"The Hu Family Nursing Home also said that after things are stable tomorrow, Hu Dong's family will go to the Yamen to explain the situation and prove their innocence."

If it weren't for tonight being too dangerous, Dong Hu's family would have come to explain the situation long ago, fearing that they would be killed by arrows if they came out.

After all, a rocket was suddenly released from the house that he did not live in, and Doou's bank was almost burned down. Such a serious crime was something that a wealthy family in his county could not afford.

"In addition to the three people captured alive, three were burned to death, five committed suicide by taking poison, and five were shot to death." You Ping told the story of the Hu family's old building in detail.

The five dead soldiers who were killed were relatively brave. They fought out of the Hu family's old building. They thought they could escape, but they were killed by You Xi and others who were ambushing in the alley.

So far, none of the Meng family's dead men have escaped.

Qin Sanlang nodded after hearing this. These dead men of the Meng family were used for training by You Ping and You Xi, and he was quite satisfied with the results.

He made a gesture towards You Ping, indicating that You Ping and the others could leave first, and Dou Shaodong's family would take care of the rest.

You Ping quickly retreated, and then led his people out of the bank.

After You Ping and others left, Qin Sanlang walked out of the bank gate and saw Hong Dao, Zhang Zhong and the others leading the soldiers from the military station to build a human wall, surrounding the villagers in the human wall, and shouted to the villagers: " Everyone, please don’t run around. The more you run around at this time, the faster you will die. You have also seen the few people in front who were shot by stray arrows. If you run around again, we won’t care about you!"

When the villagers saw that the bank was on fire and heard that bandits had entered the county, they were frightened and ran for their lives. However, batches of rockets came from the old building of the Hu family, and some fell on the street at the main entrance of the bank. Ten people were killed. Several villagers were shot by rockets.

Qin Sanlang looked at the chaos outside and shouted: "Don't be afraid, all the thieves have been killed and the county is safe!"

This voice was full of energy, and the words "all thieves were killed" were as effective as enlightenment. After listening to this, the villagers all fell silent.

"Hundred households!" Zhang Zhong and Hong Dao were overjoyed when they saw Qin Sanlang, but Qin Baihu was able to control the situation and everyone became quiet after roaring.

"Qin, Qin Baihu, are all the thieves really killed? Are they really thieves, not bandits?" After some villagers came to their senses, they boldly asked Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang nodded and said: "Well, they are not bandits, but enemies of Dou Shaodong's family. They didn't want Dou Shaodong's family to open a bank like this to help farmers, so they sent people to cause trouble and ruined the bank's important task of helping farmers."

He added: "70% of the thieves who set off rockets in the Hu family's old building, including those who caused trouble in the bank, have been killed, and the remaining injured have been captured. Everyone can rest assured."


Qin Sanlang's face darkened, and he stared at the villagers present with cold eyes: "Anyone who spreads rumors about bandits entering the city will not be let go by the Yamen. He will definitely be caught and sentenced severely!"

Do you think that if you spread rumors and disturb the villagers and almost cause chaos, you can pretend that nothing happened? dream.

"Huh? Want to arrest people again?" The villagers were frightened after hearing this, but they were very glad that they had not spread rumors about bandits coming to the city.

"Again?" Qin Sanlang looked at Hong Dao and Zhang Zhong.

The two said: "It's Leader Luo. When he heard someone shouting that bandits were coming to the city, he immediately led the government officials to arrest those people. He arrested more than a dozen of them. He had already asked Xiaotang's officials to escort them back to the county government office. "

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang felt happy in his heart. Only when Brother Luo Wu makes progress can he feel more at ease. After all, he can't be with them all the time. Brother Luo Wu must be on his own.

"Where is Luo Pantou now?" Qin Sanlang asked without seeing Luo Wu.

Not long after asking, he saw Luo Wu returning with twenty bodyguards, carrying or supporting a dozen injured villagers.

It was so chaotic tonight. The city gate was blocked by thousands of people from other counties who had not been able to enter the city and were unwilling to go home. There were not enough government servants in the county government, so Luo Wu could only call the escorts from the escort agency to help. .

"Go and help." Qin Sanlang said to the soldiers in the military station, and he quickly walked down the steps and walked towards Luo Wu.

When Luo Wu saw Qin Sanlang, he smiled and asked, "Has the bank matter been resolved?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, it's all solved. Were these people injured by rockets? How many were injured? Are any of them dead?"

If the villagers were shot to death by rockets, things would be in trouble.

Luo Wu: "They were lucky, no one died, only three were in danger of death. I happened to meet Dr. Zhou on the way and asked Dr. Zhou to take him back to the hospital for treatment. Although the remaining injuries were serious, they were not fatal, so let's go first Help him back to the bank and wait."

The villagers thought that there were bandits in the city and ran for their lives in fear. However, they were injured by rockets fired from the Hu family's old building.

If they were willing to listen to Hong Dao and Zhang Zhong, stop running around and hide in the human wall surrounded by soldiers, they would not be hurt by stray arrows.

"Ah! Wuwuwu, it hurts, it hurts. Qin Baihu, we were wrong. We shouldn't have believed other people's rumors and run around. Please save us, we don't want to die."

The injured villagers were crying and had wounds pierced by rockets on their hands and feet. Not only were the wounds bleeding, but their flesh was also scorched by the rockets.

"You deserve it. Who told you to believe the rumors and run away?" Dou Shaodong's family chased them out after handling the matters in the bank. They were relieved when they saw Qin Sanlang, but after hearing these people's words, they were not angry at all. Come.

What do you think of the young Marquis? If you are disobedient when nothing happens, ask the little Marquis for help when something happens. The little Marquis is not your father and mother, so why should he clean up your mess?

"Ooooo, we know we were wrong, but our hands and feet cannot be disabled. If they are disabled, who will do the farm work at home?"

Qin Sanlang squatted down, looked at the hands and feet of these people, pointed at six of them and said: "These six have injured their muscles and bones. Take them to the hospital for treatment first. If it is too late, their hands and feet will be disabled. The others can be kept first." Let’s wait here until daybreak.”

After Luo Wu heard this, he immediately said to the escort from the escort agency: "Uncle Mao, you first carry these six people to the Zhou Family Medical Center for treatment."

"Hey." Uncle Mao immediately took twelve bodyguards, one of whom carried the six seriously injured people to the Zhou Family Medical Center.

Seeing this, Dou Shaodong's family could only order Dou Meng: "Help the remaining people to the wing, take the gold wound medicine we brought from the capital, and treat their wounds, lest they say anything tomorrow about our banker's death." If you don’t save it.”

After hearing this, the villagers hurriedly said: "Don't dare, don't dare, we only care about the good things of the bank and will not speak ill of the bank."

Dou Shaodong's family: "Huh, who can believe it? You are just a bunch of grassroots. If there is any benefit, just go to that side."

Well, it doesn't sound nice, but it's the truth.

Qin Sanlang didn't pay much attention to these villagers, but said to Zhang Zhong and Hong Dao: "Watch the villagers, don't cause any trouble again, I'll go back to the Yamen first."

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