Mrs. Zeng was so angry that she wanted to strangle Mrs. Chen to death. This Mrs. Chen was really good at causing trouble. It was obvious that she deserved a beating for what she said, so she secretly replied a few words. Now after irritating Xu Ling into causing trouble, Chen came here to pretend to be a good person again.

Damn, what are you pretending to be? It’s better to let Xu Zhong marry her and not be able to get pregnant for ten years. Mrs. Chen will be so angry!

After Mrs. Zeng scolded Mrs. Chen in her heart, she quickly took Xu Ling to apologize to the ladies present.

Although Xu Ling was not happy, for the sake of her own reputation, she could only shed tears and apologize at the same time, which made Mrs. Chen very happy.

The third grandmother secretly pinched Mrs. Chen, stared at her, and told her to calm down.

Chen took revenge on everything today and nodded repeatedly, indicating that he would stop.

Mr. Xu had been worried that Chen and Xu Ling would start fighting again, so he kept his servants staring at this place. Now that he got the news, he was so angry that he almost fell down on the banquet.

Why is Ling Yatou so impulsive? How dare you throw tea at Mrs. Chen in public!

Just splash it, at least be more accurate. If you splash it on Mrs. Jiang, do you want the two families to become enemies, or do you want to never get married?

Blame Chen again, this woman is really ignorant. He has already helped settle her family, why doesn't she just stop?

Mr. Xu really wants to release the Chen family and harm the Chen family, but this is impossible. If the Chen family is released, if the Chen family does something bad, his Xu family, as the in-laws of the Gu family, will also be embarrassed.

Mr. Xu could only sulk secretly. While he was angry, a servant came to report: "Master, Qin Baihu is here, and he also brought a group of soldiers from the Fucheng garrison camp."

Mr. Xu was happy when he heard that Qin Sanlang was coming, but he was a little unhappy when he heard that he had brought a group of soldiers from the Fucheng garrison camp.

The leader of the army is killing, and the evil spirit is so strong. If you wait for a good day to eat and drink for free, you will suffer a big loss.

After hearing this, County Magistrate Zheng asked: "Soldiers from the Fucheng garrison camp? Are they Zhong Yu and the others?"

He heard that Zhong Yu and the others went to chase Liu Zongqi, who had defected from Hushan Mansion. When they came back at this time, they should have captured Liu Zongqi.

Mr. Ouyang said: "Zhong Yu? That Yaoer from the Zhong family in Jiangdu Prefecture, Jiangnan? Why is this kid here?"

"The youngest son of the Zhong family in Jiangdu Prefecture in Jiangnan?!" Mr. Xu stood up in shock, looked at Mr. Ouyang and said, "Sir, are you talking about the Zhong family in Jiangdu Prefecture?"

Mr. Ouyang nodded: "Yes, it's his home."

After hearing this, Mr. Xu was so excited that he was trembling with excitement. Oh my God, you have been so kind to our Xu family. All the well-known and respectable people in the country are running to his Xu family. It is difficult for the Xu family to even think about it!

"Zhaoming, Zhaoming, come with grandpa to greet the distinguished guests!" Mr. Xu grabbed Xu Zhaoming, followed by a large group of rich men from the county, and ran to greet Zhong Yu.

Qin Sanlang had already brought Zhong Yu and the others to the front yard and living room. After seeing Mr. Xu, he cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Xu..."

As soon as he shouted, he was interrupted by Mr. Xu.

Stop talking. No one has time to listen to you talking to a hundred households now. We want to curry favor with Mr. Zhong, so go ahead!

"Qin Baihu, this is Mr. Zhong, right? He is indeed a talented man, with the air of a noble man all over his body." Mr. Xu saw the difference in Zhong Yu at a glance. He stepped forward and held his hand and said, "Mr. Zhong has come a long way. You’ve worked hard here, come in, take a rest and have something to eat.”

Zhong Yu was shocked: "You always know who I am?"

He came to Tianfu County today just to show off.

