A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1428 They don’t have time to poison

"What? The wind will blow soon!" After hearing this, Mrs. Fan paled and fell directly onto the bed, almost fainting.

"Old Madam!" Dongzhi rushed over to support Madam Fan, took out the smelly medicine and gave her a smell, and then rubbed her head, which finally made Madam Fan recover.

Mrs. Fan was still confused and asked Dongzhi: "I just heard someone with bad intentions say something happened to Brother Tian? Is it true?"

The two evil-hearted people outside replied: "Old madam, please go over and see the general quickly. The general is going crazy and can't hold on any longer!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Fan felt dizzy again. She was completely convinced that something had happened to Fan Tian, ​​and she cried: "Brother Tian, ​​mother, what kind of evil spirits have harmed you? Don't be afraid, mother." I’m here to save you and kill that evil spirit!”

Dongzhi quickly helped Mrs. Fan up and followed the soldiers to the tent next to her.

After seeing the spring branch, Mrs. Fan's eyes were about to burst. Then she thought about what the soldiers said that Brother Tian was guilty of Ma Feng's incident. She immediately understood that it was the spring branch that harmed Brother Tian. She rushed over and used the gun in her hand. The crutch slapped Chun Zhi's face, causing Chun Zhi's beautiful face to be covered with blood.

"Bitch, bastard, I'll beat you to death, you harmful person!" Mrs. Fan had a ferocious look on her face, as if she was going to kill Chun Zhi on the spot.

Haruzhi saw it and was so frightened that he quickly begged for mercy: "Old madam, please spare my life, please spare your life... It was not the slave who harmed the general, it was someone who poisoned the general. The general became sick immediately after being poisoned!"

No matter, in order to save himself, Haruzhi blamed Fan Tian's sudden illness on being poisoned.

Mrs. Fan was stunned and thought of Gu Jinli: "Ms. Gu, she must have hated me for giving her a man a concubine. She was dissatisfied, so she poisoned Brother Tian... A poisonous woman, I knew she was a poisonous woman. !”

A military doctor couldn't stand listening anymore and said: "Old madam, I have been practicing medicine for many years, but I have never heard of any poison that can cause horse wind. Besides, Gu is a woman, how could she escape the defense of so many soldiers? Came here in the middle of the night to poison General Fan?"

You need some evidence to accuse someone unjustly.

The soldiers in the tent also said: "Old madam, this is a symptom of sleeping women, and the military doctor we brought is not very good at treating it. Now Vice General Fang is going to borrow someone from the Gu family."

I'm begging someone to help me, just be gentle with what you say.

But Mrs. Fan refused and shouted: "It must have been Gu who poisoned Brother Tian. Even if it wasn't her, it must have been Qin Sanlang... Qin Sanlang, a soft-boiled man, was afraid of offending Gu. Mr. Gu, just now he poisoned Brother Tian to please Mr. Gu!"

A family poisoned a fourth-grade general just to please his wife?

Mrs. Fan could even say such crazy things, and the soldiers were speechless.

Vice General Fang has already invited Doctor Dai, and Qin Sanlang is also here.

When Qin Sanlang heard this, he said: "Vice General Fang, please take Doctor Dai to rescue General Fan first. I won't go in."

Vice General Fang nodded: "Okay, you wait outside first."

After saying that, he hurriedly took Doctor Dai, Sanqi, Maidong, and Ye Dakou into the tent.

"The doctor who can treat horse wind is here, give way immediately." Lieutenant General Fang shouted loudly.

"The doctor is here, go and save my son!" Mrs. Fan saw Doctor Dai as if she were seeing a god, and hurriedly pulled Doctor Dai and asked him to save Fan Tian.

Doctor Dai said with a headache: "Old madam, let go quickly. General Fan is in critical condition now and there is no time to delay. Only when you let go can I save General Fan."

After hearing this, Mrs. Fan was so frightened that she quickly let go of Doctor Dai.

Ye Dakou had already rushed to Fan Tian and said to the soldiers who were pressing Fan Tian: "Get up quickly. Stop pressing him. This will only make General Fan's body stiff."

As he spoke, his hands moved quickly to lift General Fan's hands and feet, squeezing his twitching and shrinking body.

Then he said to the soldiers: "You also come to help, do what I did, and help him move his body, otherwise his body will shrink and he will be hopeless."

"Oh oh oh." After hearing this, the soldiers quickly followed suit.

Doctor Dai had already opened the medicine box, took out the silver needle, and started injecting Fan Tian.

Sanqi and Maidong were helping.

It took a full hour of hard work before General Fan was rescued from hell.

Mrs. Fan kept crying. After seeing Doctor Dai finish the injection, she hurriedly asked: "Doctor, how is my brother Tian? Is he okay?"

But there must be nothing wrong, otherwise the status of the Fan family will plummet, and her dream of becoming a first-class wife will also be shattered.

Doctor Dai wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "My life is saved, but I need to take good rest. I should be able to recover in a few years."

"What? It will take a few years to recover!" Mrs. Fan almost fainted when she heard this, and said with tears: "Doctor, no, you have to cure my brother Tian immediately, he has to go to the northwest If you want to fight as a generalissimo, you can't get sick! And we can't just go back like this!"

She came out in high glory, and when she came, she even spent money to bribe the prefect of Yongtai Prefecture, and asked the prefect of Yongtai Prefecture to give a note to the court, boasting about her high righteousness in joining the army at an old age, and asking the emperor to grant her the title of First Grade Imperial Lady.

If Brother Tian can't get better soon, they will have to go back home, and they will become a joke to the entire Yongtai Mansion!

Doctor Dai said: "Old madam, I've tried my best. It's really an emergency and serious illness like the sudden stroke. It's good to be able to save my life."

Doctor Dai was born in Yuanzi Medicine Company, and also worked as an errand in the palace. His medical skills were better than some of the imperial doctors. Because of this, he was able to save Fan Tian and said that he could be cured after a few years of treatment.

If it had been the same doctor who treated Lu Laosan, Fan Tian would have been paralyzed for at least a lifetime, let alone recovered a few years later.

"Hey, my son, why are you so miserable? You were harmed by someone. You must have been harmed by someone!" This matter of Ma Feng is too embarrassing. Mrs. Fan can't afford to lose this. The man grabbed Doctor Dai's hand and said, "Doctor, my brother Tian has been poisoned. It must be Gu and Qin Sanlang who poisoned him. I want them to pay with their lives!"

When Doctor Dai heard this, he became angry, threw away Mrs. Fan's hand, and said: "Mrs. Fan, General Fan is not poisoned, and there is no poison in the world that can make people wind up immediately. Besides, I am the doctor of the Gu family, and I am the representative. The Qin and Gu families are here to save people, if you have wronged my master like this, then you should not have let me treat General Fan just now!"

Mrs. Fan didn't expect Doctor Dai's reaction to be so big, and she was a little frightened.

Vice General Fang also said: "Old madam, you have wronged Qin Baihu and his wife. The whole camp knew about their quarrel and fight tonight."

"After the quarrel, Mrs. Gu never left the camp. After Qin Baihu sent Xie Baihu and his wife away, he came to our camp alone to see General Fan and wanted to apologize to him. But General Fan didn't see him, but Qin Baihu has been waiting outside our camp, and the soldiers guarding the camp saw it, but Qin Baihu didn't go anywhere, and they and his wife didn't have time to poison."

After hearing this, Mrs. Fan was unwilling to accept this fact at all, and cried: "Are we going to let them go like this?!"

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers in the tent felt that Mrs. Fan had gone too far.

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