Magistrate Zheng was speechless: "You woman, you can't even use your brain to tell a lie, you just pick up what's available. You lied like this when Gao Hongshi was drugged, you are Gao Huangshi's My dear daughter-in-law, can she drug you and cut off her son's incest?"

Chang Taohua was stunned and cried again: "Sir, Gao Lao Er has four girls who have intercourse with each other, and he also has two widows outside. There is no shortage of women to bear children for him. That's why Gao Huang used drugs to intimidate the people. Women, women of the people are really..."

"Okay, the evidence of the crime is conclusive, no need to say more." Magistrate Zheng said impatiently: "Gag her mouth, and then let them hold her in custody."

"Sir, please don't do it. Women are forced to do so!" Chang Taohua cried, but before she could even scream twice, the officer silenced her, pressed her fingerprints, and dragged her to the women's cell to lock her up.

Gao Wu also wanted to cry out for injustice, but the officer quickly blocked her mouth. She couldn't even cry out. She was forced to plead guilty and was taken to the cell.

Gao Hong was able to avoid jail because of his father and brother's meritorious service. However, if he wanted to be truly freed from his crime, he had to wait until the Fucheng Yamen approved it.

Gao Hong was just an accomplice. As long as the Fucheng Yamen agreed, he could be released without approval from the Dali Temple in the capital.

Only major cases such as murder, robbery, corruption, and rebellion will be approved by Dali Temple.

"Sister Ye, don't be sad. The old godly woman must have lied to you about the unfavorable thing. Dad will ask a good doctor to take a look at you." Uncle Hong looked at his daughter and felt extremely distressed. It was because my girl was good-looking and simple-minded that she was deceived by Gao Laosi.

Jiang Xiaoqi saw this and begged: "Sir, Doctor Zhou is still in the execution room, why not let him come and show Gao Hongshi."

Convenient, fast and save money.

Magistrate Zheng was very happy when he got the three jars of gold from the Gao family. He nodded in agreement: "Sure, let Dr. Zhou come and show it to Gao Hong."

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!" Uncle Hong burst into tears of gratitude and waited anxiously for Dr. Zhou.

Not long after, Jiang Xiaoqi brought Dr. Zhou, and after feeling Hong Ye's pulse in person, he said sadly: "It is true that he was given the tiger and wolf medicine, and it should have been given during the confinement period. There is little chance of cure. "

"Doctor Zhou, please help me to treat my sister Ye! She is still so young and has decades to live. She will have to get married in the future. She has to give birth." Uncle Hong cried and begged Dr. Zhou: "Don't worry, Dr. Zhou, you can prescribe medicine, but my family will definitely give you enough money and we will never default on it."

Doctor Zhou was very embarrassed: "How can ordinary people afford to treat such a serious disease that requires long-term medication? Your daughter has also given birth, and it will be better to have a baby by your side. Don't waste the family's money."

Nowadays, taxes are so heavy and money has to be spent on life-saving things. Let’s put aside the matter of having children first.

"Dad, there is no need for treatment. My daughter is fine." Hong Ye has not been pregnant for many years and has already suspected that she will not be able to have another baby. She doesn't care. She feels more relaxed if she doesn't give birth to a child for the Gao family: "My daughter is open...if in the future When you marry, marry someone who has a son, don’t choose a daughter.”

Hong Ye didn't want to remarry, but her father was old and couldn't protect her forever, and her brother was married again, so it was impossible to support her all the time. In order to no longer drag her father and brother down, remarrying was her best way out.

"Dad, my daughter is begging you to die, okay? My daughter doesn't want to cause any more trouble to the family."

After hearing this, Mr. Hong burst into tears. He looked at his son and thought of the current taxes and other grandchildren in the family. He could only agree with tears: "Okay, it's not cured. Don't worry, dad will definitely find a good home for you." I won’t let you suffer anymore.”

"Okay, my daughter believes in her father." Hong Ye smiled and wanted to ask his son for news about Brother Liang, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Hong Wen grabbed his sleeve. Hong Ye was smart and didn't ask any more questions.

