Dou Shaodong's family frowned and sneered: "So it's them. Humph, do you really think that my young master's family is so easy to bully? Since they are so looking for death, my young master's family will take the time to play with them!"

He has been in the south for many years. When he first came here, some local nobles thought he was young and could be bullied. They used many tricks to trick him, but in the end, he gave them back and earned a lot of money.

The Ying family and Zongzheng family have never seen his methods, so he should open their eyes.

"Don't be impulsive." Gu Jinan advised: "You can't confront the Ying family, Zongzheng family, and Shen family in person, just touch those who helped these three families harm you. This will not only let people know that you are not easy to mess with. Yes, and it can also let the Emperor know that you are in awe of the Emperor’s relatives and are not a person who commits crimes below others.”

The matter of the new bank has already made Dou Shaodong's family very dazzled. If they deal with these three families at this time, even if they win, it will give the emperor the feeling that Dou Shaodong's family relies on the bank to not treat the emperor's relatives and the family whose status is higher than the Dou family. The feeling in my eyes.

The emperor is suspicious and very thoughtful. It would be bad if he thought that Dou Shaodong's family didn't even take him seriously.

After Gu Jinan made a clear separation with Dou Shaodong's family, he said: "Only by showing weakness at this time can you win the favor of the emperor. Don't worry, as long as the emperor is persuaded by Mr. Ouyang, the emperor himself will kill Shen, Ying, and Zongzheng Three families, when the time comes, you will have avenged everything."

Dou Shaodong's family smiled, nodded and said, "You still have a dark heart. OK, I'll listen to you and let those three families go for now."

Gu Jinan's expression turned ugly when he heard this: "Are you praising me?"

You have a dark heart!

Dou Shaodong's family nodded: "Yes, maybe you think you are a kind person, stop talking nonsense."

After saying that, he was afraid of being beaten by Gu Jinan, so he ran away quickly.

In the next few days, Dou Shaodong's family used lightning speed to deceive those who helped Zong Zheng's family harm them. First, they swallowed up Yingxianfang, the most famous building in Fucheng, and turned it into their own private property.

Mrs. Jin almost fainted from crying and begged Dou Shaodong's family: "Dou Shaodong's family, the slave family was harmed by the Xue family..."

"Shut up, you called Dou Shaodong's family? Master, you slave!" Dou Shaodong's family is very arrogant. Sitting in the lobby of Yingxianfang, he looked at Madam Jin kneeling at his feet and said, "How did the Xue family let you Are you here to harm my young master’s family? Explain everything clearly and seriously.”

To put it lightly, how could he deal with the Xue family?

Mrs. Jin heard it, but she was a little hesitant. Although the Xue family was not powerful, there was someone behind the Xue family, and behind this person was the support of nobles from the capital. There were layers of relationships, and she was one of them. The madam who owns a building can afford to offend her, so she hesitates.

"Hey, you still want to protect those people? Do you think you can protect them? Is it just a decoration of the ancient magistrate, or is the Ouyang family not strong enough?" Dou Shaodong's words were like knives, cutting into Lady Jin, who was so frightened that her face turned pale. : "An old bustard is still playing the trick of preferring death to surrender with me. Well, since you want to die, I, my young master, will help you."

Then he sighed: "Hey, I originally thought that you were being used by others, and you were capable, so I kept you to help my young master run the building, but you ended up..."

"Master, I will tell you everything!" Mrs. Jin almost jumped with joy. She was no longer afraid of offending the people behind her. How did the Xue family find her, how did Yun Hua get sick, and what did Boss Fan do behind his back? It was already revealed that the man behind the boss was a noble son of the Zongzheng family.

Dou Shaodong's family was shocked. This golden lady was indeed a person who had built a building in Fucheng on her own. She was indeed a person.

"Remember everything?" Dou Shaodong's family looked at the shadow guard who was acting as a servant.

The shadow guard nodded: "Go back to the young master and write it all down, word for word."

Dou Shaodong's family nodded and looked at Mrs. Jin: "Let's go, follow my young master's family to the government office and tell the Xue family to death."


Are you using such an aboveboard method? Mrs. Jin thought Dou Shaodong’s family would secretly torture the Xue family to death.

But now she is a slave of Dou Shaodong's family, so she said in a dog-legged way: "Hey, I obey the orders of the slave family."

He quickly got up and followed Dou Shaodong's house to the government office.

The ancient prefecture recently treated the Dou Shaodong family as if they were their own fathers. When they saw him coming to sue the officials, the Xue family fell into defeat after offending Mr. Yu. They immediately arrested people according to the list given by the Dou Shaodong family, and arrested the Xuedes, father and son, uncles, and Mr. Xue were all captured.

"It's unjust, sir!" As soon as Xue De shouted these words, he was held down by the yamen servant in the hall and slapped twenty big boards.

The government officials were very heavy-handed and almost beat Xue De to death.

Xuede's father and two uncles were also held down and beaten. Xuede's father was okay, but Xuede's two uncles were terribly unjust. They screamed and shouted: "Sir, the son has no godfather." By the way, we are not Xue De’s father.”

You can just beat Xue De's biological father, but what's the point of beating us?

The ancient magistrate's face turned cold and he said: "Uncle, I can be considered half a father. He has the responsibility of teaching his nephew, so he should be punished accordingly. If he dares to cry out for injustice, he will be punished twice as much!"


Xuede's two uncles were afraid, so they accompanied Xuede's father and were beaten twenty times.

As for Xue De's grandfather, he was not beaten. He was so old. If he was beaten to death in court, the ancient prefect would not be able to explain.

But Mr. Xue was so angry that he was about to die. With a pale old face, he asked with trembling hands and feet: "Master Magistrate, what crime did the Xue family commit that made you torture like this? Please give me an explanation, otherwise I, the Xue family, will never give up!"

The Xue family is a wealthy family in the city. They have a lot of money and a large family. They have been rooted in He'an for a long time. Although they are not a prominent family, they are not easy to offend.

The ancient prefect asked the scribe to hand over the confessions and evidence brought by Dou Shaodong's family to Mr. Xue: "See it for yourself, lest you say that our case is handled unfairly."

Dou Shaodong's family said with a sigh: "Don't worry, Lord Magistrate, the people of He'an Mansion are all people who can distinguish right from wrong, and the storytellers love to uphold justice. After today, they will only scold the Xue family for being shameless, but they will not say anything wrong, sir." . After all, your Excellency is a rare good official."

Ancient Magistrate: "..."

Always feel like you are scolding me?

Forget it, for the sake of money, I won’t care about it.

After reading Mrs. Jin's confession and the evidence found by Dou Shaodong's family, Mr. Xue was so frightened that he almost fainted. This brat, Xue De, had killed the Xue family this time and actually made a knife for Boss Fan!

Idiot, really stupid.

Boss Fan didn't dare to come forward to harm Dou Shaodong's family even though he had the support of nobles in the capital. Where did this brat get the courage to think that he could get away with harming Dou Shaodong's family?

However, Mr. Xue did not admit this confession and said: "Master Magistrate, Mrs. Jin is a prostitute who owns a building. What she said is not credible."

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