlang and Qin Xiaohou, but the result was that their life trajectories were completely different, with no similarities at all.

One is the youngest son of a noble family, and the other is the son of a soldier from the northwest. Due to drought, he followed his grandfather to flee the famine and came to He'an Mansion as a poor boy.

But even so, Dou Shaodong's family still suspected that Qin Sanlang might be Qin Xiaohou, especially after he planned to meet Qin Sanlang several times but missed it in the end.

It was obviously planned that he would definitely meet Qin Sanlang, but he never saw him. It could be said that it was an accident the first time, but he still missed it the second and third time, which was very wrong.

Obviously, Qin Sanlang was deliberately avoiding him.

Why are you avoiding him on purpose? There is only one possibility, that is, he was afraid that he would discover his true identity and did not dare to meet him, so he avoided it.

But is Dou Ke that kind of person?

He, Dou Ke, must repay his kindness. If he discovers his identity, he will only help him get revenge and will not harm him.

Just when Dou Shaodong's family was thinking about how to meet Qin Sanlang and confirm whether he was Qin Xiaohou, they suddenly received news that Qin Sanlang was engaged to Gu Jinli.

Although the engagement ceremony has not yet been held, there is a letter of engagement. According to criminal law, the two are already a truly unmarried couple.

Dou Shaodong's family was stunned. Qin Xiaohou, the most favored youngest son of the Qin family, was going to marry a peasant girl!

God, are you crazy? How can you give Qin Xiaohou a village girl? If he marries a peasant girl, will the Qin family still be avenged?

How can we take revenge without the powerful wife clan? Relying on face? What's the use of having a pretty face? !

So after the Dou Shaodong family became furious, they decided to sacrifice themselves. They dressed themselves up to be handsome and noble, hoping to seduce Gu Jinli and let Mr. Qin Xiaohou see Gu Jinli's true face, break off the engagement with her immediately, and then marry a girl with a good background , relying on the help of his wife and family to avenge the Qin family.

Although the Qin family was defeated, the Marquis of Qin and the eldest son of Qin were extremely capable people. When they were alive, they had many close friends of life and death. Now that the Emperor of Chu is committing suicide everywhere, those close friends of life and death should be like that. Several families are willing to marry their daughters to Mr. Qin Xiaohou.

Dou Shaodong's family was very grateful to Mr. Qin Xiaohou and didn't want him to marry a useless village girl, so this happened.

But Gu Jinli didn't seem to see how handsome he was. He started talking to him about the new drink business as soon as he arrived, and he even dared to smash the wine bottle at him, you shrew!

However, Dou Shaodong's family did not give up. He sat upright, pretending to be a noble man, looked at Gu Jinli with "affectionate" eyes, and said softly and affectionately: "Miss Gu, I fell in love with you at first sight..."

"Er Qing, where's my knife? Bring it here!" Gu Jinli's face darkened, he interrupted Dou Shaodong's words and stretched out his hand directly to Er Qing next to him.

When Xiaoji saw this, he hurriedly stepped back. It's over, it's over, you wish Dou Shaodong's family good luck.

"Here it is, little boss." Erqing immediately took off the baggage on his back, took out a long knife, and handed it to Gu Jinli.

With a sound, Gu Jinli quickly drew the knife, holding the knife with both hands, and struck directly at Dou Shaodong's handsome face!


The broadsword split the Taishi chair where Dou Shaodong was sitting in two halves.

Dou Shaodong's family rolled to the ground and narrowly escaped death.

He was so frightened that he almost peed. He looked up at Gu Jinli, pointed at her with trembling hands and said, "You, you actually want to kill me!"

This shrew actually wants to kill him!

Didn't he just want to seduce her? As for drawing a knife and killing someone?

Gu Jinli sneered and replied: "Yes, I just want to kill you, so just accept your death."

As he spoke, he raised the sword again and slashed towards Dou Shaodong's house on the ground.

There was a whoosh, the sound of breaking wind, and a click, and a big knife came, cutting a hole in the floor.

Dou Shaodong was almost frightened out of his mind. He used the fastest escape technique he had ever learned in his life, and only escaped two killing moves. However, he really did not have the strength to dodge the third time, so he hurriedly shouted: "Spare your life!" "

If I lose, I will kneel down to you, right?

"Miss Gu, please spare your life. I didn't mean it. I was wrong. I shouldn't have spoken disrespectful words. Please forgive me, Miss Gu, because this is my first offender." Dou Shaodong's family was about to cry. It was so scary. Oh, how could there be such a woman in the world who would kill someone with a knife if she disagreed with her?

Are you still a girl? Why are you not gentle at all? You are a bitch, a dominatrix, a female bully!

After Dou Shaodong's family experienced these two blows, he cast a shadow on the girl's family, fearing that the wife he would marry in the future would be this kind of tigress who likes to kill people.

Qi Kangle, Granny Tang, and Dou Zhi were all stunned and looked at Gu Jinli in horror.

Granny Tang and Dou Zhi hurriedly knelt down and blocked Dou Shaodong's house with their bodies. They looked at Gu Jinli and begged: "Miss Gu, please calm down. My young master didn't mean it. His temper is like this. He likes to make jokes. He knows It’s wrong, please spare him.”

Grandma Tang was extremely scared. She was very worried that her young master would really be killed by Gu Jinli... In this rural place, the folk customs were fierce. If the locals killed an outsider, they would just throw the body into the mountains. Not even the bones can be found. I don’t know how many merchants have died like this throughout the ages.

Dou Zhi didn't think so much. She just protected Dou Shaodong's family dutifully. She knew that if Dou Shaodong's family died, all of them, including the father, mother and brothers in the family, would be buried with the young master.

In order to save her family from death, she could only protect her master with all her strength.

Gu Jinli sneered: "Oh, you know you're afraid? Then you still dare to act like a hooligan!"

If she wants to die so much, can she, a kind and lovely girl, be able to fulfill her wish?

Qi Kangle had already reacted and was very angry. He said to Dou Shaodong's family: "Dou Shaodong's family, since you are so disrespectful, then stop our business and leave."

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