A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1421 Duck Feather and Goose Feather

"Mrs. Fan didn't bother the old slaves. It's just that Mrs. Niu took a few gold to visit her and asked her to give four greeting gifts. Some of them didn't like Mrs. Niu."

When Mrs. Fan saw several gold men from the Niu family kneeling down and calling her grandma, she paused for a moment, her expression obviously a little bad, but she soon started laughing again and gave each of the gold men a purse of silver nuggets.

"Mrs. Niu was extremely happy. She said a lot of nice things and scolded several Jins for being ignorant and shouldn't accept Mrs. Fan's gift. However, the conversation changed and she praised several Jins from her family and said that her family Several Jin Zhao brothers made Mrs. Fan very happy."

This trip to the west was dangerous and dangerous. Mrs. Fan wanted Fan Tian to have more sons, so she brought Fan Tian's two concubines and gave her two maids to Fan Tian so that they could have more sons.

“Mrs. said.

Gu Jinli nodded after hearing this: "It's good that you didn't make her angry. Thank you for your hard work, mama. Let's go eat and rest after eating. There's no need to come over. I'll go to bed later."

"Hey." Grandma Tao responded and went down to eat.

Qin Sanlang came back an hour later. Gu Jinli was about to go to sleep when he heard footsteps approaching the carriage.

"I'm back, don't be afraid." Qin Sanlang would say this every time he came to the carriage, reminding her that it was him who was back, not the bad guys.

Gu Jinli released his grip on the knife, sat up, opened the thick car curtain, and saw him taking off his armor.

After taking off his heavy and slightly dirty coat, Qin Sanlang entered the carriage, hugged her and said, "I've heard all about it, and you have been wronged."

Gu Jinli laughed when he heard it, turned around and hugged him, and said with a smile: "I told you not to say such things again. Our status is not as high as others now, so we have to endure it first, and I look really ugly now."

Even though he said this, Qin Sanlang still felt distressed and said with a sigh of relief in his heart: "I will definitely make contributions as soon as possible and climb to a high position to prevent you from suffering this kind of injustice again!"

As long as he becomes stronger, no matter how ugly Xiaoyu makes herself, no one will dare to embarrass her.

"Okay, I'm waiting for this day." Gu Jinli asked again, "Are you full? I left a bowl of meat porridge for you."

She stood up, took out the still warm meat porridge from the iron box next to her and handed it to Qin Sanlang: "Eat it, I put more meat for you and two pieces of radish. It's very refreshing to eat."

The iron box is specially made and has a good sealing effect. The two iron boxes are nested together. Even if a small stove with charcoal fire is placed inside, there is no need to worry. Even if the iron box falls over, the charcoal fire inside will not scatter. come out.

However, Gu Jinli won't put too much charcoal in the stove, only about five pieces, which can be used to warm some water and eat in emergencies.

"I happen to be a little hungry." Qin Sanlang took the bowl and chopsticks, first gave Gu Jinli a piece of radish and a few pieces of lean meat, and then finished the meat porridge in a few mouthfuls.

Then he told Gu Jinli about meeting Fan Tian: "My abilities are limited, but the best thing is that I'm not stupid, and I won't do anything too ugly. Don't worry, Xiaoyu."

After Gu Jinli heard this, he asked Ding Ge: "Did he show courtesy to General Fan?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "I gave it, but Fan Tian is not stupid. It is impossible to help him annex troops just because of his courtesy. The most likely thing is to not meddle in other people's affairs and just let Ding Ge do it himself."

Gu Jinli frowned: "Even so, Ding Ge has benefited."

As long as Fan Tian, ​​the superior officer, doesn't care, Ding Ge can do whatever he wants.

Qin Sanlang hugged her tightly, kissed her mouth, and said, "Don't worry, we can handle it."

There will be a bloody storm on the road. This is something they have already guessed and have prepared a plan. They will fight back just waiting for Dingo to take action.

Gu Jinli nodded, nestled in his arms, and said, "Of course, we are not easy to mess with!"

Qin Sanlang laughed when he heard this: "Well, my Xiaoyu is right, we are very fierce."

This is what Xiaoyu said, but he feels that she is not fierce at all and is very cute.

When Gu Jinli heard his laughter, he also laughed. He remembered something again and said, "By the way, when we gather tomorrow, you can talk to the guys and divide them into groups to buy duck and goose feathers. These two things can be dried. After drying, it can be used to fill quilts and coats. It has a very good thermal insulation effect and is lighter than cotton... Nowadays, the farther north you go, the scarier cotton becomes, and the price is three times more expensive than in the south, which is terrible. Let's take advantage of the big guys When buying cotton, we all bought duck and goose feathers first, lest other people think of this and come to snatch it from us."

Qin Sanlang was startled and surprised when he heard this: "Can duck and goose feathers really be used to make quilts and coats?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Of course we can do it. The poor people can even use grass clippings to make winter quilts, especially wool ones. Just look at the wool."

Modern down jackets are made of goose down, which is very warm and light.

"Okay, I will tell them tomorrow and let them buy duck and goose feathers." Qin Sanlang was so happy that he hugged Gu Jinli tightly: "My wife is smart and can always think of good ideas that others can't think of, but she helped me a lot. .”

Gu Jinli smiled: "You have earned the reputation of Qin Ruanfan, so why don't I pamper you a little more?"

Qin Sanlang smiled and said again: "Don't worry about this, just follow their orders and we can live a good life."

Gu Jinli looked up at him, pointed at the acne on his face and said, "Since you are so open-minded, I will stick it on longer."

Qin Sanlang did not answer, but told her the answer with actions.

In short, the end result was that Gu Jinli almost died from his kiss!

Two-quarters of an hour before Mao hour the next day, Qin Sanlang got up and ordered Zhang Zhong and Bu Fang to ask them to think about things along the way. When passing through a village or town, he would take people to ask if there were any duck or goose feathers. If so, Just buy them all, these two things are warmer than cotton.

Both of them trusted Qin Sanlang, and they believed him when he said so.

Qin Sanlang asked people to call the four Xiong family members, mother and son, and asked them to buy duck and goose feathers while they were resting.

Therefore, from this day on, a strange scene appeared in the marching team. Everyone was grabbing cotton, except Qin Sanlang who was desperately buying duck and goose feathers.

Sometimes, for duck and goose feathers, whole ducks and geese are bought, and after killing them and eating them, the duck and goose feathers are left to be dried.

"Did these ducks and geese kill Qin Baihu in the previous life? Why is he so at odds with the ducks and geese? Will he be happy if he kills them all?"

"Qin Baihu is not that crazy. This was his ugly wife's idea. He just did things according to her wishes."

"What?!" The other households were shocked. Qin Baihu actually listened to an ugly woman? Is this soft rice so delicious?

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