People outside knew that the Gu family's case had been won, and that after the Gu family brothers had brought down a Wupintong, they were shocked and came to congratulate them one after another.

It's just that not everyone can enter Dafeng Village. Most people are stopped outside the village and have to accept the gifts.

However, the Luo family is very good at doing things, and they also set up a flowing banquet at the workshop house. As long as people from Dafeng Village, even married women, can go to the workshop house to have a banquet.

The married women who were close to each other all came back with their families. There were so many people and it was chaotic. But surprisingly, nothing happened. Everyone was afraid of the Gu family, and the people from the Luo Family Escort Agency were still there. Patrolling the workshop and house, no one dared to cause trouble.

The wedding banquet was eaten happily until dark, and the guests dispersed.

Dou Shaodong's family actually stayed at Gu's house to celebrate Brother Cheng's birthday.

The ninth day of December is not only the day when Gu Jinxiu gets married, but also Cheng Geer's ninth birthday.

After the guests left, Ms. Cui personally made a small bowl of longevity noodles for Brother Cheng and also carried a food box.

When the food box was opened, Brother Cheng was pleasantly surprised: "Cake, it's cake! Did you make it?"

Brother Cheng thought that after his second sister went to the northwest, no one would make cakes for him on his birthday.

Ms. Cui smiled and said, "The whole family made it for you."

The one who loves the most is Brother Cheng. Knowing that he loves to eat cakes, the whole family worked together to make the cake in advance. Anyway, Xiaoyu said that the cake will taste better if it is frozen.

Mrs. Cui took out another small box and handed it to Brother Cheng: "Open it and take a look. Your second sister made it specially for you."

"Second sister made it for me?" Brother Cheng was very happy. He opened the small box and saw nine chopstick-sized candles of different colors lying inside.

"Candle, is this a candle?" Cheng Geer asked in confusion.

Mrs. Cui nodded: "Yes, they are exactly candles. Your second sister said that you should light a few at your age, stick them on the cake, light them and wish, then blow out the candles, and your wish will come true."

Brother Cheng frowned: "Second sister is lying again. How can you make your wish come true by blowing out a candle?"

Gu Jinan smiled: "It's just a celebration, but I can't make you believe it. Hurry up and put the candles in, make a wish and eat the cake. I'm sleepy."

After celebrating your birthday, everyone can go to bed.

Brother Cheng nodded, inserted the nine small candles, lit them carefully, and started to make a wish with his hands together. After making the wish, he bowed to the cake three times before blowing out the candles.

Dou Shaodong's family couldn't explain what they saw... How come you feel like you are following a grave sweeper while worshiping this cake?

But he didn't say that if he came over, he would be beaten by Gu Jinan.

"Brother Dou, I'll give you some cake. It's delicious." Brother Cheng brought a piece of cake to everyone present, which is what his second sister asked him to do in previous years.

"This thing looks weird, is it delicious?" Dou Shaodong looked at the cake with disgust and was a little afraid to eat it. After all, it was something he had never seen before, and he was afraid of being poisoned to death if he ate it.

But when he tasted it, his eyes lit up with surprise... Although it was a new thing, the taste and texture were excellent. Not only was it soft and sweet, but it also had a smooth feeling like oil.

Yes, it’s a good thing that can be sold for money.

Dou Shaodong's family was a businessman. Seeing that the cake was good, he naturally wanted to use it to make money. He immediately turned to the third grandma who was the most talkative, and said with a pleading look on his face: "Third grandma, this cake is not bad. It is better than many pastries in the capital. I If you want to sell it in the capital, can you teach Dou Zhi how to make cakes?"

Gu Jinan wanted to roll his eyes when he heard this. He looked at Dou Shaodong's house and said, "You are so rude. You want to ask for the recipe for the cake in one sentence."

"Brother An, how can you talk to Dou Shaodong's family like this?" The third grandmother looked at Gu Jinan reproachfully. Dou Shaodong's family are also noble people from the capital, and they have helped them a lot. Their life experience is pitiful, but their mother died early, If his father doesn't love him and his stepmother abuses him, they should treat him better.

"This cake is either something expensive or novel. But before Xiaoyu left, he said that he would give the cake recipe to Brother Cheng as a ninth birthday gift. He has the final say on what to do with the recipe. .”

Damn it, it’s Gu Jinli again!

Dou Shaodong cursed in his heart and began to coax Brother Cheng: "Brother Cheng, sell the recipe to Brother Dou. Brother Dou will give you a suitable price and will not let you lose money. He will also give you a birthday gift tomorrow. How about making up for it?"

After saying that, he glared at Gu Jinan and told him not to interfere, otherwise he would fall out.

Brother Cheng said, "If you don't want to sell the recipe, let's form a partnership, and we'll share the money earned equally."

Dou Shaodong's family was about to explode with anger. He couldn't curse because of the presence of the Gu family's parents, so he suppressed his anger and reasoned with Brother Cheng: "It's just a pastry recipe. Even if you go to the capital, the money you can earn is limited. You You might as well just sell the recipe to me."

Brother Cheng shook his head: "The second sister left the cake recipe to me not to sell it, but to use it to make money. Let's work together to turn the cake into a long-term way of making money. It’s what the second sister wants to see most.”

He is nine years old, and his second sister often says that even if he grows up after the age of nine, he must learn how to make money and not just study, otherwise he will not even be able to support his wife in the future, which will be very miserable.

It's Gu Jinli again!

Forget it, stop scolding her, she is the young Marquis's real wife, he has to respect her, but why does he feel that Gu Jinli is his nemesis? Every time he does business with her, he loses money.

No, we can’t lose again this time.

"Partnership is fine, but it can't be 50/50, right?" Dou Shaodong's family wanted to give it 28/20, but the room was full of Gu family members. It wouldn't look good if he gave too little.

Brother Cheng was unhappy: "Four six!"

Dou Sandong's family was so angry that he couldn't get angry or continue bargaining, so he could only nod his head: "Sure, it's four or six."

After saying that, he sat down and asked Dou Zhi to take the pen and paper he brought with him and write two contracts. After signing and fingerprinting, he handed them to Brother Cheng: "Hurry up."

It was the first time that Brother Cheng entered into a business partnership with someone. He was a little excited and a little scared. He took the contract and read it carefully twice under the light before writing his name and fingerprinting it.

"It's done, you give me the recipe tomorrow and teach Dou Zhi how to achieve it." Dou Shaodong's family took a contract and left one for Brother Cheng, and the matter was settled.

The third grandma laughed: "It's getting late. You guys came back all night, so take a rest."

The third grandma likes Dou Shaodong's family very much. She treats him as her own grandson and gives him the best in everything.

But Dou Shaodong's family still dislikes it. The Gu family's products are really bad!

Even if the bed board is made of pine wood, even the quilt cover is made of cotton, but he only has a silk quilt!

Dou Shaodong's family couldn't bear it anymore and ran to complain to Gu Jinan, asking him to bring out some good things for him to use.

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