But with so many ladies here, it was impossible for Mrs. Zeng to quarrel with Mrs. Chen, so she could only endure it and said: "My in-laws are interested. Girl Ling is not too old, and the rule in our Dachu is that the elder brother and sister After we say goodbye, the younger siblings can say goodbye."

There is nothing wrong with this saying at first glance, but if you take a closer look, there are many problems.

Mrs. Chen was feeling proud at first, but when she came to think of it, she was so angry that her head was almost smoking. Well, Mrs. Xu Zeng, didn't you clearly say that Xu Zhong was too old to get married, so you just gave in to Brother Xing? !

Mrs. Chen was just here to show off today, so how could she bear this secret anger and not fight back? She sneered and said, "Then my dear mother-in-law must hurry up and say goodbye to Zhao Ming. You are already a big boss. If you don't say goodbye, your family will be ruined." The clever girl will be turned into an old girl."

Hehe, do you think it’s just because Brother and Xu Zhong are older? Your Xu Zhaoming is not young anymore, you are making fun of him.

Mrs. Zeng did not expect that Mrs. Chen would take issue with Xu Zhaoming, and she was so angry that her face almost twisted, but she quickly smiled and said: "My aunt is overly worried. Zhaoming is a man and a scholar with a good reputation. In order to obtain a good name, this scholar, It’s too late to get married, and most people get married after they are over 30 years old.”

"You don't get married until you are over thirty? If you are short-lived, you will die!" Ms. Chen said this in shock, and then said: "My aunt, you'd better arrange the marriage for Zhaoming as soon as possible. This man The baby is getting older, and if he doesn't have a wife to relieve his anger, he will probably have to find someone outside. It will be bad if he gets Hualiu disease. And there are still some immortal kings. If your family is Zhaoming... wouldn't it mean that there will be no offspring? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned. The other ladies lowered their heads to hold back their laughter. This Gu Chen was too daring to say anything.

Zeng didn't expect that Chen would dare to say so. She was so shocked that she was speechless for a while.

The third grandmother was so angry that she slapped Mrs. Chen and said angrily: "Mrs. Chen, are you being stupid again? Zhaoming is the grandson of the Xu family. The Xu family has the final say in marriage. Why do you, an in-law aunt, talk so much?"

Please give the old lady some time to calm down. If we continue talking, will this marriage be finalized? Aren't you afraid that Mr. Xu will get angry and cancel the wedding?

Then he said to Mrs. Zeng: "Don't be angry, eldest daughter-in-law of the Xu family. Mrs. Chen is a country woman and is used to it. Don't be the same as her."

"You shrew, you dare to say that to my brother, get out of the Xu family!" Xu Ling was also shocked by Chen's words. At this moment, she came back to her senses, and was so angry that she directly picked up her tea bowl and moved towards it. Chen poured it away.

Chen is such a thief. She had been on guard against Xu Ling for a long time. When she saw Xu Ling holding the tea bowl, she immediately jumped up and hid aside.

With a crash, all the tea was poured on Mrs. Jiang... In fact, the wife closest to Chen was County Magistrate Zheng. If Mrs. Jiang hadn't rushed over to block her, the tea would have been poured on Mrs. Zheng.

Mrs. Zheng was shocked. She didn't expect that she would encounter such a face-to-face fight when she came to a banquet.

And the two parties involved in the fight were the in-laws who were married. This... the husband was indeed right. This Chen family was a master who could cause trouble wherever he went.

"Mrs. Jiang, calm down!" Mrs. Zeng rushed over to apologize to Mrs. Jiang, and then called the maid: "Hurry up and bring a dry cloth to wipe Mrs. Jiang."

Mrs. Zeng's hands were shaking. Mrs. Jiang was the mother-in-law of Lieutenant Jiang County of Jiang Banner. She was very old and senior. She had tea poured on her by Ling Yatou. This time, Ling Yatou must have her skin peeled off by her father-in-law?

