Zhong Yu is about to explode, Thirty Army Sticks, Thirty Army Sticks again, Mr. Qin, are you in conflict with Thirty Army Sticks? Do you really want to beat them?

But Zhong Yu didn't dare to resist. He had been severely punished by Qin Sanlang in the past two days, and he was already a shadow. He was afraid that if he lagged behind, Qin Sanlang would throw him into a pit and bury him for another hour.

That's right, just yesterday, he was dug and buried by Qin Sanlang. The reason was that he was dissatisfied with the army's departure and Qin Sanlang had not returned yet. He used his status as the commander-in-chief to suppress Zhang Xiaoqi and stopped the soldiers from setting off, demanding that Qin Sanlang Give me an explanation.

Qin Sanlang did not give him an explanation, but used the excuse of disobedience to have someone dig a hole and bury him. Only his head was left outside, exposed to the sun for an hour. Fortunately, it was morning and the sun wasn't very bright yet, otherwise he would have suffered from heatstroke.

Zhong Yu was wilted from the sun and was frightened by a few disgusting earthworms when he was dug out. He had no energy to question Qin Sanlang anymore and hurriedly followed Zhang Zhong and others to Fucheng.

I thought that after arriving at the Fucheng garrison camp, I would immediately complain to General Guo and kill Qin Sanlang!

Qin Sanlang has already seen through his mind, can he file a complaint? It remains to be seen who will sue whom.

Half a quarter of an hour later, all the soldiers were assembled. Qin Sanlang gave the order and led the soldiers towards Fucheng.

Zhong Yu saw him riding on a horse with a majestic appearance, so he scolded him again, "Insidious Qin Sanlang, shameless thing, let them run, but he is riding a horse. If you have the guts, get off your horse and follow us." Let's run together?

He was scolding Qin Sanlang fiercely in his heart. By the time he arrived at the Fucheng garrison camp, he had already scolded Qin Sanlang's tenth generation descendant.

"Sanlang, you're back. General Guo is talking about you. Hurry up and hand over the matter to see General Guo." Vice General Lan came over with two soldiers and put his arm on Sanlang Qin's shoulders. It's just that Qin Sanlang is a head taller than him, so it's a bit difficult for him to hold his shoulders.

"That boy Zhong Yu is looking for trouble for you again. You're a little harsh this time." When Lieutenant General Lan saw that Zhong Yu's horse was gone and he was walking on foot, he knew that Zhong Yu was in conflict with Qin Sanlang again, and he was After losing, he was punished by Qin Sanlang and couldn't even ride a horse.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, he disobeyed orders in battle and let Xiaoyouzi run away. Although he was captured, disobedience cannot go unpunished."

If Zhong Yu wants to make some achievements in the army, he must first learn to obey orders. Ignoring military orders means ignoring the lives of all his comrades.

Lieutenant General Lan was shocked after hearing this: "What are you talking about? Zhong Yu, that kid, disobeyed orders in battle. How stupid is he to be like this?!"

Oh my god, it's a blessing that this is a bandit suppression campaign. If we had disobeyed orders on the battlefield, our whole family would have been executed.

"No, this matter can't wait. You two come with me quickly to see General Guo." Vice General Lan said, calling Zhong Yu: "Mr. Zhong, come here to see General Guo."

Zhong Yu was about to go to General Guo to complain. When he heard this, he immediately ran over and said, "Yes."

When facing Vice General Lan, he was very respectful.

Lieutenant General Lan looked at his somewhat happy expression and felt a headache. Can this guy just be a good boy at home and not harm soldiers like them?

It's really tiring to take you with me.

Lieutenant General Lan was upset when he saw Zhong Yu and was too lazy to talk to him. He took him and Qin Sanlang to see General Guo and asked General Guo to teach him a lesson.

