The third grandmother was startled, then stood in the middle of the yard and asked Xiao Tuan: "Xiao Tuan, did you hear anything? Is there a carriage coming?"

Third Grandma is getting older, and her ears don’t work as well as before.

"Yes, it sounds like a carriage. I guess the eldest young master and the others are back!" Xiaotuan was so happy that he immediately ran to the gate and turned back to the third grandma and said: "Don't be anxious. Slow down. I'll go and give it to you." Just take a look, if the eldest young master and the others come back, they will call you right away!"

"Hey, hey, go quickly!" The third grandma was so happy that she hurriedly turned and walked towards the door.

Da Tuan had already opened the door and ran out, but he was worried that someone would take the opportunity to get into the house, so he did not run far. While staring at the door, he stood outside the door and looked towards the intersection at the end of the village. Sure enough, he saw clusters of burning torches.

"Young master, are you the eldest master?!" Da Tuan was more cautious and asked first.

Xiaotuan laughed after hearing this and said: "Brother, it must be the eldest young master and the others. If they are strangers, Uncle Wang will not let them in."

As he spoke, he ran forward, but he was smart enough to run against the wall instead of running in the middle of the road to avoid being hit by the carriage in the dark.

"Brother Datuan, it's us. The case is closed, we won, the eldest young master and the second young master are back!" Sawako shouted at the top of his lungs.

Da Tuan was very happy and immediately ran back to support the third grandma: "Third grandma, the young master and the others are back. The case is closed and we won!"

"Really!" The third grandma burst into tears when she heard this: "Okay, okay, God bless you."

Not only was the case won, Brother An and Brother Cheng came back in time without causing any trouble.

"Sister-in-law, Brother An and the others are back?" Mrs. Cui heard the sound and rushed out.

Gu Dashan supported the third grandfather and followed closely. The two of them stretched their necks and looked at the door, wanting to see if An Geer and the others had come in?

"They're back, they're back, come out and pick them up." The third grandma was so happy that she had already left the gate and was standing in the open space outside the door, waiting.

Not long after, Gu Jinan's carriage approached.

After Sawazi stopped the carriage, Brother Cheng opened the curtain, jumped out of the carriage, and rushed to the third grandma: "Third grandma, we are back, I miss you."

"Hey, Third Grandma's sweetheart is back, and Third Grandma misses you too." Third Grandma happily hugged Brother Cheng, and frowned: "Our Brother Cheng has lost weight, so this trip is Thanks for your hard work."

Gu Jinan laughed when he heard this and said loudly: "Third Grandma, Brother Cheng has not lost any weight at all. We have benefited from Dou Shaodong's family along the way. We eat and drink very well, and we have gained weight."

After saying that, he walked over and gave the third grandma a gift.

"Stop saluting and get up quickly." The third grandma looked Gu Jinan over and felt distressed: "I have lost weight. You brothers have all lost weight. The third grandma has cooked some delicious food for you in the past few days."

Brother Cheng's face fell: "There is no need for Third Grandma to do it herself, just let Aunt Miao lead the servants to do it."

After his mouth was spoiled by his second sister's cooking, he really couldn't eat the food cooked by his third grandma. It had no oil or salt and tasted very tasteless.

Third Grandma nodded at Brother Cheng's head: "You still dislike Third Grandma's craftsmanship."

Seeing Luo Wu following him, he frowned and said, "Brother Wu, why are you here? We are getting married today. You cannot come to the bride's house before an auspicious time. It is unlucky."

Luo Wu finally married Gu Jinxiu, and he had a smile on his face today. He said with a smile: "It's okay, Third Grandma, I won't go in, so I'll come over and see An Ge'er and the others."

Then he said guiltily: "Originally, I was supposed to go with them, but I didn't make it. Naturally, they will come over and take a look when they come back."

Gu Jinan was satisfied when he saw that Luo Wu still cared about his family.

The third grandma was also very happy and asked about Gu Dexing and the others: "Where are Brother Xing and the others? Are they back home?"

Gu Jinan nodded: "Well, they have all gone home to rest. Dou Shaodong's family is resting in a house in the town. They will come for a wedding banquet tomorrow."

As he was talking, he saw Ms. Cui and the others coming, and saluted them again: "Mom, dad, Third Grandpa, we are back safely."

"It's good to be back." Mrs. Cui cried with joy, and ran over to hold Gu Jinan's hand and looked at him: "My eyes are black and blue, I must not have slept well. Go inside and have something to eat, and take a nap immediately. It's a good time." I’ll have someone call you up again.”

Third Grandma: "Your mother is right, don't say anything, eat first and then sleep."

Gu Dashan and Third Grandpa nodded in agreement, and the family gathered them into the main room. Lao Zhu's wife hurriedly brought the food up for Gu Jinan and the others to eat.

After Sawazi and the others sent the carriage and horses to the stable, Wang Yongfu's wife took them to the room next to the kitchen for dinner.

Gu Jinxiu had already woken up. She was so happy when she heard that Gu Jinan and the others were back. She wanted to come out to have a look, but Sister Li stopped her: "Girl, you can't go out, otherwise it will be unlucky."

The third grandma told the hostess and the matchmaker that Sister Xiu should not be allowed to leave the house before the groom came to pick her up.

Gu Jinxiu knew that she couldn't go out to see them, so she called Tong Xiaoxue: "How about you go out and see An Ge'er and the others, ask them about the case, and then check on their trip?"

"Hey, slave, let's go right now." Tong Xiaoxue happily ran out to see Gu Jinan and the others.

Gu Jinan and the others were eating, and Brother Cheng stuffed his mouth full and said inarticulately: "It's hot, good time!"

Gu Dashan smiled and patted his head: "Swallow it before you speak, or your elder brother will punish you again."

Brother Cheng has always been taken care of by Brother An. In the past two years, Brother Cheng has been a bit naughty, and Brother An has been very strict with him.

Brother Cheng was also afraid of Brother An. After hearing this, he nodded quickly. After swallowing the food in his mouth, he saw Tong Xiaoxue and said hurriedly: "But the eldest sister asked you to come over? Tell the eldest sister that we will go see her later." .”

Mom said that the eldest sister can't leave the house now, but it's okay, they can go see the eldest sister.

"That's good. Miss, I missed you. It was Sister Li who persuaded me not to come out to see the two young masters." Tong Xiaoxue smiled and repeated what Gu Jinxiu told her.

Gu Jinan said: "The case went very well. Shopkeeper Feng, Chai's family, and Jia Tongpan's family were all arrested. We are also doing well, not working hard, and not sick, so I can rest assured."

After hearing this, Tong Xiaoxue went back and told Gu Jinxiu with satisfaction.

Gu Jinxiu finally felt relieved after hearing this.

More than a quarter of an hour later, the third mistress, Mrs. Cui, brought Gu Jinan and Brother Cheng to Gu Jinxiu's yard, and stood in front of the window to meet Gu Jinxiu.

"Brother An, Brother Cheng, thank you for your hard work on this trip. I hope you come back safely." Gu Jinxiu handed two pairs of leather gloves to Gu Jinan and the others from the window: "They are in the style of Xiaoyu's paintings. It's cold today, so wear them Just right."

Gu Jinan accepted it, looked at Gu Jinxiu and said, "Don't worry, eldest sister, we are all fine. The case has been won, and Brother Cheng's reputation as someone who is not easy to bully has spread. You can get married with peace of mind."

He also talked about how Brother Cheng brought Hu Dawen to court and turned defeat into victory.

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