A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1404 A succession of happy events

Mr. Qin saw the smile on Gu Dewang's lips and said funnyly: "What are you kidding about again? Come over quickly to help carry things. Dou Shaodong's family is leaving."

"Here we come." Gu Dewang quickly ran over to help.

When Village Chief He saw it, he quickly pushed He Jinsheng and the others to help move things.

There are servants in Dou Shaodong's family, and they have almost moved all the things that need to be moved. Seeing that they have to carry a jar of fruit wine with two people, I am speechless.

Mr. Qin smiled heartily: "I'm a countryman, my etiquette is a bit bad, but I'm kind-hearted and protective of my shortcomings. It's a blessing to have good friends."

These words are telling Dou Shaodong's family not to look down on the country people, and it is not a bad idea for Sanlang to be friends with them.

Dou Shaodong's family heard this, and thinking about the days spent with the Gu brothers, the kindness of the Gu family to him, and the fact that Gu Jinli was willing to marry the young Marquis and go to the northwest even though he knew that the Marquis' family had failed, they finally let go of their prejudices. Quite a few.

"Dou Shaodong's family, let's go to town with you. We have to go to class." Gu Dewang ran over and asked after finishing moving things.

Old man Ouyang said that he couldn't always miss class, otherwise he would be beaten by the Ouyang family's shadow guard.他起初是不屑的,可在街上做买卖被人揍了两回后,只能含泪爱上学习。

Dou Shaodong's family did not refuse and nodded in agreement: "Okay, let's get in the car."

Now that General He has said good things to these families, he will sincerely talk to them about everything. If they are good people, he will help train them. If they become successful in the future, they will also be a help to the young Marquis.

Dou Shaodong's family went to say goodbye to the Gu family and said to Gu Jin'an: "Remember to prepare the ham. Before the Chinese New Year, my young master's family will take away five carts and all kinds of fruit wine."

Gu Jinan nodded: "Don't worry, everything will be prepared for you."

Then he brought Brother Cheng over and said, "Take him to the town too. After being out for so long, I have missed a lot of homework, so I have to make up for it quickly."

"Sure." Dou Shaodong grabbed Brother Cheng's back collar and carried him to the carriage: "Get up there yourself."

Brother Cheng: "..."

Why do you all like to pick up my back collar? My back collar is not for you to carry!

However, no one paid attention to his bitter look.

"Dou Meng, let's go!" Dou Shaodong's family ordered, and Dou Meng drove a carriage and rushed out of Dafeng Village.

Village Chief He led He Jinsheng and the others to chase him all the way. Not to be outdone, Mrs. Chen waved to Dou Shaodong's carriage and shouted, "Nephew Dou, come to our house for dinner often from now on!"

The third grandma felt extremely embarrassed and wanted to scold Mrs. Chen, but she thought that Sister Xiu had just gotten married and it would be difficult to scold before returning home, so she had to endure it.

After Sister Xiu comes back for the banquet, the old lady will come to settle the score with you!

The next day, when Gu Jinxiu returned home, the Gu family got up early to prepare for the homecoming banquet.

Luo Wu was also very sensible, knowing that Ms. Cui and the others were anxious to see Sister Xiu, so he took Sister Xiu back to her parents' home as soon as Chenshi arrived.

"Mom and dad, grandpa and grandma." Gu Jinxiu greeted the elders in the family as soon as he entered the house.

Gu Jinan looked at the smile on Gu Jinxiu's face and listened to her clear and cheerful voice, and finally felt relieved.

The eldest sister was in a good mood, and her whole person became alive. This marriage of the Luo family was indeed a match.

Although Brother Luo Wu has no great future, he is the person that the eldest sister likes. Only by marrying him and living in the Luo family can the eldest sister be happy.

Luo Wu knelt down and saluted: "My son-in-law pays homage to my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

"Get up, we are all a family, there is no need to pay such a big courtesy." Gu Dashan smiled from ear to ear. Brother Wu was the son-in-law he had watched for more than ten years, and he was the most satisfied.

