A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1267: Falling in love with Dou Shaodong’s family

After she was frightened and angry, she covered her face and cried: "How did my daughter know that the Gu family would make friends with such a noble person? It was obviously you who told your mother that your daughter is a lady of the family and is going to marry into a wealthy family... Chen is a country peasant woman. I revealed my intention to marry my daughter. Can my daughter not be angry? I just said a few unpleasant words... My daughter has already been punished by her grandfather, isn’t that enough? What else do you want to do with your daughter? Uh-huh~"

The Xu family uncle and the Zeng family were choked. Xu Ling was right. They did say these words to her, but they were just dreaming. The powerful people in the family looked down on people like them at all.

In the eyes of the rich and powerful, the Xu family was just a nouveau riche in the countryside with only a few small fortunes. It was impossible to marry into the family, and the most they could do was become a concubine.

The Zeng couple brought it upon themselves, and they almost taught Xu Ling to ruin.

The Xu family uncle was a little embarrassed, and waved his hands and said: "Okay, okay, don't say these useless things. You should be good today and say some nice words when you see Ms. Chen. Even if she gives you a look, you have to do it." Hold it back, or your grandfather will send you to a village in the countryside, and your parents will not be able to save you."

The couple was specially called back by their father. As soon as they came back, they were scolded so hard that their backs were almost broken. He also saw that his father really valued the Gu family, and he really wanted to correct Girl Ling's temper.

He knows very well what kind of person his father is. Once his temper rises, it will not go away easily. Girl Ling's temper must be changed, otherwise their whole family will suffer.

Xu Ling looked at her father in horror: "What? Grandpa wants to send me to a village in the countryside?!"

The uncle of the Xu family said: "That's right, so you'd better be obedient and stop being stupid. Fortunately, your brother is there to support you, otherwise your grandfather would have sent you away long ago, and you wouldn't even be able to see us. .”

Then he said to Mrs. Zeng: "Look at Ling girl, I have to rush to meet Mr. Ouyang and Dou Shaodong's family. These two need to be fawned over."

After hearing this, Ms. Zeng had a thought and hurriedly grabbed the Xu family uncle: "Ms. Master, Mr. Dou's family hasn't announced their marriage yet, why don't we..."

The uncle of the Xu family said angrily: "You should stop thinking about it. What kind of reputation does Dou Shaodong's family have in Jiangnan? It's not like there aren't girls from wealthy businessmen in Jiangnan who have plotted against Dou Shaodong's family, but what's the result? They slept in vain, and they were so troubled that they even jumped into the well. It’s no use, I can only find a poor boy to marry in the end.”

Sons of imperial merchants like Dou Shaodong's family are the golden turtles in the eyes of many wealthy businessmen. After coming to Jiangnan for a few years, several families have plotted against Dou Shaodong's family, but Dou Shaodong's family is ruthless, even if the girl's family cooks the raw rice. Even if he doesn't have food, he won't marry either.

Instead, he said: "I was raped by you again. It was you who raped me. It's good that I didn't sue the officials. You still want to marry into the Dou family? Are you worthy? Even being a concubine is not enough."

He also warned those who wanted to plot his marriage: "Please give me a break. This young master will only marry a noble girl as his wife. Even if you are a merchant girl, I will not marry you even if you look like a fairy!"

In the eyes of men like them, good-looking women are just for sleeping, while noble ladies are the ones they want to marry.

Mrs. Zeng's face turned pale when she thought of Dou Shaodong's family's dealings with the Wei family girl. She no longer dared to attack Dou Shaodong's family.

The uncle of the Xu family was afraid of what Xu Ling would do in private, so he glared at her and said, "Stop your little thoughts. You can't conquer Dou Shaodong's family. If you don't want to be forced to jump into the well, don't provoke her." he."

Then he said to Mrs. Zeng: "Tell her carefully how Dou Shaodong's family dealt with the girls who plotted against him. Don't let her make stupid mistakes."

