After hearing this, Gu Jinli raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at Brother Cheng, and said nothing.

However, Hui Niang spoke frankly: "Isn't it just a painting by your brother? Is it such a treasure? We have seen it before. The one that was not well painted was cut up and used as oil paper for guests to wrap bean dregs cakes."

Brother Cheng was so angry that his face turned green, and he snorted: "But this is a very good painting, sir."

After saying that, he glanced at the table and said, "Third sister, the table is full of food and there is no room to put paintings. Let's go to the stone table under the kapok tree and look at the paintings."

After that, without waiting for Ouyang Ming to speak, he turned around and ran to the kapok tree not far away.

Ouyang Ming was startled, then smiled and said to Gu Jinli and the others, "Let's go over there to see the paintings together."

"Third sister, let's go and see it. We are tired of looking at the paintings painted by eldest brother." Gu Jinli saw that there was something wrong with Brother Cheng and did not follow him.

Luo Huiniang also nodded and said: "Yeah, we won't go. Brother Jin'an paints New Year pictures for several of our families every New Year. They are still posted on the doors of several houses. I'm really tired of seeing them. The third girl herself Let’s go and see it, we’re eating here, your meat dishes are so delicious.”

As expected of a rich family, they are willing to put meat on it!

Ouyang Ming smiled. This Miss Luo is a simple and straightforward person. She is very happy to get along with such a person: "Then you eat first, but you have to save some food for lunch. The kitchen has prepared a lot of good dishes. It’s a famous dish in the capital and rarely available in He’an Prefecture.”

"There are still good dishes in the kitchen!" Luo Huiniang was excited and said hurriedly: "Okay, okay, then I will eat less now and save my stomach for lunch."

Ouyang Ming smiled and nodded, and went to the kapok tree. He took the painting tube handed to him by his brother Cheng, opened it, took out the painting inside, and planned to take a look at this Jin painting.

But when the scroll was opened, there was another painting hidden inside.

This painting is very strange, it is two people, or a girl and a pair of hands... The girl is wearing a familiar dress, has no face, only most of her body and a hanging black hair.

The girl's right hand holds a bow, and her left hand is held by the other hands. The owner of those hands is putting a bracelet on the girl.

The bracelet is not expensive. It is made of small beans connected in series. The beans are dyed red and are red beans... There is a cloud in the poem, red beans express lovesickness.

Ouyang Ming was startled, looking at the red bean bracelet on the painting, and the hands that put the bracelet on the girl... The knuckles were long and the phalanges were large. At first glance, they were the hands of a man, and the man's sleeves were embroidered with a few... A bamboo leaf.

She had seen such clothes before, and they were worn by the wise Qilinzi.

She thought of that young man, who had a face as handsome as an orchid, a figure as tall as a bamboo, a temperament as noble as snow, and a wolf-like temperament hidden in his bones...

"It's a pity that Qilinzi entered the farming community."

Grandpa's words rang in Ouyang Ming's mind, but she still blushed.

She was only sixteen years old, and she suddenly discovered that a man of similar age and similar interests liked her. Even though he was as calm as she was, and even though she knew the outcome of the matter, she still couldn't help but blush.

However, she quickly put away the painting that shouldn't be there, put it aside, looked at the happy picture of a peasant family, and praised: "Jin's paintings are indeed well-deserved. They are very lifelike and extremely well done."

Brother Cheng: "..."

Only in this way? !

What about the other painting? Third sister, won’t you say a few words?

Brother Cheng was a little anxious. Looking at the painting that Ouyang Ming put aside, his nose felt sore and his eye circles were red... Can we really not overcome family differences? Is it really impossible for a farmer's son to marry a daughter from a noble family?

"I've finished reading. Brother Cheng, please take the painting back to grandpa." Ouyang Ming rolled up the two paintings and put them into the painting tube, as if he didn't see the painting that shouldn't exist.

Brother Cheng was stunned. He didn't expect such a result. He looked up at Ouyang Ming, tears falling from his eyes, and finally said: "Third sister, I'm sorry... Brother doesn't know anything. I made my own decision, don't blame my brother."

He just fell in love with you and didn't do anything transgressive. It's all my fault!

Ouyang Ming smiled, raised his hand and put it on Brother Cheng's head, looked down at him and said, "Well, Third Sister, I forgive you. Let's go. Don't do this again."

When she was in the capital, she was often laughed at for being an orphan without the support of her father and brother. When she was still young, she also thought about how great it would be if she had a brother.

Brother Cheng is smart and cute, and both her grandfather and she like her very much, but what moves her even more is the mutual support between the four brothers and sisters of the Gu family.

For this kind of feeling that she would never get in her life, she forgave the child who made mistakes for her brother.

Brother Cheng was very surprised. He didn't expect that the third sister would forgive him for doing such an illegal thing: "Third sister..."

Ouyang Ming smiled, turned around and left without saying anything else.

Brother Cheng was stunned for a while, and then left the backyard and gave the painting to Mr. Ouyang. Of course, he took out the lovesickness picture again.

Gu Jinli looked at Ouyang Ming, already suspicious, but she was very sensible and didn't ask any more questions. She just told Ouyang Ming some interesting things about the countryside.

Ouyang Ming was very curious about things in the countryside and listened with interest. Seeing that Gu Jinxiu didn't talk much, he even took the initiative to talk to her about embroidery and praised her for her embroidery skills.

Gu Jinxiu became very relaxed when talking about embroidery, and started chatting with Ouyang Ming.

Luo Huiniang told Ouyang Ming about the escort agency, which gave Ouyang Ming another insight.

During this period, Ouyang Yu came over and said in a strange tone: "Third sister, I heard that you asked the kitchen to make Mi Qin Crystal Pork. That is the secret recipe of our Ouyang family. It is a delicacy that has been passed down for thousands of years. If it were not for the daughter of aristocratic family, I am afraid it would be I can’t taste the true taste of this delicacy.”

Hehe, Gu Jinli laughed when he heard this and said: "Isn't this Miqin Crystal Pork made from pork elbow? Then its original flavor must be pork flavor. We often eat it, and you can taste it very well."

Ouyang Yu was stunned for a moment, obviously angry, and then mocked: "Ha, as expected of a peasant, he is only worthy of eating pork."

Gu Jinli: "Miss Wu, I heard that you like to eat ham. Do you know what kind of meat ham is made of?"

Ouyang Yu naturally knew that ham was made of pork. After hearing this, his face twisted in anger and he ran away angrily.

Ouyang Ming shook his head and said to Gu Jinli: "Fifth sister is young and has been spoiled by her family. Don't worry about it."

Gu Jinli was eating cakes and drinking tea, and said with a smile: "Third sister, don't worry, we are here to play with third sister. We don't care about other people's attitudes."

Ouyang Ming likes Gu Jinli's temperament of talking about things one by one and not getting too involved.

Gu Jinli also likes Ouyang Ming very much. He thinks she is transparent, well-spoken, and somewhat chivalrous. In short, she had a great time at Ouyang's house today.

Brother Cheng had a worse life. He originally thought he could help his eldest brother, but to his surprise, Ouyang Ming acted as if he hadn't seen the painting.

After returning home, he wanted to secretly put the lovesickness picture back into Jin'an's house, but was caught by his elder brother.

Brother Cheng's heart pounded: It's over, he's going to be beaten!

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