A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1217 Cleaning up the Li family mother and son

"Master, are you okay?!" Dou Zhi rushed over as soon as the carriage stopped, supported Dou Shaodong and checked his injuries.

Well, the injury was nothing serious, it was just a scratch on the face and a little blood on the mouth.

But the whole body was covered with dust, the beautiful robe was scratched by gravel, and the beautiful bun was messed up, with a few grass clippings stuck to the messy hair.

"Is everything okay? You are blind. Is it okay for me to look like this? My hair is messed up!" Dou Shaodong's family shouted, almost furious.

Dou Meng was the driver of the car and one of the shadow guards who personally protected Dou Shaodong's family. When he saw that Dou Shaodong's family was fine, he immediately rushed to Li Qiangzi's face, grabbed Li Qiangzi and said: "Master, they are the ones who rushed over and surprised us. The family carriage.”

As he spoke, he moved his feet, kicked out a stone, and hit Miss Zhou on her body. Miss Zhou, who had just gotten up, screamed in pain and fell back again.

"My young master's carriage was startled and he was injured. If we drive him away, the Dou family will make you regret it for the rest of your life!" Dou Meng warned.

When Li Shuzi heard this, he cried and hugged Miss Zhou: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, don't hit my mother, don't hit my mother."

"Cry your ass, shut up. If you cry again, I'll sell you out!" Dou Shaodong's family was furious, and they were irritated by Li Shuzi's cry. They yelled, scaring Li Shuzi so much that he quickly covered his mouth, but the tears were It fell even harder.

Tsk, Dou Shaodong's family shook their heads: "Do today's male dolls only have this much courage? How can they cry like this after just yelling?"

It's nothing like when he and the young Marquis were young, they were so fierce.

"Are you the bastard who shocked my young master's carriage?" Dou Shaodong walked in front of Li Qiangzi and looked down at Li Qiangzi, who was a head shorter than him: "My young master will give you two options. One is to kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake and pay five yuan." Two silver coins, the second is to go to the Yamen to file a lawsuit, you may go to jail or pay more compensation, take your choice."

"What? Five taels of silver compensation? Are you dreaming about this?" Li Qian still cared about Li Qiangzi very much. When he saw something happened here, he dragged Mr. Lin back. When he heard this, he shouted: " Why did your carriage surprise you, who are you trying to blackmail? It was obviously your carriage that hit my son and almost killed him, you should be the one to pay the compensation!"

He cried again and said to the passers-by who came around to watch the excitement: "Oh, oh, folks, this young master from a rich family is bullying others. You must make the decision for our mother and son. You cannot let this young master from a rich family just rely on his money." Bullying!"

Dou Shaodong's family laughed: "Ha, I've traveled all over the country and seen a lot of shrews like you who slander others and slander others in return. Do you know what their fate is?"

"What's the fate? Think about your own fate first." Li Qianshi looked at Dou Shaodong's house and said, "Looking at the accent, he must be from another place. You, a foreigner, dare to bully a local. You really don't think you have a long life. I I’m warning you, pay for it quickly, one hundred taels, if you dare to give me a copper less, I, the people of Xializi Village, Niugou Town, will definitely want you to look good!”

As long as the country people want justice, the whole village and the whole clan will be mobilized. If one thing is not right, it will be a group fight.

Dou Shaodong's family had seen this kind of thing before. He smiled and looked at Dou Zhi: "Did you remember it?"

"Write it down, Master, word for word." Dou Zhi took out a pen and paper at some point and had already written down what Li Qianshi said.

Dou Shaodong's family nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Dou Meng: "There is a shrew bullying my young master, why don't you go over and beat her up."

Dou Meng threw Li Qiangzi to the ground. He moved and with a whoosh, he jumped in front of Li Qianshi like the wind. With a bang, he kicked Li Qianshi's knees. After knocking Li Qianshi to the ground, he twisted Her hands almost dislocated Li Qianshi's hands.

