When Father Luo and Mrs. Chu saw this, they felt very relieved... If Huiniang didn't get married in the future, Sister Xiu would treat her well, and they were relieved.

The Luo family has no relatives, so Gu Jinxiu and Luo Wu served Luo's father, the Chu family, tea, and after Gu Jinxiu and Luo Huiniang exchanged gifts, they recognized themselves as relatives.

Not long after, the golden matchmaker came. After Mrs. Chu and the golden matchmaker went to see the yuan handkerchief in the new house, they embroidered the word "hexi" on it and went to the Gu family to announce the good news.

The golden matchmaker shouted from a distance: "My mother-in-law, I have good news for you. It's a happy marriage!"

Mrs. Cui was so happy that she took Aunt Miao to meet the golden matchmaker, took the red silk cloth, gave the golden matchmaker a big red seal, and solemnly hung the red silk cloth on the door. After looking at it for a moment, she happily Entering the house happily.

Cheng Geer and the others had already gotten up. After breakfast, they began to teach Dou Zhi how to make cakes.

Dou Zhi is a capable person and learns everything quickly. It took only half a day to make cakes twice before she learned it, and the taste was much better than Cui's.

"Well, it looks like what the second sister did!" Brother Cheng gave the highest praise.

Dou Shaodong's family nodded with satisfaction and told Dou Zhi: "Let's go back to the house in town and find two servants to learn how to make cakes. Once they learn how to make cakes, they will be sent back to the capital first to open the cake shop before February."

People in the capital have money and like to go on outings after February, and they like to bring cakes and wine. This cake will become popular in the capital and become a new food sought after by the rich and powerful.

"Yes." Dou Zhi responded and immediately went to pack her things.

Brother Cheng asked: "Brother Dou, are you leaving now?"

Dou Shaodong's family nodded: "Well, the things you use are so bad that I, Shaodong, are not used to them and can't live with them anymore."

He came here to support the Gu family. After that, he had to leave. There were still many things to be busy with, and he couldn't always hang around the Gu family.

Cheng Ge'er said angrily: "Brother Dou, you are so unpleasant to speak, but Third Grandma used the best things for you."

"But the best things in your house are the worst in the capital. They can't be used at all. It's time to replace them and buy better ones." Dou Shaodong's family said seriously: "Remember, your family is no longer a farmer in the northwest countryside. Now that we are alive, we are no longer victims of famine. We are now the family of a wealthy family, a scholar, and a general. We can no longer live a life of being promoted to ordinary people. We have to raise the cost of food and clothing and raise our family to be more delicate. Otherwise, in the future If you go to the capital, you will be laughed to death."

He didn't want the young Marquis's family to be laughed at and bring shame to the young Marquis.

Brother Cheng was very angry, but Dou Shaodong's family was about to leave. After being angry for a while, he went to tell Mrs. Cui and asked Mrs. Cui and the third grandmother to pack the return gifts and send Dou Shaodong's family away together.

But before he left the door, he bumped into Chen: "Nephew Dou, what are you going to do? Are you leaving?!"

Good guy, this shout of "Nephew Dou" made everyone confused.

Dou Shaodong’s family: “…”

When did I become your nephew?

But Mrs. Chen didn't care, but grabbed the arm of Dou Shaodong's family to stay: "Nephew Dou, you finally came here, but you can't just stay for one day and then leave. Stay a few more days and let your two brothers take you around the village. , don’t leave until you’re tired of playing.”

"Two younger brothers?" Dou Shaodong's mouth twitched and he looked not far away. Gu Defa and Gu Dewang looked indifferent and optimistic about the show: "You guys?"

Gu Defa nodded sincerely: "Well, it's us."

That’s bullshit. When did I become your brother? I don’t recognize relatives this way!

"What are you two doing in such a daze? Why don't you hurry up and take your brother Dou to the village to play?" Mrs. Chen yelled at Gu Defa and Gu Dewang.

But Gu Dewang said in embarrassment: "Mom, what's interesting in our village? It's either farmhouses or weeds and trees. I can't even find a beautiful flower. What can I let Mr. Dou's family see?"

Mrs. Chen roared: "Why is there nothing fun? Go hunting in the mountains. Don't all the young men in this city like to hunt prey? There are all kinds of prey in Dafeng Mountain."

Dou Shaodong's family was so yelled that their brains hurt. Just as they were about to speak, Village Chief He came with the three brothers He Jinsheng, He Yinsheng, and He Tongsheng.

Village Chief He shouted from a distance: "Dou Shaodong's house, the old man heard that you were going to live in the village and couldn't leave. But he was so happy that he came with his grandchildren after getting the news. Let's go, let's go, The old man will take you to the village to select land, and if you like the land, use that land to build a house!"

Dou Shaodong's family felt like they were going to explode: "When did my Shaodong family say they would buy land and build a house in the village?"

Which bastard spread the rumor?

Mrs. Chen knew that Village Chief He was here to steal people from her. She was so anxious that she grabbed Dou Shaodong's arm and asked Brother Gu Dewang to stop Village Chief He. She shouted to Village Chief He: "Village Chief, Dou My nephew is a guest of our Gu family, please don’t come and rob him!"

It's so shameless to fawn over a noble person every time you see him.

Village Chief He ignored Mrs. Chen at all and rushed over with his three grandchildren.

When Dou Shaodong's family looked at them, they were so angry that they wanted to kill someone... Who are these people? How many years has the young Marquis followed this group of people?

Oh my god, these are simply a bunch of unsightly fools. How can such a bunch of idiots help the young marquis? It will only become a drag on the little Marquis!

"Let go!" Dou Shaodong's family threw Chen away, their faces darkened, and they stared at them with a fierce light in their eyes.

Mrs. Chen was confused and hurriedly took a dozen steps back, shouting in her heart: What happened to the one named Dou? crazy? Suddenly so fierce!

"Dou Shaodong's family, are you leaving?" Mr. Qin walked over from the Qin family with his hands behind his back.

Dou Shaodong's family was shocked. He quickly put away his angry expression and greeted Mr. Qin: "Mr. Qin is here."

General He was much older than before, with white hair on his head, a hunched back, two teeth missing, and a wrinkled face. He felt very sad when he saw it... But the young Marquis said, Mr. He The general deliberately made himself so old just to hide his identity.

Mr. Qin nodded and said with a smile: "Sister Xiu got married yesterday. The old man drank two more drinks and got up late."

He looked at Mrs. Chen again, shook his head and said with a smile, "My noble wife, are you here to take advantage of the Gu family again?"

After hearing this, Mr. Chen forgot her fear and said to Mr. Qin: "Mr. Qin, what are you saying? When did I take advantage of the third uncle's family? I came back this time to help the third uncle's family, your family, and the people at the end of the village." My family members all brought gifts, so generous.”

Mr. Qin couldn't stop laughing and ignored her. He walked to Dou Shaodong's house and said, "The noble wife has this temper. She looks annoying, but she has a good heart. Don't be angry, Dou Shaodong."

Old General He is the godfather of the young Marquis. He has been a life-saving benefactor to the young Marquis and has come to be the peacemaker himself. Naturally, the Dou Shaodong family can no longer be angry: "You are too harsh. Auntie Dagui has a good temper and is straightforward." No scheming."

Gu Dewang's eyes widened. His mother had no intentions? It's scary how scheming you are. When you see a rich person, you always think about how to take advantage of him.


Unexpectedly, Dou Shaodong's family was actually afraid of Grandpa Qin.

Hehe, this is a big discovery. If he does business with Dou Shaodong's family in the future, he will bring Grandpa Qin out to help.

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