There are so many ladies present. Once a few gossips spread, Ling Yatou's reputation will be ruined.

"Girl Ling, why don't you come here and apologize to Mrs. Jiang!" Zeng yelled, wanting to slap Xu Ling. Of course, she wanted to kill Chen even more.

Mrs. Chen, this evil spirit, has caused misery to her whole house.

Xu Ling was frightened and cried: "I, I don't want to hurt Mrs. Jiang, I want to hurt Mrs. Chen."

Then he pointed at Mrs. Chen and cursed: "Shrew, this happened because of you, why don't you come over and apologize to Mrs. Jiang!"

Mrs. Chen: "Ah, you spilled the tea yourself. It's none of my business. Just apologize!"

"You, you, wuwuwu~" Xu Ling felt extremely wronged and cried.

The third grandma wanted to grab Mrs. Chen and give her a beating, but if the quarrel continued, it would only get worse, so she had to come over and apologize to Mrs. Jiang: "Mrs. Jiang, Mrs. Chen is just a rough country woman. I have made you suffer. I'm really sorry. Can’t live.”

Mrs. Jiang was so tired that she waved her hands and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. Today is a good day for the Gu and Xu families to get engaged. They should be happy."

After speaking, he said to Mrs. Zheng: "Mrs. Zheng, in rural areas, the rules are not as good as those in aristocratic families, which scares you."

When Mrs. Zeng and Mrs. Lu saw this, they hurried over to apologize to Madam Zheng: "Madam, calm down, I made you laugh. I'm sorry."

Magistrate Zheng had already told Mrs. Zheng about the Gu family's temper, and specifically mentioned Chen's shrewdness, so although Mrs. Zheng was frightened, she still said: "I'm fine, you don't need to apologize."

He added: "Mrs. Jiang is right. Today is a happy day. We should rejoice and rejoice. Don't be angry anymore."

After saying that, he glanced at Chen and Zeng.

Mrs. Chen smiled and said: "Since the county magistrate's wife has spoken, I will do what the county magistrate's wife said and won't be angry."

Mrs. Zeng was very angry with her honest look, but she couldn't get angry and could only apologize: "Madam, what you said is that today is a good day for the Gu and Xu families, so we can't let it go bad." So festive."

Then he shouted to Xu Ling: "Why don't you come over quickly and apologize to Mrs. Zheng!"

Do you want to be sent to Zhuangzi, a dead girl who only gets into trouble and can't help the family?

After hearing this, Xu Ling came over with tears in her eyes, saluted, and said, "I'm sorry, madam. It's all my fault."

Mrs. Zheng really didn’t want to talk about it anymore, so she said, “It’s okay, there’s no need to say anything more.”

After speaking, he looked at Mrs. Jiang and said, "Madam, I've made you tired. I've brought a change of clothes. I'll accompany you to change your clothes. It's not good to wear wet clothes."

Women from aristocratic families would always bring an extra set of clothes with them when they go out for a banquet, so that they can be replaced in case the clothes they wear get dirty or if they encounter any accidents.

Mrs. Jiang smiled and said, "Thank you, Madam."

It would be better for Mrs. Zheng to leave her for a while to avoid being too embarrassed.

Madam Lu quickly stood up and said, "I'll take the two ladies there."

"Okay." Mrs. Zheng nodded with a smile, took her daughter, accompanied Mrs. Jiang, and followed Mrs. Lu.

After the two ladies left, Mrs. Chen apologized to the ladies present: "Madams, I made you laugh. I'm really sorry."

The ladies smiled dryly and said, "Ms. Gu, you are serious. We are fine."

It's really okay. It's just that Mrs. Zeng was so angry that you almost died. Why don't you apologize to her?

Apologize to Zeng? That was impossible. Madam Chen wished that Madam Zeng would be so angry that she could be so mad at her. Who could let Madam Zeng talk secretly to anger her?

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