Mr. Zhou originally cried out to the villagers at the yamen gate, but when he saw that he was arrested, he immediately turned into a quail with fear.

Zhou Lang and Zhou Hu were both bullies and afraid of the strong. They were so frightened that they cried and said tremblingly: "Spare, spare my life... we don't dare anymore, we don't dare anymore."

Only Zhou Dalang calmed down after the panic, looked at Qin Sanlang and Luo Wu, said nothing, and allowed the government officials to escort him to the cell.

Bang bang bang, Zhou Lao, Zhou Dalang, and Zhou Lang were thrown into a dirty, smelly cell full of lice and rats, while Mrs. Zhou Hu was thrown into the women's cell.

Although Zhou Hu is not a good person, reputation can kill people. If Zhou Hu and Zhou Laoguan are put together, Zhou Hu will be drowned in saliva in just one night.

"Be honest, if you dare to make trouble again, you will be punished with an additional penalty!" Luo Wu warned them, turning his eyes to Mr. Zhou: "Especially you, Qin Gu, Luotian and others have already given you enough face, if you still want to rely on your old man to trick others, , you can’t afford the consequences!”

Mr. Zhou trembled all over after hearing this, why is this boy from the Luo family so fierce?

OK, OK, every one of them will forget about the kindness of his fellow villagers when they become successful. Seeing that his family is in trouble, everyone will look down on him. Wait, the old man will definitely give you guys...

But what can he do to Qin Guluotian's family?

Mr. Zhou knew that based on the family's current wealth and the prospects of his children, his Zhou family would never be able to bully them in their lifetime, and could only flatter the Qin Gu Luotian family.

Mr. Zhou cried, crying very sadly: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Why is my Zhou family’s fortune so bad? They all came here to escape famine, and everyone else has become rich and became an official. Why does my family have to live so hard?" !”

Xiao Tang Yamen couldn't stand listening anymore and scolded: "Old man, what are you suffering from? Don't think that we don't know the details of your family. Just by giving away your granddaughter, your family's life is much better than that of the Lin family."

The Lin family was clearing up wasteland and farming, and all the food was stolen overnight. Because the Zhou family had Li Kuihu's support, they could also steal the Lin family's food, so their life was not too comfortable.

The Zhou family just knows how to be poor.

Mr. Zhou was so angry that he heard what Xiao Tang Yamen said, but he didn't dare to talk back.

Zhou Lang was young and energetic, and shouted: "You are a bitch, you know how to bully us, let us out quickly, or I want you to look good!"

"Hey, you want me to look good? Come on, come on, I'll give you some color first." Xiaotang Yamen glanced at Luo Wu, and after seeing him nodding, he immediately rushed into the cell with two Yamen officers and put him in the cell. Zhou Lang was dragged out: "Let's go to the execution room, I will help you stretch your muscles!"

"Xing, torture room!" Zhou Lang turned pale with fright, and hurriedly called Mr. Zhou: "Grandpa, save me, save me."

With a bang, Xiao Tang Yamen slapped Zhou Lang and cursed: "What the hell, your grandpa is locked up, can he still save you?"

As he said this, he dragged Zhou Lang to the torture room. Not long after, Zhou Lang's screams came from the torture room next door.

Ah, yes, it is as miserable as it is.

Mr. Zhou was trembling, his face was pale, he was sweating coldly, and he looked like he was about to faint.

Luo Wu sneered and said: "Are you afraid? If you are afraid, just be honest. If you dare to make trouble again, you will be the next one to be dragged to the torture chamber!"

Mr. Zhou had been scared to death for a long time. He couldn't hold on after hearing these words. He rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Grandpa, Grandpa!" Zhou Dalang hurriedly rushed over and pinched Mr. Zhou's body. He finally woke up Mr. Zhou, but Mr. Zhou's whole body became weak and he screamed in his throat. He looked completely helpless. The appearance of returning to the soul.

