Dongzhi was very anxious when he saw it, and wanted to wake up Mrs. Fan, but was stopped by Chunzhi, who threatened: "Sister Dongzhi, do you want to follow your sister to serve the general?"

Dongzhi was only fourteen years old, and she was still innocent. When she heard this, her face turned pale with fright, and she hurriedly said: "Sister Haruzhi, calm down... I will take good care of the old lady, and I can go and serve the general with peace of mind."

Haruzhi sneered and said in a gentle tone: "This is right, my good sister~"

After saying that, he looked up at Fan Tian who was standing outside the tent, bit his lip shyly and seductively, and made Fan Tian so hot that he walked out of the tent.

As soon as he left the tent, he was picked up by Fan Tian and walked to a nearby tent: "You seductive little demon, if I don't let you taste my power today, you won't know how to restrain yourself!"

Chunzhi laughed while lying in Fan Tian's arms, and even put her hands into Fan Tian's clothes to make trouble, which made Fan Tian even more unbearable.

Just as the two were about to enter the tent to do business, a soldier came to report: "General, Qin Sanlang is asking for a meeting outside the camp gate, saying that he is here to apologize to the general."

"Apologise?" Fan Tian sneered: "Can a small hundred households just want to see this general? Tell him to go back."

Haruzhi said: "General, wouldn't it be an advantage for him to let him go back? General, why not let him stand outside for a night, eat the cold wind all night, and make him sick."

"My heart, this is a good idea." After hearing this, Fan Tian said to the soldiers who came to report the news: "Go, let Qin wait outside. He is not allowed to leave without the general's order."

When it was dark, Ding Ge quietly sent someone to bring him a box of gold, asking him to help deal with Qin Sanlang at the critical moment, or to be a stumbling block for Qin Sanlang.

After he devoured the soldiers of Qin Sanlang, Xie Cheng, and Niu Dabao, half of the soldiers would be given to him, and all the medical girls from the Gu family would be given to him. Ding Ge would only need one, Doctor Dai and Ye Dakou.

Fan Tian originally didn't want to get involved in Ding Ge's affair, but the benefits Ding Ge gave him were too many. Fan Tian was moved and agreed.

"Yes." The soldiers hurried away.

Fan Tian immediately carried Chunzhi into the tent, threw the spring branch onto the animal skin blanket on the tent floor with a bang, and threw him over.

Fan Tian didn't know what was going on tonight, he was particularly brave. Even though Haruzhi had slept with him half a year ago, he still couldn't stand it.

But in order to be his concubine, Chun Zhi still served Fan Tian as much as possible.

Two times later, when Haruzhi was about to tell Fan Tian about taking her as his concubine, Fan Tian suddenly convulsed and foamed at the mouth.

Haruzhi was stunned. What was going on? Could it be that Fan Tian couldn't do it and died of exhaustion after two attempts? !

Haruzhi knew that Fan Tian was a general, and she was just a little maid. If Fan Tian died on her belly, she and her family would die tragically!

"Come here, help, something happened to the general!!" Haruzhi wrapped himself tightly in the animal skin blanket and screamed hurriedly, almost breaking his voice.

There were patrolling soldiers in the camp. When they heard the shouting, they rushed in. After seeing Fan Tian twitching all over and foaming at the mouth, some knowledgeable soldiers immediately understood: "General, he's going to get sick soon. Go and call the doctor." Hurry!"

He rushed over and sat on Fan Tian's body. While holding down his twitching body, he took off his sword and opened Fan Tian's mouth, letting him bite the handle of the knife to prevent him from biting off his tongue.

Other soldiers also rushed over and held Fan Tian down to prevent him from twitching again.

Harue is a scheming person. When she saw the mess in the tent, she wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but the soldiers saw her and pointed at her and said: "This bitch must have harmed the general, tie her up and don't let her run away. "

"Hey!" The two soldiers immediately grabbed Chunzhi and tied her up with a blanket.

Haruzhi cried: "I was not the one who caused the harm. I was just ordered to serve the general. It was the general himself..."

With two snaps, the soldier slapped Chunzhi twice and said angrily: "Bitch, you dare to quibble after hurting the general. Do you know that the general is related to the future of thousands of soldiers? Now that something happens to the general, you are putting my future at risk." Our way of survival is cut off!”

Fan Tian is the guard general of Yongtai Mansion and is a fourth-grade general. He is in charge of thousands of soldiers. If something goes wrong, his troops may be disrupted and assigned to other generals.

It's not as good as following them along the way. How can these soldiers not hate Haruzhi?

Haruzhi hates Fan Tian even more. How did she know that Fan Tian is so useless, that he is so useless after just two meetings, that he sleeps with a woman when he has no ability, and blames her for seeking death? !


A general like Fan Tian leads an army with a military doctor, or two, but both military doctors can only treat soldiers' wounds, and cannot treat diseases like horse wind at all.

"Why is the general still having convulsions? I'm almost rolling my eyes. You two old guys, hurry up and get treated!" Deputy General Fang had already arrived, pulled out a knife and put it on the neck of a military doctor and shouted.

The military doctor was also helpless and said tremblingly: "Vice-General Fang, I and I don't know how to cure horse wind. Even if you kill us, it will be useless."

Another military doctor reminded: "Didn't Qin Baihu bring a doctor? His doctor can find the roots of snake ointment, which shows that he has great medical skills. Go and invite them to have a look. Maybe the general can save him." .”

He urged again: "Go and invite him quickly. This is an emergency. It won't be possible if it's later!"

When Deputy General Fang heard this, he said: "You guys watch here, I will personally go to Qin's house to ask for a doctor!"

Although Lieutenant General Fang was Fan Tian's confidant, something happened to Fan Tian and he was about to die. If it was not good for him to be there, it would be safer to avoid it first.

He also told the soldiers: "Two people go and inform Mrs. Fan. She is the general's mother. Something happened here and she needs to know."

"Hey." After hearing this, the soldiers immediately went to the nearby tent to inform Mrs. Fan.

The commotion on Fan Tian's side was so loud that Mrs. Fan had already been woken up and was asking Dongzhi: "What's going on next to me? Why is there such a big commotion?"

The tent next to it was for the personal maids and nuns. Fan Tian's tent was not here, so Mrs. Fan never thought that something happened to Fan Tian.

Dongzhi was young and had sharp eyes and ears, and she saw Fan Tian carrying Chunzhi to the tent next door. Naturally, she guessed that something had happened to General Fan, but she didn't dare to say anything, so she could only kneel down and say, "I'm sorry, madam, I'm a slave." I don’t think much of Sister Haruzhi.”

Mrs. Fan frowned when she heard this: "What do you mean by that? Is that bitch Chunzhi going to hook up with Brother Tian again?"

She knew that Haruzhi had never been willing to just be a maid. She hooked up with Brother Tian half a year ago, and she also knew that the two slept together. But Haruzhi is too demonic and restless, how can she keep such a person beside Brother Tian?

Just as Dongzhi was about to speak, two soldiers came and stood outside the tent and shouted: "Old lady, it's not good, the general is in trouble, it's the wind. Please go over and have a look!"

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