After saying that, he left immediately without further delay to meet Mr. Ouyang and the others.

The Xu family was very lively today and made a big splash. When the rich families in the county heard that Mr. Ouyang and Dou Shaodong's family came to visit in person, they hurriedly sent their servants back and gave them money that was three times more valuable than before. Congratulations come.

There are also some families with similar status to the Xu family. They originally just sent servants to deliver congratulatory gifts. After hearing the news, they came to congratulate them in person: "Hey, Mr. Xu, congratulations. Your eldest granddaughter is getting married. This is a great marriage." It’s such an enviable knot.”

Mr. Xu was so happy that his chin almost dropped. He pretended to be reserved and said: "No, no, it's just Brother Xing who helped Dou Ou Bank a little bit. He took a few classes with Mr. Ouyang. It's some fate. Mr. Ouyang I just came with Dou Shaodong’s family.”

Nonsence! You just said that your grandson-in-law is brothers with Dou Shaodong's family, and master and apprentice with Mr. Ouyang, so why are you pretending?

But the big guys still have to show compliments and say all kinds of good things.

Mr. Xu didn't have time to talk to them today. After a few words, he hurried to entertain Mr. Ouyang and Dou Shaodong's family.

Mrs. Lu was also very happy today. She held Xu Zhong's hand and said, "Mother, you have made a difference. I originally thought that this marriage was just an ordinary marriage, but now we have reached a higher level!"

In addition to Mr. Ouyang and Dou Shaodong's family coming to the house in person, the engagement gift given by Gu Dafu's family was also very flattering to Mr. Xu. In addition to three sets of gold and silver noodle sets, there was also a pair of jade pendants and a box of nine pearls.

The pearl was as big as an index finger, equal in size, round and shiny.

"Pearls of this size are extremely hard to find. If you keep them as hairpins and wear them, you will look very handsome. When your aunt looked at the box of pearls, her teeth were almost broken." Mrs. Lu was so happy that she said, In the past, my eldest sister-in-law always said that Linglong was not blessed with good fortune and had bad luck in marriage. She was afraid that she would not be able to find any rich family in this life. But now, look at her Linglong family, and it seems that they are not very prosperous!

Xu Zhong blushed with embarrassment, but hurriedly reminded Mrs. Lu: "Mom, please don't say that. If my uncle hears it, I'm afraid it will cause trouble. If this kind of words spread, others will say that we are too complacent." ,not good."

Compared to those with gold heads, silver heads, and pearls, Xu Zhong was more happy with the money Gu Dexing gave her... He actually gave her a purse when she returned her engagement clothes, saying it was money he earned. Let her hold it.

After she came back, she took it out and looked at it. There were three hundred taels of silver notes inside.

Although it wasn't much, she was very touched by this act of giving her money... The relationship between her father and mother was already good enough, but she never saw her father give her mother the money he earned. She was really Fortunately, I met Gu Dexing.

You are indeed lucky. If you met Gu Dexing a few years ago, you would cry to death.

"Mother is telling you quietly and will not spread this word." Mrs. Lu patted Xu Zhong's hand and said, "Okay, you stay in the room. Mother went out to entertain the guests. Mrs. Chen is still here." Well, I have to take good care of her."

The Chen family didn't need the Lu family's entertainment at all, and now they were proudly rectifying Xu Ling.

"Sister-in-law Xu, girl Ling is quite old, why haven't you said we're kissing you yet? Girls have a short flowering period, so we have to say goodbye quickly, otherwise if someone discovers girl Ling's true temper, she will be It's hard to marry... Hey, look, I'm talking nonsense again, ladies, don't pay attention, Ling Yatou is a good girl." Mrs. Chen's words of concealment made Mrs. Zeng very angry.

No wonder Ling Yatou was so angry that she scolded Mrs. Chen face to face. Mrs. Chen was someone who deserved scolding, and her words could make someone angry to death.

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