"Madams, please don't make trouble anymore. Our old lady is still waiting for you." Chun Zhi urged, glancing at Gu Jinli, warning her, you should be more sensible, I am urging others, so don't went.

You, a little maid, a slave, what qualifications do you have to rush us? !

Ji Zhenniang was furious when she saw this. She was about to curse at the top of her voice, but was scared off by Gu Jinli's look.

Seeing that she was being honest, Gu Jinli smiled and said to Chun Zhi: "Since Mrs. Fan is not feeling well, I won't disturb her."

Then he looked at Aunt Tao and asked Chunzhi: "I have prepared some visiting gifts. Can I ask my nanny to send them to the old lady?"

Haruzhi thought for a while and said, "It works."

Ji Zhenniang was so angry that she shouted in her heart: Ahhhh, you bitch, what is your attitude? Believe it or not, I slapped you twice? !

But Gu Jinli obviously wanted to protect this bitch. She was afraid that if she got angry, Gu Jinli would come and hug her, which would make her collapse in disgust, so she endured it.

Gu Jinli whispered to Grandma Tao: "Mammy, take good care of Ji Zhenniang, don't let her be stupid and offend others."

"Hey, I understand." Grandma Tao responded, took the visiting gift from Er Qing, walked to Ji Zhenniang's side, followed Kuang and Cen, and followed Chun Zhi to see Mrs. Fan.

On the way, Grandma Tao reminded Ji Zhenniang in a low voice: "Mrs. Xie, my wife told you not to talk nonsense. If you dare to talk nonsense and offend Mrs. Fan, she will kiss you twice."

Kiss her twice!

Ji Zhenniang was so frightened that her legs went weak. She nodded quickly and said tremblingly: "I, I, I will be honest and won't get angry and offend others."

Woohoo, damn Gu Xiaoyu, he only bullies her!

After hearing this, Grandma Tao finally felt relieved.

Gu Jinli took Er Qing back to the camp, but on the way he met his wife who had come out from a visit. Many people looked at her with disgust and laughed: "She looks so ugly and dares to wander around. Do you think she is sick?"

"Didn't you see her face? With so many abscesses, she must be sick, and she's very sick."

You are very sick!

Erqing was furious. Our wife was protecting herself and did not want to cause trouble to her master.

When Gu Jinli heard what the ladies said, he didn't pay attention. He greeted Erqing and returned to the camp.

Seeing that she was back, Xiao Ji asked in surprise: "Madam, why are you back so soon? Didn't you go to see Mrs. Fan?"

"As long as Aunt Tao goes to deliver the gifts, it's okay if I don't go." Gu Jinli said and got into the carriage.

The carriage had been tidied up, and a stove was placed on the low table, with a jar of meat porridge warming on it.

Xiao Ji was not stupid. He knew something was wrong when he heard this and asked Er Qing. After hearing what Er Qing said, he almost ran away in anger: "How could the Fan family do this? Madam's face..."

She quickly stopped talking and said no more. She was too angry and said to Gu Jinli beside the carriage: "My little boss, don't be sad. It's because their family is rude. We are not angry."

Xiao Ji sometimes still calls Gu Jinli "Little Boss", but Gu Jinli doesn't correct her. Instead, he thinks this title is very affectionate.

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "I'm not sad. Don't talk about it anymore. After all, your uncle's official position is low, so we have to lower our profile."

She is not crazy for being angry with the official's own mother.

Xiao Ji has been taught by Grandma Tao during this period, and understands the principles of being cautious in words and deeds, speaking out of trouble, and making trouble by being high-profile, so he nodded and said: "Yes, I understand."

Then he said: "My little boss, my servant will fry you two vegetarian dishes for you to eat with porridge."

When passing by Yongtai Mansion, they bought a lot of things and some vegetarian dishes to stir-fry tonight.

"Okay." Gu Jinli nodded and let Xiao Ji go to work. He touched the quilt on the carriage and frowned... It is really too cold in the north. The quilt is not warm enough, and it is quite heavy and weighs on the body. Marching is inconvenient.

Xiao Ji had prepared the vegetarian dishes a long time ago and quickly fried them and brought them to Gu Jinli: "My dear boss, the food is ready. You can eat it first."

In the winter, the vegetarian vegetables are cabbage and radish, but they are fresher. After eating pancakes for a few days, and then eating the fresh radish, cabbage and meat porridge, Gu Jinli has a huge appetite.

After eating a bowl of porridge, most of the vegetarian dishes, and a pancake, I put down my chopsticks.

Xiao Ji said: "Madam, I have been eating pancakes on the way. I finally have something else to eat today. Please stop eating pancakes."

Gu Jinli said: "It's easier to go to the toilet after drinking porridge. It's inconvenient to go to the toilet now, so it's better to go less often."

However, the conditions for them to go to the toilet are much better than those in other military units.

She had several large straw mats prepared. Once a female family member wanted to go to the toilet, she quickly surrounded the straw mats and asked two women to guard them to prevent others from taking advantage of the situation and ruining the reputation.

It wasn't that she meant to think too badly of people, but the maid brought by Ding Ge was bumped into by a general from Shibaihu because no one was watching her when she went to the toilet. She took a look at her and got a bad reputation. .

Ding Ge quickly made the maid who gave it to Shi Baihu's general maid as his general maid... How should I put this? It was very weird. It seemed like Ding Ge deliberately let Shi Baihu know the situation there. The maid did this.

Now the relationship between Shi Baihu and Ding Ge is much better.

As a result, Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang even Shi Baihu were on guard.

There was no way, Ding Ge and Shi Baihu looked like they were going to form an alliance, and Ding Ge had been preparing to seize troops for his own use, so they had to guard against it.

This is why Gu Jinli saw the hidden danger of going to the toilet.

The requirements for women in this era were strict, and there was no room for any stain on their innocence. She didn't want the women on her side to be tricked and ruin their lives, so she forcibly formulated this rule.

If anyone doesn't comply, don't come to her and Qin Sanlang if something goes wrong, you should be responsible for yourself.

Fortunately, the soldiers and their families on her side are all sensible people, and everyone abides by this rule.

Because Qin Sanlang wanted to form an alliance with Xie Cheng, she also told Ji Zhenniang about the power of it, and asked the women on her side to do the same when they went to pay tribute.

Ji Zhenniang was a young lady from a rich family, and Xie Cheng took good care of her. Everything was handled in another mule cart. When it was done, the maid would take care of it. She could just go back to her carriage cleanly. It was not necessary at all. I know that the women down there are going to be dealt with in the open.

After a moment of shock, he nodded in agreement.

Gu Jinli was similar to Ji Zhenniang. They also went to another car to solve the problem. They didn't need to go too far to solve the problem. However, it was impossible for everyone to use that mule cart, so they thought of using mats to cover it and sending two or more people to accompany them. method.

Gu Jinli asked again about asking everyone to find medicine and new food: "Did you find any medicinal materials or anything that can be used as food today?"

Xiao Ji shook his head: "No, but Aunt Xiong said, let Madam rest assured that the big guy will continue to look for it."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Yes, I understand. Tell them it's a safe idea. If the place is too dangerous, don't pick it even if you see something useful."

After saying that, he asked Xiaoji and the others to clear the table, take out the route map they drew during the day, and make modifications.

Sanqing stayed with her in the carriage and wouldn't let her be alone.

Not long after, Grandma Tao came back and told her the story of her visit to Mrs. Fan.

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