A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1399 Guo Qiang and Yuanyuan

Gu Jinan is very eloquent and speaks brilliantly.

Gu Jinxiu exclaimed in surprise after hearing this, and praised Brother Cheng: "Brother Cheng is really capable. He can also help his family win the lawsuit. He is very powerful."

Brother Cheng narrowed his eyes with a smile, opened the window and said: "It's a trivial matter. That Hu Dawen has a son and a daughter. This is his weakness. As long as he catches it, he can take advantage of it."

He added: "Eldest sister, feel free to get married. You don't have to worry about me anymore. When I grow up, I can take care of myself, and I can also protect eldest sister and my future nephew."

Gu Jinxiu blushed at the words "nephew", but after listening to Brother Cheng's words, her eyes flushed with joy. She patted his head and looked at Gu Jin'an: "There are still three hours before the auspicious time. You guys go first?" Go back and take a nap, I came back all night, I’m so tired.”

Gu Jinan nodded: "Well, let's go back first and get up before the auspicious time."

As he said this, he pulled Brother Cheng and left with the third grandmother and Mrs. Cui.

The brothers were so sleepy that they quickly fell asleep after returning to their own room.

They slept deeply, and it was Gu Dashan who woke them up after seeing that the auspicious time was half an hour away.

Gu Jinan had a comfortable sleep and felt energetic. After changing into the new clothes prepared by Mrs. Cui, he followed Gu Dashan out to meet guests.

There was a lively and festive atmosphere outside. Guests came to the door, including Dou Shaodong's family, along with Mr. Ouyang and Ouyang Ming.

Gu Jinan's eyes couldn't help but look at Ouyang Ming, resting on her... When he arrived in town last night, he went to Ouyang's house to report that he was safe, but it was too late. He didn't see Ouyang Ming, and he felt very sad. Pity. I didn't expect that she would come today, so I became happy again.

Ouyang Ming followed Mr. Ouyang. Although she was wearing a curtain and Gu Jinan couldn't see her face, she could feel that Gu Jinan's eyes were staring at her and her face was getting hot.

When Mr. Ouyang saw it, he almost snorted in anger, but Gu Jinan was very measured and looked away before he got angry and saluted him: "Students pay homage to Mr. Ouyang. It is my blessing that he can come."

Mr. Ouyang still likes Gu Jinan very much, because he is very similar to his elder brother Ouyang Hong. He can take care of his younger brothers and sisters. He smiled and said: "I'm here to have a wedding banquet today. No need to be polite. But the food at the banquet must be delicious, otherwise I will It’s about getting angry.”

Mr. Ouyang is here to support the Gu family.

A general judge has just been imprisoned. It is estimated that some people will hate the Gu family. With his support, those people can restrain themselves.

And Ming Cong, he didn't expect that Ming Cong would like An Ge'er and want to recruit him into the Ming family party... Party struggles have always had good and bad sides. He didn't want An Ge'er to take sides too early, so he came and asked Ming Cong to join him. Cong understands that Brother An is the descendant he wants to protect, so Cong Ming should not push him too hard.

Gu Jinan smiled and said: "Don't worry, sir, my family has specially prepared a banquet for you, all of which are your favorite dishes. You will definitely be satisfied."

"There's no need to prepare a special table. I can just eat the same thing as everyone else." The food in the Gu family is delicious, and everything he eats tastes delicious.

"Sir, please come in quickly." After Gu Jinan said a few words to Mr. Ouyang at the door, he quickly invited them into the house and entertained them personally.

Ouyang Ming did not follow Mr. Ouyang, but took his grandma and maid to follow Mrs. Cui to Gu Jinxiu's house.

Brother Cheng was looking for Guo Qiang. When he didn't see Guo Qiang, he asked about Dou Shaodong's family: "Didn't Guo Qiang say he wanted to stay and drink my eldest sister's wedding wine? Why didn't he come with you?"

Guo Qiang admired Brother Sanlang very much. On the day that Brother Sanlang and his second sister got married, he said that he would stay to marry his eldest sister, support his family, and protect his family for Brother Sanlang.

Dou Shaodong's family smiled with gossip on their faces: "Oh, that boy was stupid and was beaten badly by Mrs. Guo. Mrs. Guo dragged him home a few days ago."

Brother Cheng was stunned when he heard this: "What's going on? Brother Dou, please tell me."

Dou Shaodong's family: "It's been a few hours since I came back, and you haven't heard the servants mention the gossip between Guo Qiang and Shang Yuanyuan?"

"What? Guo Qiang and Yuanyuan? What kind of gossip can they have?" Brother Cheng was shocked. Yuanyuan and Guo Qiang have never met, right? How can people who don't know each other have gossip?

Dou Shaodong's family clicked their tongues, looked at him with disgust, and called Dou Zhi: "Tell him, I'm not free right now."

With that said, he walked away.

Dou Zhi thought that Guo Qiang didn't know whether Shang Yuanyuan was a boy or a girl, so he went to Shangjia Village to find out. As a result, half of Shangjia Village was alarmed. In the end, gossip broke out that the two had an affair, and Mrs. Guo took her to apologize. , another big fight, and the mother and son were told about leaving early.

Brother Cheng was shocked when he heard: "There are rumors that Guo Qiang and Yuan Yuan are having an affair? The person who spread this must be crazy. Yuan Yuan is only eight years old, younger than me."

Dou Zhi: "Men and women have different seats at the age of seven, and General Guo is too aggressive, so he made the matter worse. Now it has spread all over the country. Everyone has been gossiping about this recently."

The one who talked about it the most was Chen.

Brother Cheng was a little worried when he heard this: "How is Uncle Shang's family doing now? They must be very sad."

Uncle Shang and Aunt Shang only have one child, Yuan Yuan. Now that Yuan Yuan is spreading such gossip that is harmful to their reputation, they must feel very uncomfortable.

Dou Zhi said: "Shang Xiucai's family went to the Jiang family in the county. They want to live in the county for a while and come back when the gossip subsides."

"No wonder I didn't see Uncle Shang's family today." Brother Cheng was very worried when he heard that. He ran to Gu Jinan and told him about it.

Gu Jinan has heard about it and is worried.

Dou Shaodong's family stared at them with a good show, and finally their eyes fell on Brother Cheng.

Brother Cheng felt very uncomfortable being stared at by him. He turned around and glared at him and asked, "Brother Dou, what are you looking at?"

Dou Shaodong's family looked around and saw that there was no one in the small wing. He pointed at Brother Cheng and said, "Once the gossip about Guo Qiang and the girl from the Shang family comes out, the reputation of the girl from the Shang family will be ruined. It will be difficult to marry in the future." ...Your brother is much older than the girl from the Shang family. You and the girl from the Shang family are of the right age. Shang Xiu is your eldest brother's master. Since your eldest brother can't do it, you, the younger brother, can only repay the favor. I congratulate you first. , I have a wife at a young age."

Brother Cheng was stunned. When he understood what Dou Shaodong's family meant, he was stunned and said angrily: "What are you talking about? I don't like Yuanyuan, how can I marry her? Besides, our family has Treat Yuanyuan as a younger sister."

"Brother Dou, it's about Yuanyuan's reputation. Don't talk nonsense, otherwise others will listen to you." Gu Jinan warned Dou Shaodong's family, but his eyes were turned to Brother Cheng. While examining his brother, he thought: "That's right. It’s not impossible.”

The age, appearance, and family background are all suitable. They are simply a young couple!

Brother Cheng was about to cry: "Brother, why do you think so? I don't like Yuanyuan. The second sister said that you can only marry the person you like."

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