Outside the Yamen, Mr. Lin kept apologizing to Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang still had a lot of things to be busy with, so he didn't have time to listen to what he said. He just said, "Mr. Zhou, please go back first. Mr. Zhou and the others will be able to go back in a while."

Luo Wu came out and said to Qin Sanlang: "I beat Zhou Lang so hard that Mr. Zhou fainted when he saw it. He looked frightened."

Qin Sanlang nodded when he heard this and looked at Mr. Lin: "Don't worry, when the Zhou family comes back, they will definitely be reborn."

If he doesn't straighten them out, his surname will no longer be Qin.

"Hey, Sanlang, Brother Wu, thank you very much." Mr. Lin was very happy. If the Zhou family could change for the better, he would really be thankful to God. After all, they were escaping together, so they were companions after all.

Then he asked: "Can Zhou Laoer and Li Kuihu be released?"

Qin Sanlang: "No, the evidence of the two's guilt is conclusive. This life is over."

Zhou Laoer followed Li Kuihu because of his daughter. In the past few years, he had secretly helped Li Kuihu with some small cases. This time he was arrested at the Gao family again, and was involved in spreading rumors in an attempt to bring trouble to Niugou Town. , must be sentenced.

After hearing this, Mr. Lin had a sad look on his face, and finally he could only shake his head, sighed and left.

Just as he left the county gate, he was stopped by Li Kuihu's wife and son: "Mr. Lin, how is my man? Will he be released soon?"

When Mr. Lin saw Li Qian's mother and son, he frowned. Then he looked at Miss Zhou behind her, who was barefoot, thin and haggard, with two slap marks on her face. Her eyes turned red. This child also had a hard life. .

"Grandpa Lin." Miss Zhou held her son's hand and greeted Mr. Lin. Her feet moved, obviously because she felt embarrassed because she had no shoes to wear.

"Grandpa Lin." Ms. Zhou's son calls Mr. Lin. He likes Mr. Lin very much because Mr. Lin gives him food and doesn't know how to beat or scold him. He is much better than his aunt and brother.

"Hey, Brother Shu, be good." Mr. Lin replied with a smile.

Li Qian was angry and yelled at Mr. Lin: "Mr. Lin, let me ask you, has the matter been successful or not? The Zhou family has said that you have an acquaintance working in the Yamen, and you are still the boss of the hundred households in the county. My juniors, I respect you. Once you come forward, I will save my man. Where is this man now? Where is this man?!"

Li Qianshi was a shrew, and she didn't give Mr. Lin any face, and kept spitting and yelling.

When Mr. Lin saw passers-by looking over, he didn't want to cause too much trouble, so he walked to the grass on the roadside. After Li Qianshi came over cursing, he said: "Li Kuihu helped Gao Sanxiong do evil, and he has been caught, so The evidence for his guilt is conclusive, and both he and Zhou Laoer will be sentenced and cannot be saved."

"What? He can't be rescued? Why can't he be rescued? He can definitely be rescued. You must be not trying your best to help!" Li Qianshi shouted with her hands on her hips.

Mr. Lin's brows were furrowed. They say women from the south are gentle, but how come this Li Qian family is more fierce than the women from the northwest?

"If you don't believe it, you can go to the Yamen and ask. But don't blame the old man for not reminding you that the Zhou family has been imprisoned by Qin Baihu for making trouble, and Zhou Lang was also tortured."

"What? The Zhou family has been arrested!" After hearing this, Li Qian became scared, but she didn't give up. If Li Kuihu couldn't be rescued, the family property that he had occupied because of his evil deeds would be taken back by the villagers. , then she and her son would have to live a hard life.

Miss Zhou paled and asked, "Grandpa Lin, my grandpa and the others were really arrested?"

Mr. Lin nodded: "Well, Qin Baihu was very dissatisfied when he saw that your grandfather was making too much trouble and arrested them all. But Qin Baihu just wanted to teach them a lesson and will release them after a while."

"Why should we be released? My man has been sentenced, and his Zhou family still wants to be released?" Li Qianshi scolded sternly, and ran to drag Mr. Lin: "No, you old man must not have tried your best to intercede. Follow me into the city and ask for love again.”

Li Qianshi was a strong woman with great strength, and she could drag Mr. Lin several meters away in the blink of an eye.

When Li Qiangzi saw this, he rolled his eyes, ran to grab Miss Zhou, and dragged her towards the city gate: "You also escaped from the famine with Qin Gu's Luotian family. You must know Mr. Luo Ban and others." Qin Baihu, you also need to plead for mercy."

As he spoke, he took the opportunity to take advantage of Miss Zhou.

"Ah, stop it, Li Qiangzi, you beast, if you dare to do this again, I will die for you!" This is not the first time that Miss Zhou has been taken advantage of by Li Qiangzi, but this is the first time that she has been taken advantage of in public in broad daylight.

Miss Zhou wanted to die, but she was weak and couldn't break away.

"Oh, are you going to die in front of me?" Li Qiangzi smiled, looked back at Mr. Li Qian and Mr. Lin, and suddenly approached Miss Zhou, and said sadly: "My father has been arrested, and he will never come back in this life." Come here, the Li family will be mine from now on, and so will you."

Li Qiangzi has parents like Li Kuihu and Li Qianshi, so he cannot be a good person. He has been sneaking around since he was a child, and when he was older, he would climb the wall to peek at the yellow-flowered girl.

Miss Zhou is good-looking, but she was spotted by Li Qiangzi as soon as she entered Li's house.

At first, he only dared to peek secretly, and then he took advantage of Li Kuihu when he was not at home. Now that he heard that Li Kuihu would not come back, he was so excited that he started to touch her openly.

Then he sneered and said: "Be honest with me, otherwise I will kill you when you go back tonight!"

"Li Qiangzi, you beast!" Miss Zhou was desperate. She thought that Li Kuihu was caught and her hard life was over, but she didn't expect Li Qiangzi to show up again.

Thinking that she might have to serve Li Qiangzi in the future and mess up her son's seniority, Miss Zhou cried helplessly, feeling that she was comparable to a prostitute.

She couldn't bear it anymore, so she bit Li Qiangzi's hand until he let go. She picked up her son and rushed forward. No matter where she rushed, as long as she could escape from the clutches of the Li family.

"You bitch, you dare to run, stop me!" Li Qiangzi chased after him and quickly grabbed Miss Zhou.


A carriage was coming from the official road. Fortunately, the driver was very skilled in driving, otherwise he would have killed Li Qiangzi, Miss Zhou and his son.

"Damn it, who is it? The one looking for death startled my Shaodong's carriage?" Dou Shaodong's family has been very busy these days. They have just rushed back to the county town from Qingfu Town to prepare for the opening of a new bank tomorrow.

He was too tired, so he fell asleep on the carriage. Just as he was sleeping soundly, the carriage suddenly stopped and almost rolled over.

Dou Shaodong's family was thrown out of the carriage by the sudden stop of the carriage and rolled twice on the ground, dirtying their precious brocade clothes.

Dou Shaodong's family was so angry that they wanted to kill someone. They stood up in a rage, held their messy hair, and shouted around: "Who is it, the destitute child whose ancestral grave was dug up that shocked my young master's carriage? Come forward and kowtow to admit your mistake. !”

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