A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1275 If you hit me again, you will die.

Gu Jinan stood at the door of the back room, folding his hands in front of him, staring intently at Brother Cheng who was on tiptoe, trying to put the scroll into the porcelain vase of Duobao Pavilion.

"Gu Jincheng, what did you do?" Gu Jinan asked coldly, with suppressed anger in his voice.

Brother Cheng was so frightened that his hands shook and he almost knocked down the porcelain vase containing the painting. After hurriedly holding the porcelain vase, he hurriedly hid the painting behind his back. He lowered his head and said, "I, I saw that the paintings painted by my eldest brother are good-looking. I took it and looked at it, thinking about copying it, but I had a lot of homework today and didn’t have time to draw, so I gave it back~"

After saying that, he raised his head and glanced at Gu Jinan quickly. Seeing that his face was quite ugly, he quickly lowered his head in fear.

Take it for copying?

Oh, go ahead and lie to the devil.

Gu Jinan's face was as cold as ice. He stood still and said only one sentence: "Gu Jincheng, I will give you another chance. Whether you want to tell the truth honestly or continue to lie, it is your choice. But you have to remember If you choose, you will have to bear the consequences, I will not let you go!"

Brother Cheng knew that his eldest brother was really angry, so he shrunk in fright, clutched the painting tightly with his little hands, looked down at the uppers of his shoes, and remained silent.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Gu Jinan became even more angry, but after all, he was his biological brother who had raised him by himself and he was still young, so he gave him another chance: "Are you undecided? Then let me tell you, I hate people who lie the most. If you tell me honestly, you may be able to avoid a beating, but if you don't tell me, then don't call me brother in the future. I don't have a brother like you who steals, lies, and doesn't dare to admit his mistakes!"

After hearing this, Brother Cheng turned pale with fright. For him, his eldest brother is a more reliable person than his parents. What should he do if his eldest brother disowns him in the future?

Brother Cheng was scared and said with a cry: "I, I just want to help my elder brother and show the painting to my third sister~"

At the end of the sentence, the voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

Gu Jinan has been practicing martial arts in the past few years. He has good ears and can hear everything clearly. His face immediately turned dark: "What did you say? Show the painting to the third girl. Gu Jincheng, you are so brave. This matter Is that something you can control?!”

Brother Cheng endured his fear and said, "I know I can't control it, but I just want to help my brother."

Gu Jinan laughed angrily: "Help me? How can a kid like you help me?!"

He was so angry that he walked over in a few steps and pulled Brother Cheng out from Duobao Pavilion: "Stop here and tell me clearly what you did today. Don't dare to miss a word. Don’t ever call me brother again in this life!”

Brother Cheng was so frightened that he cried when he saw Gu Jinan getting angry.

Gu Jinan became even more angry when he saw it, and shouted: "Hold back your tears! A manly man who dares not admit that he has done something wrong and only cries. You might as well go and be reincarnated as a little girl now!"

Brother Cheng was shaken by the yelling, and quickly wiped away his tears, not daring to cry anymore, and told Gu Jinan everything he had done today.

After hearing this, Gu Jinan was so angry that he almost slapped Brother Cheng in the face and shouted: "Kneel down!"

With a plop, Brother Cheng knelt down.

Gu Jinan walked out of the house, took a broom from the corridor outside, broke the long broom with a click, threw away the end with the broom, walked into the house with a stick, and hit Brother Cheng hard with a snap. on the back.

Brother Cheng was beaten so hard that he threw himself on the floor, but he didn't dare to cry out. Instead, he gritted his teeth and put his hands on the ground, not daring to move at all.

"If I don't hit you today, you won't know what to do and what not to do!" Gu Jinan was so angry that he hit Brother Cheng on the back with the stick in his hand, only a dozen times. , and beat Brother Cheng's back to bleed.

Gu Jinli couldn't stand it anymore, so he rushed in, snatched the stick from Gu Jinan's hand in two moves, and said, "Brother, if you continue to fight, you will have no brother."

I didn't expect that my eldest brother would really hit Brother Cheng and hit him so hard.

Gu Jinan glared at Gu Jinli and said angrily: "Did you teach him this? He learned it all from you. The older he gets, the more arrogant he becomes!"

Gu Jinli was stunned and almost died of injustice: "What does it have to do with me? Brother Cheng obviously loves you and is afraid that you will be single, so he took it upon himself to show the painting to the third sister."

You can't blame everything on me just because I usually don't follow the rules.

Brother Cheng was brought up by you and taught by you. If you did something wrong, you should blame yourself, not me.

"Besides, you are also responsible for this matter. If you hadn't drawn this painting, brother Cheng, there would be no way for Brother Cheng to show it to the third sister." After Gu Jinli retorted, he squatted down and helped Brother Cheng up. .

But Brother Cheng shook his head and refused to get up. He continued to kneel.

Gu Jinli clicked his tongue, "You really listen to your elder brother's words, kneel down when asked."

Seeing that he really didn't want to get up, she didn't force him. She was afraid that he would be injured internally, so she quickly checked his pulse and said to Gu Jin'an: "He is still so young. Brother, you have to be so harsh. If his internal organs are broken, If your internal organs or bones are broken, your life will be over."

Well, fortunately, it was only a dozen times and there were no internal injuries.

Gu Jinan was shocked and frightened when he heard this. He was afraid that he would hit his brother too hard and beat him badly. But Brother Cheng made a big mistake. He wanted to ask about his injury but it was difficult to ask him.

Seeing that he was anxious, Gu Jinli said to himself: Are you worried? Then you played so well just now.

However, she still told Gu Jinan: "Don't worry, Brother Cheng has taken good care of his body and bones in the past few years. It will be no problem after being hit for more than a dozen times. It's just some flesh injuries."

Gu Jinan breathed a sigh of relief, turned cold again, looked at Brother Cheng and said, "Do you know how serious what you did today is?"

"I have always taught you not to turn yourselves into beasts for the sake of others or jealousy of power and wealth, but what you did today is comparable to a rogue beast!"

Brother Cheng was startled, raised his head slightly, and glanced at Gu Jinan, obviously not understanding what Gu Jinan meant by this.

Gu Jinan said: "If someone likes your second sister, without a matchmaker, no elders, and your second sister doesn't know about it, his brother suddenly brings a painting to show to your second sister, so that your second sister can know That person likes her, as your second sister’s brother, will you be angry when you find out about this?”

Gu Jinli: "..."

Just say it, why do you want to use me as an example?

"Everyone will get angry and treat that person as a gangster." Gu Jinan continued: "Do you still remember Zhan Er? What you did today is similar to what Zhan Er did. They were all reckless. No matter how the girl feels, this is just a selfish act to benefit one’s own family!”

"Don't think that this matter will go away if the third girl forgives you. You are humiliating the third girl and the Ouyang family!"

For important marriage matters, the parents must order the matchmaker to speak. This kind of behavior of telling a girl in private that someone likes you with a painting, not to mention breaking the rules, is simply a slap in the face of the Ouyang family.

Is this a good and pampered girl that you despise? !

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