"Ah!" Li Qianshi screamed and wanted to speak, but the severe pain made her speechless for a while.

Dou Shaodong's family was not satisfied: "To deal with such a shrew, you should just slap her in the mouth and kick her knees for what?"

Dou Meng: "Master, your knees are made of bones. Kicking your knees will hurt more than hitting you in the mouth."

How dare you talk back!

Dou Shaodong's family was very angry, but Dou Meng, who looked serious, could not help it. He pointed at Mr. Lin and asked, "Are you in the same group with them?"

Mr. Lin: "We just know each other, and we are not on good terms with Li Qian's mother and son. We are fellow villagers with the Zhou family girl and her son."

"Since we know each other, let's go to the Yamen together." Dou Shaodong's family was too lazy to clarify the relationship between Mr. Lin and the Zhou and Li families, so they asked to go to the Yamen together.

Then he looked at the passers-by who were watching the excitement and shouted loudly: "This shrew's son shocked my carriage. Some of you must have seen it clearly. For five taels of silver, as long as you go with my young boss to the Yamen to testify, you can get five taels of silver." Two silver coins as reward!"

As he said this, he took the money bag handed over by Dou Zhi, opened it, and showed everyone the white silver inside.

"Look, there are at least a hundred taels of silver." The passers-by who were watching the excitement were excited. Originally they didn't want to care about such troublesome matters, but when they heard that they would get five taels of silver to testify, more than a dozen people immediately ran out: "Young Master, we saw this, and we are willing to go with you to testify!"

Dou Shaodong's family looked at these dozen people, sneered, and ordered three people: "You, you, you, go to the Yamen with my Shaodong's family, and the others should get out of here."

Do you think I'm a fool? Will I give each of you five taels of silver? Two or more people are enough to testify.

Seeing this, other passers-by who had not been selected scolded: "Why do you still choose someone? We have already agreed to help you testify."

"Haha, you are not allowed to pick and choose with the money that my boss spends? Get out now, or if you don't, I will drag you all to the Yamen and sue you for not reporting what he knew and for helping a shrew mother and her son to harm others!"

Dou Zhi has a headache. What kind of nonsense is this?

However, the passers-by who were watching the excitement were frightened and did not dare to curse anymore, so they ran away quickly.

"Hmph, they are just a bunch of people who need to be dealt with. And you two shrews, mother and son, today I will let you have a taste of what it feels like to be beaten!" Dou Shaodong's family pointed at Li Qian's mother and son and cursed, feeling very unhappy. pole.

He was thrown out of the carriage, not only was he embarrassed, but he dared to disturb his sleep!

Do you know how long it has been since he had a good night's sleep?

"Let's go!" Dou Shaodong's family gave the order, and a group of people marched towards the Yamen.

Boom, boom, boom!

The big drum at the yamen door was played by Dou Meng.

Magistrate Zheng frowned when he heard the sound of drums: "Why are there people beating drums to cry out injustice again? Didn't you say that the villagers have been stabilized?"

After Gao Sanxiong and his group were arrested, there were a lot less noisy villagers in Shangyamen, and the new bank would open tomorrow. Many people had gone home to prepare their household registration today, planning to borrow money when the new bank opened.

Only a few people who were eating and drinking were still staying at the yamen gate.

"Don't worry, sir. It shouldn't be a big deal. I'll go out and take a look." Master Zheng said, leaving the yard and met Luo Wu who came to report the news.

Luo Wu: "Master, Li Kuihu's daughter-in-law and son provoked Dou Shaodong's family, and they were taken to the Yamen by Dou Shaodong's family to sue the officials."

Master Zheng was stunned: "Ha, the Li family's mother and son have provoked Dou Shaodong's family. They are really looking for death."

Master Zheng was very happy. He went into the house with Luo Wu and told Magistrate Zheng what had happened.

When County Magistrate Zheng heard that the wealthy businessman Dou Shaodong's family came to report the case in person, he immediately took over the case and took people to the front yard to raise the case.

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