Gu Jinan frowned, looked at his brother for a while, and asked, "Are you really unhappy?"

Brother Cheng had a solemn face and nodded heavily: "I'm not happy."

He added: "Uncle Shang's family is kind to our family. I am willing to take care of Yuanyuan for the rest of her life and support her, but it will be in the name of my brother and nothing else."

To be honest, Gu Jinan was a little shocked. He touched Brother Cheng's head and sighed, "I've really grown up, and I already think like this."

Dou Shaodong's family looked at it and sneered: "You think he is still young? When my young master was as old as him, he had already watched the gathering of ladies."

Brother Cheng didn't understand: "What is that?"

Dou Shaodong's family came over and said with a smile on their face: "Want to know? I can sell you two copies."

Gu Jinan's face darkened and he said angrily: "Don't say anything, he's not that age yet."

Seeing that Brother Cheng had a look of realization on his face, he slapped him on the head and warned: "Don't think about nonsense, or I'll beat you up."

Brother Cheng covered his head, feeling very aggrieved. He didn't think about anything. It was Dou Shaodong's family who said this.

"Let's go and entertain the guests with dad. I'll go out and take a look. The master should be coming soon." When he passed by Shangjia Village last night, he went to visit the Shang family, but the master and his family went to the county town, but Ajiu said that the master will be here today. Will come for a wedding banquet.

He also warned Dou Shaodong's family: "Don't talk about the matter between Yuanyuan and Guo Qiang anymore. Yuanyuan is from a girl's family. Talking too much about this matter will be bad for her reputation."

Yuanyuan was the life of his master and his wife. He was very worried. After saying this, he immediately went to the door to wait for Shang Xiucai.

Fortunately, Shang Xiucai and his wife came not long after, along with Mrs. Jiang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and even Shang Yuanyuan also came.

When Gu Jinan saw Shang Yuanyuan, he was overjoyed. He immediately went up to greet Shang Xiucai and the others: "Greetings to Master and Master, and to Grandma Jiang and Aunt Jiang."

Gu Jinxiu's bride is Jiang Qi's daughter-in-law Lian. She came early in the morning and is now in Gu Jinxiu's room.

Jiang Dahu, Jiang Qi, Jiang Jiao and the others were at the Luo family.

Shang Yuanyuan saluted Gu Jinan: "Meet Senior Brother Gu."

Gu Jinan nodded happily and said, "Just come here. Senior brother will know that you are a promising person and will not be tripped up by worldly things."

After hearing this, Shang Yuanyuan raised his head and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Gu, don't worry, Sister Xiaoyu taught me that as long as you are innocent, you don't need to care what others say. We live for ourselves, not for others." Others live.”

Gu Jinan was very pleased to hear this. Yuanyuan was an only daughter. If she wanted to keep the family business, protect her parents and herself, she had to have this temperament!

Mrs. Jiang's eyes were red, and she took Yuanyuan's hand and said, "Girl, you just said this at the gate, and you are not afraid of people saying anything about you."

Jiang Jiao's wife said, "We Yuanyuan are right to begin with, and we say it so forcefully, it's just right for others to listen."

Mrs. Jiang nodded: "What the second daughter-in-law said is that you should be like Yuanyuan and be stronger."

Mrs. Jiang nodded: "Mother, second sister-in-law, I will be stronger in the future and won't be bullied by others!"

Yuanyuan can be tough, but she, as a mother, cannot be weak.

Afraid of hurting Shang Xiucai's face, he looked back at him and said, "My husband has done a good job these years. I don't mean to blame my husband."

Shang Xiucai smiled: "We have been husband and wife all our lives. Naturally, I understand you best. There is no need to say this. After all, it is indeed my fault that made you and Yuanyuan suffer."

Shang Xiucai was the one who doted on Mr. Jiang the most, and what he said was full of favoritism and self-blame.

Ms. Jiang shook her head: "No, my husband did a good job, but I still owe some heat."

Jiang Jiao's daughter-in-law almost died laughing when she saw this, and said: "You two are really good. I know you have a good relationship, but you can't just treat each other here. Hurry up and go inside."

After hearing this, the others all laughed.

Shang Xiucai was a little embarrassed. Seeing Mrs. Jiang blushing and lowering her head, he quietly shook her hand. After comforting her, he quickly let go and followed Gu Jinan into Gu's house.

Gu Dashan and Ms. Cui came out and saluted Mrs. Jiang: "Greetings, Aunt Jiang."

The two families became more and more familiar with each other. Not only did Gu Jinan and the others call Mrs. Jiang, Grandma Jiang, but Gu Dashan and Mrs. Cui also called her Aunt Jiang.

Mrs. Jiang gave them a weak hand and asked, "Did you win the case?"

Cui replied: "Win, win, shopkeeper Feng and Jia Tongpan were both arrested."

After hearing this, Mrs. Jiang clasped her hands together and bowed to heaven and earth: "God bless me, I have won."

Jiang Jiao's daughter-in-law said: "Everyone in the county is watching this case. Once the news spreads that your family has won the trial, no one will dare to take advantage of your family's property after it is kept."

As soon as Sanlang and Xiaoyu left, many people wanted to bully the Gu family again. Now that the person who struck first did not get any benefits and even lost their family business and life, they didn't dare to think about it again.

Ms. Cui smiled and said, "I'll let you worry about it."

While talking, he took Mrs. Jiang and the others to Gu Jinxiu's house, while Shang Xiucai followed Gu Jinan and the others to the living room where the male guests were entertained.

Half an hour later, the joyful sound of playing and playing was heard, and the Luo family came to welcome the bride. After going through one complicated and ancient ritual after another, Gu Jinxiu covered her head, said goodbye to her parents and relatives, and was led out of the house by Luo Wu.

Gu Jinan's eyes turned red when he looked at Gu Jinxiu, who was wearing a red wedding dress... He and his eldest sister were twins. He was the person who understood her best and cared for her the most.

He stepped forward, pressed Luo Wu's shoulders, and warned: "Don't be stupid again, don't do anything to make eldest sister sad, this is your last chance."

Brother Luo Wu is different to the eldest sister, and he is also different to him. For many years, Brother Luo Wu had been protecting him and his eldest sister.

But he is a child protector. No matter how close Luo Wu is, he can never kiss the eldest sister who was born at the same time. If Luo Wu dares to make the eldest sister sad again, he will not give Luo Wu another chance. He will directly let them reconcile and take the eldest sister home. Go home and raise it for the rest of your life!

"Brother An..." Gu Jinxiu cried again. This eldest brother was the most protective of his little one. He also allowed her to marry Brother Luo Wu. He really thought about her and wanted her to get her wish.

Luo Wu looked at Gu Jinan and solemnly swore: "Luo Wu swears here, if he is confused again and makes Sister Xiu sad again, he will definitely die a bad death!"

"Bah, bah, bah, how can you say such a thing on such a happy day." The golden matchmaker came out to smooth things over and said with a smile, "Don't worry, brother-in-law, the groom is a good young man and he will treat the bride well."

Gu Jinan didn't say anything more, nodded, smiled, and sent Gu Jinxiu out happily.

Looking at the wedding reception team going away, Gu Jinan breathed a sigh of relief...the two cabbages were finally married!

Luo Wu and Gu Jinxiu's wedding banquet was very lively, and all the guests who came to the door were well-known people. Even Mrs. Guo sent people to send congratulatory gifts to the two people when they visited.

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