"Are you blind? Can't you see the evidence of my young master?" Dou Shaodong had a bad temper. He pointed at the evidence held by the scribe and said: "Don't think that you want to sell your old age to protect Xue De when you are old. This young master will not eat it." This set."

Originally, he didn't want to anger other members of the Xue family, but if Mr. Xue was like this, don't blame him for being too cruel.

Mr. Xue was scared in his heart, but he still refused to admit it and sneered: "Dou Shaodong, I know that your new bank has helped the farmers a lot, so the prefect respects you very much, but you can't rely on the new money in your hands." The bank slanders people."

The ancient prefect's face turned dark. What do you mean? Are you saying that I favor Dou Shaodong's family because of money?

If that's the case, then I won't be polite to you!

The ancient prefect was shocked and said: "Xue De bribed Mrs. Jin, and after the girl Yun Hua was cured of the disease, he sent the girl Yun Hua to the Dou family courtyard in an attempt to harm Dou Shaodong's family. This is a witness. The physical evidence is conclusive and cannot be denied. According to the law, he is sentenced to be beheaded in public. The Xue family was imprisoned and 70% of their property was confiscated to serve as a warning to others!"

"What?!" The Xue family was shocked. Why was the sentence so severe? He actually wanted to chop off De Geer's head.

The ancient magistrate said: "In Dachu, the sentences for such things that are harmful to future generations are very severe. Moreover, Dou Shaodong's family has an official position of holding a halberd in the Yulin Army. He is an official. Xuede, a child who harms an official, will be punished by one degree." , must be sentenced to beheading.”

After hearing this, the Xue family was shocked again. The person named Dou was actually an official? Isn't he a merchant?

"Doctor Liu, go check on that wicked man. Don't let him die. I have something to tell him." When Dou Shaodong's family came to sue the officials, they also invited Doctor Liu.

Because the amount of money given was too much, Doctor Liu loved money, so he laughed and said: "Hey, Master Dou, don't worry, I will never let him die as long as I am here, I will definitely let him survive until he is chopped down." Head time."

Look, the medical skills of his Liu Family Medical Clinic are so reliable that you can die anytime you want.

Doctor Liu had good medical skills, and he revived Xue De, who was seriously injured and about to die, in a short time.

Dou Shaodong's family squatted in front of Xue De and said: "This young master knows that the person behind you is Old Thief Fan. As long as you honestly tell me how Old Thief Fan asked you to frame my young master's family, I will withdraw the lawsuit. How about saving you from being beheaded?"

This condition was so attractive. Xue De had been beaten up, and he knew that Dou Shaodong's family was actually an official queen. Without any hesitation, he hinted to Boss Fan that he had framed Dou Shaodong's family, and promised to introduce him to Zongzheng's family after he succeeded. Everything about the Fifth Young Master has been told.


The ancient prefect wanted to cover his eyes, but he really couldn't see. Xue De confessed to Boss Fan and the Zongzheng family. This was simply asking for death. Who was the Zongzheng family? There is no need to wait for Xuede to be beheaded by the Yamen, they will twist off Xuede's head first.

The ancient magistrate looked at Dou Shaodong's house and felt a chill in his body. The man named Dou looked like a crazy rogue, but in fact he was very scheming. Although he promised to remove the prosecution, Xue De still couldn't survive, but the person who killed Xue De would be Boss Fan. Or Zongzhengjia.

And don’t even think about living a good life anymore. Boss Fan and the Zongzheng family will destroy the Xue family!

After a while, Mr. Xue came back to his senses. After seeing the plan of Dou Shaodong's family, he immediately scolded Xue De: "Shut up, don't say it!"

It's a pity that it's too late, Xue De said anything in order to survive.

After Dou Shaodong's family got the confession, they asked Xue De to take his fingerprints, then took the confession to the ancient prefect and said with a smile: "Master prefect, please stamp it."

The ancient magistrate doesn't want to build it. If you fight with the Zongzheng family, don't drag me into it, okay? I want your money, but you can't turn around and want my life.

"Don't worry, sir. The fifth son of the Zongzheng family is a nobleman. How dare I, a merchant, deal with him? I just want you to stamp your seal and close Xue De's case." Dou Shaodong's smile was full of calculations. It is true that he cannot deal with Zong Zhengjia, but as long as he has this confession, he is justified.

At that time, in order to appease him, or to completely clean up the situation, the Zongzheng family will definitely deal with the insider, Boss Fan, so that he can take advantage of the situation and swallow up the Fan family's property, avenging all the vengeance.

The Fan family has quite a lot of property, it makes me excited just thinking about it!

The ancient prefect hesitated again and again and stamped Xue De's confession.

As promised, Dou Shaodong's family withdrew the lawsuit against Xuede, took the confession to see Mr. Ouyang, and directly gave him Xuede's confession: "Old man, keep it for me, lest the Zongzheng family sends someone to steal it. "

Mr. Ouyang heard about what Dou Shaodong's family did, and said angrily: "Can't you control yourself and not find someone to serve you at this time? If you hadn't been able to help yourself, this wouldn't have happened."

Dou Shaodong's family: "Hey, it's wrong for you to keep saying this. I'm not a eunuch, and I didn't rob women. Why can't I spend money to find women? I was killed, okay?"

"Besides, I didn't deal with the Zongzheng family. I didn't even deal with the Fan family. I gave the Xue family a small lesson. I was so kind that I was moved. Why are you so angry?"

"There are a lot of lies, get out of here, I don't want to see you right now." Mr. Ouyang immediately chased the person away after accepting the confession.

Dou Shaodong's family was very sensible and left in a hurry.

Gu Jinan followed him out and asked Dou Shaodong's family: "Brother Dou, what are you going to do with that golden lady? Kill her or sell her? If you want to sell her, why not sell it to me?"

Cousin Le was once sold into Yingxianfang, and Mrs. Jin was one of the insiders. If this person is not dead, he cannot be sold to other places. Otherwise, what if he is bribed to harm Cousin Le in the future?

Dou Shaodong's family was shocked and pointed at Gu Jin'an and said: "You, are you so poor? You can't even find a young girl? Don't be like this, Mrs. Jin is too old. I, my young master, will find you a young, beautiful and clean girl." .”

Gu Jinan was stunned for a few breaths before he came back to his senses. He was so angry that he knocked off Dou Shaodong's hand and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think everyone likes to find beauties like you? I don't have such a hobby. I only want to Having skin-to-skin contact with my future wife!”

Dou Shaodong's family sneered disdainfully: "Then wouldn't your life be boring?"

He added: "Mrs. Jin has good ability in running the building. I will keep her and let her do the business of the building for me."

Literary style prevailed in the south, and literary enthusiasts fell in love with spending time in the building. Not only did they spend a lot of money, but they also got some news from various families. It was a good deal, and Dou Shaodong's family would not give up.

After hearing this, Gu Jinan was finally relieved. Lady Jin was in the hands of Dou Shaodong's family just as much as she was in the hands of the Gu family.

What Boss Fan and Dou Shaodong's family thought was that after learning about Xue De's confession, he was so angry that he immediately took action against the Xue family. In just ten days, he killed Xue De and destroyed most of the Xue family's property. .

When Dou Shaodong's family learned about this, they were extremely happy. Let's fight. When the time comes, he will reap the benefits.

While Boss Fan was dealing with the Xue family, news from the capital finally came.

After reading the reply from his eldest brother, Mr. Ouyang said to Gu Jinan and the others: "It's done."

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