A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1227 You have to help me

Gu Jinan and He Jinsheng were still hiding in the Yamen cell with the deed between the banker and the farmer. He had to go and take a look to make sure that they and the deed were safe before he could rest assured.

"Yes." Hong Dao and Zhang Zhong responded.

"I'll go too." Luo Wu was also worried about Gu Jinan.

"Qin Baihu, wait, I'll go with you. The deed is related to my life. There can't be any mistakes." Dou Shaodong's family said, looking back at the injured villagers: "Shopkeeper Dou will give it to you first." As for borrowing money, after you borrow the money, you can go to the hospital to see your injuries yourself, but don’t think about hanging around at the bank, or they will throw you out."

Then he waved his hand and summoned Shopkeeper Dou: "They are all a bunch of poor people. I guess they don't have the money to look after their injuries. You can lend them more money. The monthly interest will still be the same, but the years to repay will be longer."

When Dou Shaodong said this, his heart was bleeding. Money, his money, why would he do this kind of business that would take more than ten years to get back the money? !

"Yes, young master, don't worry, I know how to do it." Shopkeeper Dou said.

"Let's go." Qin Sanlang called to Luo Wu and Dou Shaodong's family, and took the lead towards the Yamen.

Along the way, we saw a lot of rockets scattered on the ground. These rockets were filled with pine oil, and some landed on the houses of people in the county. However, the county government officials were helping to put out the flames, so they did not cause any big damage.

In the county government office, Magistrate Zheng was extremely anxious. When he saw Qin Sanlang and the others coming back, he hurriedly went up to them and asked, "How is it, but we have arrested someone? Who are they?"

But it must not be a high-ranking official that the Zheng family cannot offend, or a member of the royal family, otherwise it will be difficult to end this matter tonight.

Qin Sanlang: "Don't worry, sir. They are not from a powerful family. They are sent by Meng, the stepmother of Dou Shaodong's family."

County Magistrate Zheng: "Mr. Dou Meng? Is she the concubine from Master Meng's family in Yushitai? Is she afraid that Dou Shaodong's family will make achievements, so she wants to ruin Dou Shaodong's family?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Exactly, so you don't have to worry too much. It's not some powerful family making trouble. The bank can still withstand it."

In fact, those powerful families wanted to take action, but because they were worried about the Ouyang family, they did not dare to take the lead and asked Meng to make knives for them.

If the Meng family can succeed, everything will be easy. If not, it can also help them explore the bank's strength.

"It turns out it's a dispute between women, so I'm relieved." County Magistrate Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. Although the Meng family were officials, they were not high-ranking officials. The family was only a prominent family, not a wealthy family. limited ability.

"But what happened tonight was quite serious." Fang Xian Cheng, who came to the county office from home in the middle of the night after hearing about the incident at the bank, said fearfully.

Dou Shaodong's family snorted coldly and said: "Master Fang, don't worry, I will definitely make her pay the price for that shrew who caused such a big thing!"

Well, I heard that Mrs. Dou Meng is quite favored by the Dou family. Do you really want Mrs. Dou Meng to pay the price in the Dou Shaodong family?

Moreover, there was still Meng Yushi here. Even if the Dou family was concerned about Meng Yushi's face, they did not dare to do anything to the Meng family.

However, Fang Xian Cheng did not dare to say these words. This Dou Shaodong family had a short temper and was at odds with the Dou Meng family. If he said what he said, the Dou Shaodong family would be furious.

"Your Majesty, County Magistrate, County Magistrate, it's almost dawn, and nothing will go wrong again. You two adults, rest assured. I'm going to see Brother An." Qin Sanlang reported the bank affairs to Magistrate Zheng. Afterwards, he took Dou Shaodong's family and Luo Wu to the cell to look after Gu Jinan and the others.

"Who? Stop!" The jailers were also very frightened tonight, fearing that someone would attack and hurt Gu Jinan.

"It's me." Qin Sanlang stood there holding a torch, letting the jailer see his face clearly before moving forward.

When the jailer saw that it was Qin Sanlang, he was completely relieved. He ran to open the cell door and said, "Don't worry, Lord Baihu, Chief Gu and the others are all fine. No one is coming to cause trouble in the prison."

That He Tongsheng was so frightened that his face was always pale and pale, and he never looked normal again.

"Sanlang, is the bank safe?" Gu Jinan kept folding his hands in front of him and asked as soon as he saw Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "The bad guys have been caught, and the bank is safe."

"Where is the deed?" Dou Shaodong's family asked quickly. It was his life and nothing could happen to it.

Gu Jinan released his folded hands in front of him, took out a cloth bag from his clothes, and handed it to Dou Shaodong's house: "They are all here, a lot of them."

Dou Shaodong's family hurriedly took it, opened the bag and looked at the deed. It was indeed genuine, and there were quite a few: "Huh, my Shaodong's family's fate is saved."


"It's no longer safe to leave these deeds in the bank. After dawn, you can take them back to Old Man Ouyang and ask him to keep them."

Damn it, you can't let him deal with bad guys all the time. Old man Ouyang has to be frightened and frightened.

Gu Jinan frowned after hearing this, but said, "Sure, I will send the deed back to Ouyang's house."

But Dou Shaodong's family was notorious for thieves. When it was daylight and Gu Jinan was about to return to the village, he was given two extra mule carts to take back.

In mid-July, the sun was already shining brightly. Gu Jinan stood at the yamen gate, looked at the two mule carts, and asked with a bad expression: "What's in it? What disaster are you going to bring to the Ouyang family?"

The third girl still lives in a house in the town, and he doesn't want to send anything harmful to Ouyang's family.

Dou Shaodong's family laughed and said, "You are such a bad person. What do you mean by bringing disaster? There are good things in this. If you don't believe me, ask Qin Baihu."

Little Marquis, you have to help me.

Qin Sanlang said: "There is a witness inside. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is better to send it to Ouyang's house than to leave it in the bank."

Meng would not be polite to Dou Shaodong's family, but she was worried about the Ouyang family. Even if she sent people to silence her, she would not dare to rush into the Ouyang family.

But Gu Jinan didn't want to, how could he let the girl he liked stay in the same house as the dead man? !

His eyes darkened and he stared at Dou Shaodong's house, which made Dou Shaodong's house take a few steps back: "Don't stare at me like that. Isn't there nothing you can do about it?"

After working with Gu Jinan for a few days, he knew very well that this guy was beautiful on the outside but extremely poisonous on the inside!

"Methods are thought up by people. Just admit it if you are lazy and don't say anything that there is nothing you can do." Gu Jinan glanced at Qin Sanlang and walked towards the deserted place next to him.

Qin Sanlang knew that he had an idea and followed him: "What do you want to do?"

Gu Jin'an: "Send it to the Division of Military Affairs. There is the water prison you dug and the new death row. Let Feng Jin, You An and others guard them in the dark. Even if the Meng family sends dead soldiers to kill them again, You An and the others will not be able to kill them." It can be blocked. Moreover, if the dead men of the Meng family attack the military headquarters, it will be tantamount to treason, and the Meng family will be doomed. As long as the Meng family still has some brains, even if they know that the witnesses are in the military headquarters, they will not dare to easily send people to silence them. , it’s safer than sending it to Ouyang’s house.”

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "Okay, that's it."

He wanted to send Meng Wu and others to the Ouyang family because he trusted the Ouyang family's status and shadow guard, but if Gu Jinan was not willing, he would not insist. After all, the Sibing Institute was indeed a good place to hide people.

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