Luo Wu nodded, stood up with a smile, and stayed happily at Gu's house with Gu Jinxiu for a whole day, and then went home after dinner.

After Gu Jinxiu's homecoming banquet, Luo Wu stayed at home for another two days before going to the county government for work.

In the past two days, he went to Gu's house twice and told Gu Jinan about the fishing village.

Luo Wu: "On the day you escorted Shopkeeper Feng to Fucheng, Sanlang took me to see Zaosheng. He is a good man. He is very loyal to Sanlang. Sanlang has his deed of betrayal in his hand."

Gu Jinan was surprised: "Isn't that Zaosheng a good student? How could he sell himself to Saburo?"

Luo Wu smiled and explained the reason: "That algae student suffered a lot. His sisters were thrown into the water by the old people in the fishing village to sacrifice to the water god. Sanlang helped him take revenge and killed all those who harmed his family." ”

"Zao Sheng was also smart. He knew that Saburo only trusted people with a contract to sell himself, so he took the initiative to sell himself. He even led a group of young people in the fishing village to sell themselves to Saburo."

"But there are also some middle-aged people in the fishing village. After seeing the parallel imports making money, they want to leave Sanlang alone and go it alone. Sanlang has already made arrangements. When the time comes, let's go and help and tie the knot." Luo Wu said to Qin Sanlang before he left. The written letter was handed to Gu Jinan: "The plan is all in it, take a look."

Gu Jinan took it and looked at it, and he was very impressed: "This is a good idea. If it works, the fishing village will become Saburo's possession."

People in the fishing village will also become servants of the Saburo family. In addition, the fishing village is remote, so they can make and store things in the fishing village that are not available outside.

Even when chaos breaks out in Da Chu, the fishing village can be used as a refuge.

Luo Wu also sighed: "The plan is indeed brilliant. If it succeeds, we can build a boat in the fishing village and use it as a dart on the river."

The north side is too chaotic, his escort agency has few manpower, and it is too dangerous to go north. It is better to cross the river to the south of the Yangtze River and use the cargo escorts on the river. This is better.

After hearing this, Gu Jinan looked at Luo Wu and praised: "Brother Luo Wu, I haven't seen you for a while. You have made a lot of progress, which is impressive."

Luo Wu was very embarrassed by his praise: "Brother An, please stop teasing me... I'm married and I have to support a wife and children. I can't just be a shift leader in the yamen. I have to earn more." If you have a family business, you need to be more capable to protect your wife and children."

On the day when Sanlang took him to see Zaosheng, he spoke a lot to him, every word from the bottom of his heart. He felt ashamed and at the same time vowed to become stronger and protect Sister Xiu!

Gu Jinan finally felt relieved. After hearing Luo Wu talk about some things about the fishing village, the two separated.

In the days that followed, Lao Yan's family was the busiest. The marriage between Gu Qingliang and Shang Xiudan had been decided. December 15th was the day when Gu Qingliang's family sent the wedding gift.

Gu Qingliang is the eldest grandson, and he is the granddaughter of Shangli Chang. Lao Yan takes it very seriously and spends a lot of money to hire Jin Matchmaker to be the matchmaker between the two families.

The golden matchmaker was naturally happy, and he did not return to Fucheng during this period. He lived with his mother-in-law and two maids at Lao Yan's house.

On December 15th, people from several families got up early, put on new clothes, and gathered at Lao Yan's house. They worshiped their ancestors at Lao Yan's house, and after announcing to heaven and earth, they got on a mule cart and headed to Shangjia Village. Go.

However, they arrived a little early and did not enter the village. Instead, they waited until it was almost time to enter Shangjia Village.

Shangjia Village is very lively today. Everyone knows that the third granddaughter of the Shangli family is getting engaged to Gu Qingliang of Dafeng Village. However, some congratulate and others laugh at her.

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