A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1426 Something happened

Mrs. Kuang nodded, then worried about Sanlang Qin, and said, "Qin Rufan is a ruthless person. If we blatantly help Mrs. Gu and ruin his plan to kill his wife, I'm afraid our family will also suffer."

Niu Wujin was very distressed: "What should we do? We can't just ignore it."

After hearing this, Mrs. Kuang was shocked and said happily: "Hardware, my dear, you can also speak idioms. You are promising. How about you learn it?"

Niu Wujin chuckled and said: "I learned from Bao Fukang. Even though he looks like a sick man, he is a good reader. He learned a lot of idioms from Dr. Dai. Your son, I am much smarter than him, so I naturally learned it." several."

Kuang was so happy that after praising her son, she quickly came up with a way to save Gu Jinli: "Our family wants to continue to take advantage of the Qin family, and we can't do it ourselves. Go to Xie Baihu's camp and bring Qin to the camp." Sanlang wanted to take a concubine, but Mrs. Qin didn't agree, and the two had a big fight. Now Qin Baihu is about to kill Mrs. Qin, tell Mrs. Xie."

"Mrs. Xie is impulsive. When she hears these words, she will definitely go over and save Mrs. Qin with a knife."

Even though Ji Zhenniang always quarreled with Gu Jinli, she relied on Gu Jinli very much. She also hated Qin Sanlang for being a softie, so she would definitely kill to save Gu Jinli.

Sure enough, after Niu Wujin went to the Xie family camp to talk about the Gu family's affairs, Ji Zhenniang cursed: "You Qin Ruanfan, you are such a shameless thing. You just want to take a concubine after eating from the Gu family. If I don't succeed, I want to kill my wife! No, I have to save Gu Xiaoyu. She is obsessed with Qin Rufan and will listen to Qin in everything. If I don't save her, she will not survive tomorrow! "

As Ji Zhenniang said this, she went to find Xie Cheng's knife and went to save people with the knife.

The Qin family sent snake ointment roots to Xie Cheng, and Xie Cheng was grinding them all night. When he heard the news, Ji Zhenniang had already gone to the Qin family camp to cause a scene.

When Xie Cheng arrived, Ji Zhenniang was being held by Er Qing, preventing her from killing people.

Xie Cheng rushed over and apologized to Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli: "Brother Qin, younger brothers and sisters, I'm really sorry. My wife's poison has not been completely eliminated and she can't control her temper. I hope you can forgive me."

Ji Zhenniang heard this and shouted: "Excuse me, Xie Cheng, shut up. Do you know that Qin Rufan wanted to take a concubine? When Gu Xiaoyu disagreed, he beat Gu Xiaoyu and even wanted to kill her. , I’m saving Gu Xiaoyu!”

Gu Jinli: "..."

Was she beaten by Brother Qin?

Not at all.

Brother Qin didn't know how much he loved her. It was Brother Qin who was suffering tonight. But she was sitting comfortably in the carriage, watching him being beaten by the cold wind outside.

"Ji Zhenniang, shut up. Where did you hear this rumor? There is no such thing!" Xie Cheng had a headache. Why was her wife always so impulsive and brainless?

Xie Cheng wanted to speak for Qin Sanlang, but Qin Sanlang suddenly said: "I didn't beat her, I was just angry that she wouldn't let me take a concubine, which offended General Fan's mother and ruined my career."

After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang was furious. She pointed at Qin Sanlang and said to Xie Cheng: "Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Qin Rufan just wanted to take a concubine, but now that Gu Xiaoyu stopped him, he had to find a way to kill Gu Xiaoyu. !”

Xie Cheng said: "You are overthinking. Brother Qin will not do such a thing."

"Bah, you are the only one who believes in him. The entire westbound army knows that Qin Sanlang can't stand Gu Xiaoyu's ugliness and wants to kill her on the way to get a beautiful wife!" Ji Zhenniang was very angry. After she finished yelling, she pointed at Xie Cheng and asked : "Why are you speaking for Qin? Do you also want a few concubines?!"

