The Gu family of the Qin family sent a doctor to rescue General Fan. After he was rescued, Mrs. Fan wanted to put Qin Baihu and his wife to death. How could anyone be so ungrateful?

Maidong spoke sharply and stood up and said: "Mrs. Fan, if it was my master who poisoned General Fan, why would he send us to rescue General Fan? Let's just ignore it and let General Fan die. Now we have finally found it. I rescued people, but you bite me back, do you have any conscience?"

"What did you, you, you bastard say?!" Mrs. Fan was so angry that she raised her crutch to hit Ophiopogon japonicus.

But Maidong was so agile, how could he be hit by her? After dodging, he reminded: "Mrs. Fan, you are old and have been stimulated again tonight. You can't get angry like this again, otherwise you will easily have a stroke." .”

Sanqi listened and nodded, scaring Mrs. Fan: "Yes, if you have a stroke at your age, you will be completely paralyzed. You will speak crookedly and squint, and you have to rely on others to help you eat, drink, and defecate. It's very miserable." of."

Mrs. Fan was afraid of death, and even more afraid that life would be worse than death. After hearing this, she did not dare to get angry again. She also looked at Doctor Dai and said, "Doctor, please check my pulse and prescribe some sedative medicine."

Doctor Dai was speechless, Mrs. Fan was really good at this.

But he still obediently took Mrs. Fan's pulse and prescribed medicine to calm her down and prevent stroke: "Old lady, you need to have a good rest. Don't be overjoyed or overjoyed. Try to take some medication."

When Mrs. Fan heard this, she looked at General Fan who was lying on the animal skin blanket, still naked, and cried again: "My son, my mother, you are like this, how can I think so openly?"

Doctor Dai was too lazy to listen to Mrs. Fan's cry, so he packed up the medicine box and went out with Panax notoginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus and Ye Dakou.

Vice General Fang was going to see them off. When he saw Sanlang Qin, he said to him: "Qin Baihu, don't worry. Mrs. Fan only said such words because she was panicked. You didn't poison General Fan. We all know."

Qin Sanlang is a man with the ability to lead troops, but General Fan is not good enough. There are only two deputy generals from Yongtai Mansion. Now there is a shortage of soldiers and generals. It is impossible for the higher-ups to select another fourth-grade general to lead the westbound soldiers of Yongtai Mansion. It is very likely that half of Yongtai Mansion's troops will be given to him.

His family's foundation is not as good as that of the Fan family, so they need capable help, and Qin Sanlang is just one of them.

Qin Sanlang said: "Vice General Fang, don't worry, the general knows that Mrs. Fan is unintentional and won't think too much about it."

Then he said: "Vice-General Fang is still needed to take charge of the overall situation here. You can stay and we can go back by ourselves."

"Sure." Vice General Fang heard that there was another commotion in the tent and had no time to say anything more, so he hurriedly turned around and returned to the tent.

"Bitch, bitch, Brother Tian was all harmed by this bitch like you. I'll beat you to death!" Mrs. Fan rushed over and hit Chunzhi.

Chunzhi cried: "Old madam, please spare your life. It's not that this slave wants to seduce the general, but the general insists on serving you. How dare I refuse as a servant? I know I'm wrong. Considering that I've served you for so many years, Spare this slave!"

Chun Zhi cried and begged for mercy, but Mrs. Fan was in desperate need of someone to discourage her, so she didn't listen at all. After seeing that Chun Zhi only suffered some minor injuries after fighting for a while, she turned around and took out the soldier's saber to chop off Chun Zhi.

Chunzhi hurriedly rolled away to avoid Mrs. Fan's knife, and shouted: "Old lady, you can't kill this slave. This slave is pregnant and she is the general's son!"

It’s absolutely true. When did you get pregnant? Even if you were pregnant, would you know it was a son?

Mrs. Fan was shocked and asked: "What? Are you pregnant? When did you sleep with Brother Tian again?"

Haruzhi is a shrewd person. After listening to this, he cried: "It was done in the back room when the general returned to the house more than half a month ago... The days of being a slave have not yet come."

This date is really clever. For most of the month, you can't feel the pulse. But if she doesn't come on the first day, she may be pregnant. It will be at least more than a month before the secret is revealed.

This sentence saved my life for more than a month.

Mrs. Fan was confused. She looked at her son who was paralyzed on the blanket, and then looked at the spring branches. She thought that her son was so sick that she didn't know whether she would be able to have children in the future. With only three sons, she was afraid that it would not be safe, so she might as well keep the spring branches first. , let’s see what she can give birth to.

Mrs. Fan couldn't kill Chun Zhi, so she vented her anger on Qin Sanlang and his wife, and ordered the two military doctors: "Go and see Brother Tian to see if he is poisoned. We can't just believe whatever Qin Sanlang, the traitor, says." !”

The two military doctors are getting bored to death. We are military doctors. We treat the soldiers in the military camp. We are not servants of your Fan family. Can you stop giving us such orders all the time?

But there was no way, Mrs. Fan was General Fan's biological mother after all, so they still went to test General Fan's poison, but after working for half an hour, nothing was found.

"Old madam, General Fan is really not poisoned, he just got wind."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the report from the soldiers: "Vice General Fang, Ding Baihu heard that General Fan was ill, so he brought the accompanying doctor over. He said that his doctor has superb medical skills and can help General Fan."

"Go and invite Ding Baihu in!" Mrs. Fan was excited. If she was really sleepy, someone would hand her a pillow. If the doctor of the Ding family found out that Brother Tian was poisoned, Qin Sanlang and the Gu family would be dead!

"Yes." The soldier hurried out and invited Dingo and others in.

As soon as Ding Ge came in, he rushed to General Fan and cried: "General Fan... you have suffered. The end will come too late."

Damn it, I gave away that box of gold for free. If you want to catch wind immediately, you should hurry up. You will not fall until I give you the gold. Isn’t this a money trap?

After scolding General Fan in his heart, he got up and went to see Mrs. Fan again and said, "Madam, relax..."

"Stop talking now, and quickly ask your doctor to check on Brother Tian to see if he is poisoned!" Mrs. Fan had no time to pay attention to Ding Ge and ordered.

Ding Ge was a little angry. Did this old pious woman regard him as a servant? Do you know that the Ding family is a prominent family in the Central Plains?

However, the purpose of Ding Ge's trip was also to see if General Fan was poisoned. After all, how could a good person suddenly become so cold?

He accepted his gold and promised to help him deal with Qin Sanlang in the near future. The timing of his illness was so clever that Ding Ge couldn't help but think about it.

The doctors of the Ding family hurriedly took the medicine boy to check General Fan's pulse, diagnose and treat him, and test for poison. However, they had been busy for an hour, and even after daybreak, they still found nothing.

Vice General Fang couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Doctor, what's wrong? Is General Fan poisoned?"

He also warned: "This is about the reputation of General Fan and other soldiers. If you want to report it to the court, you must tell the truth. If you wrongly accuse a general who resisted the army, you will be punished with death."

After hearing this, Ding Ge frowned. What did Deputy General Fang mean? Could it be that he had hooked up with Qin Sanlang? Why did he favor Qin Sanlang so much?

The two military doctors also said: "We tested the poison on General Fan and found that General Fan was not poisoned. There is no poison in the world that can make people catch cold."

After hearing this, the doctor of the Ding family looked at Ding Ge... Should this be said to be poisoning?

In fact, when he came, Ding Ge told him that he was poisoned if he bit General Fan to death, and then blamed the poisoning on Qin Sanlang and the Gu family, framed him, and destroyed Qin Sanlang in one fell swoop.

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