Zhou Dalang was anxious and begged Luo Wu: "Leader Luo, I know grandpa and the others are not doing the right thing, but for the sake of his old age, can you please invite Dr. Zhou to come and see him? I, I can't Watch him die in prison."

As he spoke, he kowtowed to Luo Wu.

Luo Wu knew that Qin Sanlang only wanted to scare the Zhou family, not to kill the Zhou family. Seeing that Zhou Dalang was a decent person, Luo Wu nodded and agreed: "Wait."

Not long after, Dr. Zhou was brought.

Doctor Zhou was very helpless. He was a famous doctor in the county, but he had been hanging around the Yamen these days, but he had a good impression of the Yamen because of this.

Mr. Zheng is worthy of being from an aristocratic family, and he works very by the rules. He is afraid that the villagers who kneel at the yamen gate for taxes will faint or starve to death, so he is invited to sit in charge. Once a villager faints, he will treat it and return it to the villagers in one day. They distributed a meal, which caused some poor people to come here just to eat and drink after hearing the news.

"It's nothing serious. I'm just scared. Just take good care of him." After taking Mr. Zhou's pulse, Dr. Zhou gave him a few injections. Then he thought that Mr. Zhou was a troublemaker, so he added: "Although this time It's okay, but after all, I'm getting older, so remember not to make a fuss or be too sad or happy, otherwise you will definitely have a stroke and be paralyzed, and you will have to lie in bed from now on."

"What? Doctor, are you serious?" Mr. Zhou was afraid of death. He immediately started to tremble, and asked Doctor Zhou's hand.

Doctor Zhou nodded: "Well, you are old and have escaped the famine. Your body is in short supply, so you have to take a good rest. Otherwise, you will easily become paralyzed, or even unable to breathe. Just go there."

Mr. Zhou cried: "Doctor, doctor, please give me some good medicine to take good care of. My grandson hasn't gotten married yet, and I haven't been able to see my great-grandson yet. We can't just do this." went."

Luo Wu's expression changed when he heard this. He was so afraid of death. Just be afraid of death.

Doctor Zhou said: "You want to prescribe medicine? Medicine is not cheap. Just rest."

See what your grandchildren are wearing? Coarse linen clothes. The material of the clothes can peel off a layer of the skin of the person. If you still need to take good medicine, you may not want to drag the whole family to death.

Mr. Zhou said as if he was grasping at straws: "Okay, doctor, just prescribe good medicine, my family can afford the money!"

"What medicine should you prescribe? Don't you think it's enough to harm your own children and grandchildren?" Luo Wu interrupted Mr. Zhou: "If you are a selfish person and dare to behave like a monster again, I will immediately have you escorted to the execution chamber for torture."

This this?

Mr. Zhou panicked and wiped his tears and said, "Isn't it okay even if I want to live?"

"Let's do this. I'll prescribe you a few doses of cheap and effective medicine. You can take it for a month and rest. Remember not to get angry, otherwise it will be useless no matter how good the medicine you take." Dr. Zhou saw that Mr. Zhou was a Selfishly, if he didn't prescribe medicine for him, he would probably go to another drug store to buy expensive medicine, which would still harm Zhou Dalang.

"Hey, thank you, doctor." Mr. Zhou was so happy that he didn't care about Zhou Lang's screams of being tortured. He watched Doctor Zhou prescribe the medicine and took the prescription solemnly.

Luo Wu simply couldn't bear to see it, and decided to lock up Mr. Zhou for a longer period of time, and beat him the next day to make him suffer enough in prison before releasing him.

However, Zhou Lao was not frightened as Luo Wu imagined. After Zhou Lang was dragged back covered in blood, he fainted again. When he woke up, he cried: "It's wrong. The old man knows it's wrong. Please Please beg Mr. Luo to let us go. I will never dare to make trouble again or plot against your family."

Unfortunately, Luo Wu ignored him and turned around and left.

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