Xie Cheng was speechless. He found an opportunity to rush behind Ji Zhenniang, knocked her out with a knife, picked her up and said: "Brother Qin, younger siblings, I made you laugh, we are going back first, you can rest. "

After saying that, he quickly hugged Ji Zhenniang and left.

Gu Jinli had put the acne patch on his face again, and gave Qin Sanlang a rather distressed look... Was it too much?

Qin Sanlang's lowered hand waved to her side, telling her to get back to the carriage quickly and not to reveal her secret.

Gu Jinli could only glare at him fiercely and cursed: "Qin, if you want to kill me for taking a concubine, there's no way!"

After saying that, she angrily returned to the carriage, but the drama was too much. She slipped and almost fell. Qin Sanlang was so frightened that he almost couldn't help but rush to help her.

But he held back and couldn't let all his previous efforts go to waste.

After Ji Zhenniang made such a fuss, the entire camp knew that Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli were fighting and trying to kill each other.

Ding Ge was very happy, and Fan Tian and Mrs. Fan were even happier.

Fan Tian comforted Mrs. Fan in her tent: "Mom, you have heard that the relationship between Qin Sanlang and the Gu family is not good, and they are going to kill each other. Don't worry, one day Qin Sanlang will Saburo will accept Dongzhi, and your bad breath will be gone."

Only mentioned winter branches?

It seems that my son still wants to take Haruzhi as his concubine.

But this girl Chun Zhi is too charming and has many thoughts. Mrs. Fan keeps her here to harm others, not her own son.

Mrs. Fan suppressed her thoughts, held Fan Tian's hand and said, "It doesn't matter if Mom feels a little wronged. Mom wants to trade spring branches and winter branches for you to get those few people from the Gu family who are skilled in medicine. Those doctors, medical women, People who know how to find medicinal materials are all talented people, and it is not easy to cultivate them. If they can be used by you, they will definitely help you."

Mrs. Fan gave Sanlang Qin a girl because she took a fancy to the doctors and medical girls of the Gu family. She thought that she would give Sanlang Qin two maids first, and then let her son give a few hints. Here comes a man with medical skills.

But she didn't expect that Mr. Gu would have a bad temper. He would not accept the spring branches and winter branches, but would scold her directly. After returning to the camp, he would dare to fight with Qin Sanlang and make a show of divorcing her husband!

To be honest, Mrs. Fan was a little scared. This Mr. Gu was so incredible at what he did that he didn't even leave any way out.

"My mother is good to my son, and my son understands." Fan Tian comforted Mrs. Fan, but he drank wine today and didn't know what happened. He was a little dizzy. Thinking of Chun Zhi's figure, he really wanted a woman to serve him. I didn't want to waste any more time here, so I said, "Mom, it's getting late. Please rest first. We have to get up early tomorrow morning and go on the road."

He also assured: "Mom, don't worry, Mrs. Gu will not end well if she doesn't give face to her man. You don't have to be angry for her anymore. As for the people in the Gu family who know medical skills, I am Qin Sanlang's superior. Although I am not in the same city, but It’s still possible to ask him if he wants two people.”

It's a bit ugly to ask your subordinates for people.

This is also the reason why Mrs. Fan wants to trade the maid with the Gu family for the doctor's daughter.

The Fan family is more noble than the Qin and Gu families, and they need to keep face.

Mrs. Fan was also tired and said: "Okay, you go back first."

He was also afraid that Chunzhi would take the opportunity to hook up with Fan Tian, ​​so he specially left Chunzhi to serve him while Dongzhi sent Fan Tian off.

Haruzhi was very unhappy. She wanted to take the opportunity to achieve good things with Fan Tian. After all, Fan Tian was a fourth-grade general and Qin Sanlang was just a member of a hundred households. She would rather be Fan Tian's concubine than Qin Sanlang's concubine.

But Mrs. Fan took every precaution, but something happened.

Fan Tian didn't go far. After Mrs. Fan fell asleep, she went to the tent to find Chunzhi and took her away.

I originally wanted to update more, but I got a stomach bug in the afternoon, causing vomiting, pain, and lack of energy. I only updated three chapters. I’ll try my best to make up for it. Sorry┭┮﹏┭┮

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