Magistrate Zheng and the others did not wait long and told Uncle Hong: "Keep an eye on Gao Hong. She is not allowed to leave the house without permission before the approval from the Fucheng Yamen arrives."

After saying that, he took the big guys back to the back office and continued to be busy with taxes.

"Master Hundred Households, a group of people have come outside. The leaders are two old men, named Zhou and Lin. They say they are your fellow villagers. They escaped from the famine together and they are clamoring to see you." Zhang Zhong came to Houya in person to find him. Qin Sanlang tactfully told him about the outside affairs.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang already knew who the visitor was, and said to Jiang Qi and Magistrate Zheng who were looking over: "It's Mr. Zhou Laolin from Xializi Village, Niugou Town. He must be here to intercede for Zhou Lao Er. You two Sir, there is no need to worry, I will send them away now."

"Go." After hearing this, Magistrate Zheng and Jiang Qi were relieved and continued to be busy with taxes and appeasing the people.

"My son was brought to the Gao family as a guest by Li Kuihu. Who would have thought that the Gao family was so innocent that they actually committed a crime. But my son did not do any evil. He was innocent and was implicated. He should not be taken to the Yamen." Mr. Zhou said in the Yamen. He was crying and shouting, trying his best to say that Zhou Laoer had not committed any crime and was mistakenly arrested by the government officials.


Qin Sanlang's long knife struck the big drum at the entrance of the yamen, interrupting Mr. Zhou's cry.

"Qin Baihu, this is the Qin Baihu you are looking for." The villagers who were still kneeling tenaciously at the yamen door kindly reminded Mr. Zhou, but when reminded, they took a few steps back. They didn't want to was affected by Qin Baihu's anger.

Look how dark Qin Baihu's handsome face is? I'm afraid I'm going to need a knife.

Elder Lin and Elder Zhou turned around and looked at Qin Sanlang. Seeing that his face was cold and solemn, his eyes were murderous, and his whole body was shrouded in evil aura, he was so frightened that he quickly backed away.

Mr. Zhou calmed down and cried: "Young man from the Qin family? Oh, Sanlang, you have to save your Uncle Zhou."

"Shut up." Qin Sanlang said coldly, his voice was not loud, but his momentum was so strong that Mr. Zhou was so scared that he choked.

Uh, why is this boy from the Qin family so vicious?

"Before you came to the county government, did you go to the Gu family in Dafeng Village?" Qin Sanlang asked.

Mr. Zhou looked at Qin Sanlang's appearance and did not dare to answer.

Mr. Lin said: "We have been there. Mr. Zhou wanted to ask the Gu family for help, but we were unable to enter the village. We were kicked out. The Zhou family had no choice but to come to the county government to look for you."

He added: "The old man didn't come here to help the Zhou family, but because he was afraid that the Zhou family would do something bad again."

"Brother Lin, you are so cold-hearted. When you saw something happened to my second son, you cut ties with my family." Mr. Zhou was so angry that he wanted to hit someone. The man named Lin disrespected him less and less. In the past, Lin The old man listened to him very much.

"Have you been there? Then there is nothing to say." Qin Sanlang moved his hand behind his back: "Zhou Laoer has violated the criminal law. The Zhou family should be arrested together. Catch them and throw them into prison!"

Don't you want to see Zhou Laoer? He makes it happen.

"Yes!" Zhang Zhong led the soldiers from the military post, Luo Wu and the government officials rushed towards the Zhou family in a swarm, and gave away the crying Mr. Zhou, Zhou Lao, Zhou Lao'er's daughter-in-law, and the innocent Zhou Dalang. Caught.

"The Yamen originally wanted to let you go, but you came here anyway, so we can't blame us." Luo Wu had long disliked the Zhou family and arrested them, which was exactly what he wanted.

However, Qin Sanlang didn't really want to punish the Zhou family, he just wanted to teach them a lesson and stop them from making trouble again.

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