Zhong Yu's father and brother gave General Guo a lot of money, so that General Guo could have money to replace the weapons of the soldiers. Therefore, General Guo has always been kind to Zhong Yu, and Zhong Yu also felt that General Guo was his uncle. In front of him It’s about speaking freely.

He directly pointed at Qin Sanlang and complained: "General Guo, Qin Sanlang is a pioneer in suppressing bandits, but he ignored military orders because of personal matters. When the army was leaving camp, he was still at home to attend the engagement ceremony of his future brother-in-law. Such people who neglect public affairs for personal reasons , is not worthy of the position of Hundred Households, please general Guo, in accordance with military discipline, take away the position of Hundred Households from Qin Sanlang, and beat him with thirty military sticks to make him remember the lesson."

Humph, haven't you always wanted to hit me with a military stick? I will let you taste the taste of thirty military sticks first!

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang didn't even look at Zhong Yu. He still stood upright, like a tall and straight pine on the cliff, very majestic.

General Guo had a headache. He looked at Zhong Yu, who looked upright and solemn, and reminded him: "Is this really true? Why don't you think about it before you say it."

Otherwise, you will be the one who suffers when the time comes.

Zhong Yu was stunned and looked at General Guo with a sad expression on his face: "General Guo, my subordinates know that you love talents and think that Qin Sanlang is a good prospect, but he did make a mistake this time. You can no longer favor him!"

Zhong Yu felt that the whole camp was completely dark, and he was the only one who dared to face the darkness and punish Qin Sanlang.

General Guo was helpless and said to him: "Qin Baihu went to attend Luo Wu's wedding ceremony. He asked me for permission. I promised him that if the suppression of the bandits went smoothly, he would give me money when he passed by Tianfu County. Let him take a day off to attend Luo Wu’s engagement ceremony.”

After all, he is his future brother-in-law, and they came together to escape from poverty. They have a good relationship, so Qin Sanlang has no choice but to give Luo Wu this face.

"What?" Zhong Yu was stunned, with a look of being struck by lightning: "Do you know that Qin Sanlang went to attend the engagement ceremony?!"

Didn't you deliberately lie to Qin Sanlang in order to favor him?

General Guo nodded: "Yes, the general knew about this. In order to avoid misunderstanding, Saburo even handed over a paper note."

General Guo knew that Zhong Yu had a deep misunderstanding of Qin Sanlang, and was very dissatisfied that a hundred households in a county military station could have such prestige in the Fucheng garrison camp. He targeted Qin Sanlang everywhere, trying to find out what was wrong with him. .

"Take it and take a look." General Guo handed Qin Sanlang's leave note to Zhong Yu. Zhong Yu was confused and went to take the leave note with hasty steps. When he saw that the date on it was before and after the bandit suppression, he was completely speechless.

"Zhong Zongqi, you misunderstood Qin Baihu about this. Please apologize quickly." General Guo was quite tolerant of Zhong Yu and did not beat him. He only asked him to apologize to Qin Sanlang.

Lieutenant General Lan couldn't stand it anymore and said to Zhong Yu, who was in a daze: "Zhong Yu, you always say that General Guo favors Saburo, but haven't you yourself been favored? Such a big thing as slandering a colleague would have been done long ago by someone else. I was dragged and beaten. Now I just ask you to apologize and you are still dawdling, are you a man? Do you have the guts or not?!"

Zhong Yu's face was very confused. He was just delayed for a while because of shock and did not immediately apologize to Qin Sanlang. It was not intentional.

"Qin Baihu, it was Zhong who misunderstood you this time. Please forgive me." Zhong Yu came to Qin Sanlang and apologized to him. He was still a man. He turned to General Guo and said, "General, I am willing to accept the punishment of thirty military sticks."

For slandering a comrade, the heaviest penalty would be thirty military sticks if no big trouble was caused. Zhong Yu had imposed the heaviest punishment.


"Do you think this is enough? What do you think about your disobedience?" Lieutenant General Lan asked bluntly.

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