A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1094 It’s impossible not to fight

"It's good that you know." Gu Jinli said again: "Remember, don't let trouble come to me, I hate trouble. If you can't defeat those powerful people, our cooperation will be terminated, and I will directly give you the wine recipe. The Zheng family and the Shangguan family, cooperate with them."

She cooperated with Dou Shaodong's family because she didn't want to lose all her wealth to the Zheng family and Shangguan family. She had already cooperated with them in the soy sauce business, and it would not be appropriate to cooperate with them in the bartending business.

But if Dou Shaodong's family can't deal with the powerful people in the capital, then in order to avoid trouble, she can only cooperate with the Zheng family and Shangguan family.

Dou Shaodong's family was very depressed. He felt that he was just a waiter being picked out by his boss to teach him how to work. However, Gu Jinli's suggestions were all useful and he could not refute them.

Gu Jinli looked at Dou Shaodong's depressed face, pointed at the private room, and said something that made him even more depressed: "Remember to apologize, this private room was chopped down because of you."

Dou Shaodong's family finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "You obviously cut it yourself, why should I pay for it?!"

Is there any sense of justice left? Are you addicted to blackmailing him for compensation?

Gu Jinli pretended not to hear, and only said to Qi Kangle: "Cousin, please remember to collect cash. I'll leave first."

I still have to go to Songzi Village.

Qi Kangle suppressed a smile and nodded: "Sure, go ahead. My cousin won't let the restaurant suffer any losses."

Then he looked at Dou Shaodong's house and said with a smile: "Dou Shaodong's house, do you want some ham?"

Dou Shaodong's family was choked. Damn it, they were all a bunch of shrews. They were trying to get hold of him one by one, so that he could only obediently pay for compensation.

Seeing that Dou Shaodong's family had lost money, Gu Jinli happily left with Xiaoji and Erqing, riding a mule cart to Songzi Village.

In the Songzi Village, the green shade is like a waterfall. The medicinal materials planted in the village are growing just right. The three fruits of peach, plum and plum are at the right time. The Xiong, Ma and Mei families who have finished their spring plowing are picking fruits under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Mi. , ready to be used to make fruit wine or fruit vinegar.

"Grandpa Mi, Grandma Mi." Gu Jinli raised the car curtain and shouted towards the two elders.

Mr. and Mrs. Mi were very happy when they heard her voice. They trotted over and said to Gu Jinli anxiously: "Don't run, don't run. I will be coming to Zhuangzi in the next few days. You have plenty of time to talk to me."

But not overnight.

Mrs. Cui said that she was a grown up girl and was engaged. She could not stay out overnight, otherwise she would be criticized. She could not be too willful and should think about Qin Sanlang.

Gu Jinli loved Brother Qin very much, so he promised Cui that he would go home before evening.

"That's good. I've been to Fucheng for such a long time, little master. We haven't seen you for a long time." Mrs. Mi handed a handful of fresh plums to Gu Jinli: "Let's try it, little master. This year's plums are good and not sour. , it’s delicious.”

Mrs. Mi's face is rosy and she looks much healthier than three years ago. It can be seen that her life in Songzi Village is very comfortable.

Gu Jinli took it with a smile, ate a plum, and said with a smile, "It's really sweet."

Then he handed the fruit to Xiaoji and told Mrs. Mi and the others: "It's May and the sun is shining brightly. You can rest for a while at noon before going out to pick the fruit."

Then he handed them another bag and said, "In it are Qushu pills and convenient medicines for nourishing yin and reducing fire. Take them and share them with everyone to avoid heatstroke."

Mrs. Mi was very happy. The little boss treated them like their elders, and she said thoughtfully: "Okay, little boss, don't worry, we won't get heatstroke."

After that, he told Gu Jinli some things about Zhuangzi.

Old Man Mi couldn't stand it any longer, so he interrupted Old Woman Mi: "Okay, you old lady, the older you get, the more verbose you become. My little boss comes to Zhuangzi to work. Don't delay my work. Let me come in quickly." Zhuangzi."

After hearing this, Old Lady Mi said: "Look at me, I haven't seen my little boss for a long time, and I can't stop talking when I see him. Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, little boss, let's go to Zhuangzi first."

Then he said to Xiao Ji: "Little Ji, I will make some stir-fried chicken for you at noon. I will fry the mushrooms for you and keep you happy."

Xiao Ji is lively and laughs, and is very popular with the old lady. Mrs. Mi, the third grandma, and Lao Yan all like her very much. They know that she loves to eat, so they often stuff her with some food.

Xiaoji almost drooled when he heard this, and said hurriedly: "Thank you, Grandma Mi. Grandma Mi, remember to add some spicy food. The stir-fried chicken needs to be spicy to make it delicious."

"Okay, I'll add it for you. I'll make sure you enjoy it." Mrs. Mi gave Xiaoji two more peaches: "Eat them with my little boss."

"Hey." Xiaoji was so happy that her eyes were filled with laughter. It's good to come to Songzi Village. There are endless good things to eat. If she stayed in the pharmaceutical workshop, Aunt Tao would only take care of her, even if she eats. If the voice is louder, I will be scolded, which is terrible.

"Let's go, let's go." Old Man Mi couldn't stand it anymore, so he pulled Mrs. Mi away. Mrs. Mi turned to Gu Jinli and shouted: "My little boss, there are fresh bamboo shoots in the village, I'll cook them for you at noon. "

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "Okay."

After saying that, he asked Erqing to drive the mule cart into Zhuangzi's courtyard and returned to his own yard.

After she drank some water, she began to write a letter to Qin Sanlang, telling him what Dou Shaodong's family had done today and seeing what he wanted to do. Should he recognize Dou Shaodong's family?

"Er Qing, send someone to deliver this letter to Brother Qin and ask him to burn it after reading it." Gu Jinli explained.

"Hey, slave, take your orders." Erqing took the letter and left quickly, giving the letter to Si'an, who asked Si'an to send the letter to Qin Sanlang.

When Qin Sanlang received the letter, it was already dawn the next day, and he was on his way to the Fucheng garrison camp.

After reading the letter, he burned it and used the pen and ink he carried with him to write a letter to Gu Jinli, telling Gu Jinli what he thought and that he would take revenge on her.

Dou Ke is seriously looking for a fight, Xiao Yu is his woman, Dou Ke actually dares to look down on her background, and wants to hook up with Xiao Yu and ruin his marriage!

Do you know that he has been begging for this daughter-in-law for several years? If Dou Ke dares to destroy her, he will be beaten severely!

"Send the letter to Xiaoyu." Qin Sanlang told Si'an and asked some questions about Gu Jinli. When he learned that Dou Shaodong's family was chased and hacked by her with a knife, he laughed out loud: "My Xiaoyu Still so cute."

Si'an was speechless. He stabbed someone with a knife. Isn't this cute or cruel?

But Si'an didn't dare to say it. He was already accustomed to his master's behavior... The master would only see the good things in the little master. No matter what the little master did, the master would think that he was cute, kind, and beautiful, and that he was so biased that it was unreasonable. .

"Yes, I obey." Si'an took the letter and quickly disappeared into the night.

Qin Sanlang asked the soldiers on guard to beat the gongs.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The shrill sound of the gong rang, waking up the sleeping soldiers.

Qin Sanlang had already got on his horse and shouted towards them: "Gather immediately and set off in half a quarter of an hour. Those who lag behind will be beaten with thirty army sticks!"

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