Because Mr. Liu of Hushan Prefecture defected, Jianghuai's Baishan Prefecture and Yuyang Prefecture were in chaos again. Hushan Prefecture was also uneasy because of the tax issue and did not dare to send the entire battalion to pursue Mr. Liu. Si asked the He'an Mansion garrison camp to send troops to help, and this task fell on Deputy General Lan. Zhong Yu also took the opportunity to ask for orders to follow.

He was lucky. He actually faced Mr. Liu Qi head-on and captured Mr. Liu alive. He will definitely be promoted when he goes back this time. He will come to Tianfu County specifically to show off to Qin Sanlang and tell him: My boss Although the position of flag has been taken away, I have the ability to be promoted back, so just wait!

It happened that Qin Sanlang came to Xu's house to congratulate him, so he came with a group of soldiers.

But he didn't expect Mr. Xu to be so enthusiastic and hold his hand and talk as soon as they met.

Zhong Yu was not used to it, so he pulled his hand back, but as soon as he pulled it back, Mr. Xu pulled him back to hold it.

"Mr. Zhong is a noble son of a noble family, how dare I not recognize him?" Mr. Xu said with a smile, but Zhong Yu had a bad look on his face.

He went to be a soldier and didn't want people to know his identity, lest others give him preferential treatment because of his identity.

Qin Sanlang smiled, asking you to come here to show off would be shooting yourself in the foot.

Mr. Xu added: "Mr. Zhong came all the way here. He must be exhausted. Hurry up and go in with me to have something to eat and have a good rest." Mr. Xu looked attentive, as if he was afraid that Zhong Yu would be tired and hungry.

Why come here all the time? I just followed the man named Qin here. Are you still exhausted? Look down on people, right? I don’t know how good my health is, how could I be exhausted!

But after all, Zhong Yu came from a noble family and was well-educated. He smiled at Mr. Xu and said, "Thank you for being old. My brothers are still hungry. Please prepare two banquets for them."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhong, I will ask someone to make arrangements for them immediately." Mr. Xu said, turning to Uncle Xu and said: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and prepare the good noodles on the two tables for all the military masters to eat. Delicious!”

The tone was very bad, and he was blaming Xu Ling's troubles on the head of the Xu family.

"Yes." The uncle of the Xu family felt a little reluctant. He wanted to stay with Zhong Yu... Zhong Yu seemed to be a fool, so he should be easy to flatter. If he could flatter him well, he might be able to marry Xu Ling. Be his concubine.

From a family like the Xu family, having a daughter as a concubine for the Zhong family was considered a high level.

"Thank you!!" A group of soldiers shouted thanks, which shook the Xu family uncle out of his wits. He hurriedly arranged a table for them, for fear that if it was too late, these soldiers would be so hungry that they would eat him up. .

"Master Zhong, come here, let's go inside to eat and talk." Mr. Xu dragged Zhong Yule towards the living room regardless of whether he was happy or not.

Zhong Yu was helpless and looked at Qin Sanlang, giving him a hint in his eyes and asking him to save him.

But Qin Sanlang said: "Brother Zhong, today is the engagement day for the Gu and Xu families. Since you have come to visit, you must give a gift, otherwise others will say that the Fucheng garrison camp and the Zhong family have no rules."

Zhong Yu was stunned and looked at Qin Sanlang... I came to show off to you. I didn't bring any gifts at all. How could I give them? !

But as a son of the Zhong family, he enjoys the benefits brought by the Zhong family, and he still cares about the reputation of the Zhong family. Because he is a soldier, he has the responsibility to maintain the reputation of the camp. Qin Sanlang's words poked his weakness. , for the sake of the reputation of Daying and the Zhong family, they could only take out a jade pendant and handed it to Mr. Xu: "I came in a hurry, and I didn't know there was a happy event in the Xu family. This Xu family pendant will be used as a congratulatory gift and given to the Xu family."

Qin Sanlang had a headache. This idiot Zhong actually brought Zhong Jiapei as a gift. If Mr. Zhong knew about it, he would be very angry.

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