A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1430 We are just angry

Seeing that the Ding family doctor did not speak, Vice General Fang looked at Ding Ge, obviously asking, and reminded with a sneer: "General Fan is a fourth-grade military attache. If you say that he has been poisoned, you must stay and go together." There is a confrontation between the Ministry of War in the capital. If the imperial doctor in the capital finds out that General Fan is not poisoned, your Ding family will deliberately wrongfully accuse the general who resisted the army. The punishment you will receive is not small. You have to think about it beforehand."

After hearing this, Ding Ge cursed in his heart. The man named Fang had indeed hooked up with Qin Sanlang and helped him so much.

But Ding Ge was in a hurry to go to the northwest to make contributions and had no time to go to the capital for a confrontation. Moreover, the military doctor also checked that General Fan was not poisoned. If his family insisted that General Fan was poisoned, it is very likely that he would not kill Qin Sanlang in the end, but instead kill him. Let's take it in at home.

Not a good deal.

It was because he had thought too lightly before. General Fan was a fourth-grade military general, not a small member of a small family. If he was poisoned, the involvement would be extensive and the investigation would be detailed. Others would not be allowed to make false accusations.

Ding Ge was a smart man. After weighing the pros and cons, he said to his doctor: "Vice General Fang asked you, why didn't you answer? Don't be stunned, just tell the truth. It's already dawn, and we have to set off westward, so we can't waste time." "

If he still wants to go west, then he needs to stop and don't say anything about General Fan being poisoned.

"Replying to Vice General Fang, this villain's medical skills are shallow and there are no signs of poisoning in General Fan... Perhaps the imperial doctor in the capital can detect it," said the Ding family doctor.

After hearing this, Vice General Fang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he knew his mistakes and could correct them. If this doctor bit General Fan to death and was poisoned, then they would have to stop and resolve the matter, and the time they would have to waste would not be a day or two.

Mrs. Fan didn't believe it, so she grabbed the doctor of the Ding family and said, "You're lying, you bitch slave. My brother Tian was poisoned by someone, and he was poisoned like this by that bitch couple of the Qin family." !”

Doctor Ding's head was sprayed with saliva all over his face, and he had to explain: "Old madam, General Fan is really not poisoned. If you insist on telling me that General Fan was poisoned, my master will be implicated." .”

Mrs. Fan still refused to listen and shouted: "Lies, you are all helping that bitch couple named Qin. My brother Tian was killed by them. Go and kill them quickly to avenge my brother Tian." !”

Mrs. Fan is really crazy to ask them to kill a high-class householder without any evidence.

Lieutenant General Fang couldn't stand it any longer, so he stepped forward and knocked out Mrs. Fan with a bang.

"Doctor Gu said that Mrs. Fan is old and should not get angry, otherwise she will have a stroke." After Deputy General Fang explained this, he asked Dongzhi to come over and help Mrs. Fan back to the tent to rest.

He also ordered the soldiers: "Take this maid to the servants' tent next door. This tent should be left for General Fan to rest."

"Yes." The soldiers complied and took Chunzhi to the tent where the maid lived next door. They told the maid of the Fan family who had been awakened and was hiding in the tent and did not dare to come out: "This maid said that she is pregnant with General Fan's flesh and blood. , you must take good care of her and don’t let her die or have an abortion.”

Mrs. Fan loves her grandson. If this maid has a miscarriage, Mrs. Fan will make trouble again. But they have had enough and don't want to see Mrs. Fan make trouble anymore.

"Yes~" the maids responded tremblingly, and waited until the soldiers left before daring to untie Chunzhi.

In the tent here, Lieutenant General Fang said: "General Fan is ill, but we can't delay our trip. Let's go and sound the gong to notify everyone to break camp and set off. We will leave Mrs. Fan and the others behind when we arrive in Humang County."

There was no village or shop here, so they couldn't leave Mrs. Fan behind. They had to wait until Humang County and ask the county government to send someone to send Mrs. Fan and the others back.

Ding Ge nodded: "I will obey your orders."

So when Mrs. Fan woke up, she was on the westbound carriage.

The old lady was confused, sitting in the car and yelling: "What's going on? Why did you start your journey? Where is Brother Tian? He is still sick, how can he get on the road? Stop the army!"

Aunt Fan hurriedly informed her of Vice General Fang’s plan, and then advised: “Old madam, the matter has come to an end. We are women and we are not familiar with this place. Moreover, the road is very chaotic. It’s better to listen to Vice General Fang.” Let's make arrangements. As a subordinate of the general, he will send us back to Yongtai Mansion safely out of reason."

Seeing that Mrs. Fan was about to make a fuss, she quickly told her that at noon, the scouts exploring the road were killed by a group of bandits.

"What? They dared to kill even the scouts. Do those gangsters want to rebel?!" Mrs. Fan was very frightened.

Aunt Fan nodded and said: "Those are all desperadoes who fell into disgrace and turned into bandits. They thought that there were not many troops coming, so they attacked the scouts and wanted to steal the army's food and weapons. I didn't expect that we are older." When they saw the army of a thousand men, they were frightened and withdrew."

Then he advised: "Old madam, the road is dangerous now. If we want to return to Yongtai Mansion safely, we must not make trouble. Otherwise, the soldiers will probably push us to the gangsters. If we die by then, we will also be killed by the gangsters." The killing has nothing to do with them.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Fan turned pale with fright and almost fainted.

However, after being enlightened by Aunt Fan, she calmed down and realized that Fan Tian had caught the horse wind and would no longer be able to go to the northwest to make contributions and could only return home.

"Uuuuuuuuuah, why is my life so miserable?" Mrs. Fan was crying. After she finished crying, she said, "It's all because of that bitch of the Gu family. Ever since I met her, nothing good has happened in the family!"

Then he said: "No, we can't let that bitch have an easy time. Find a few people to tie her up and throw her on the road. There are many bandits on this road. As long as she is picked up by the bandits, she will be finished!"

Auntie Fan couldn't bear it anymore. The Fan family couldn't protect themselves. Why did the old lady still want to harm the Gu family?

"Old madam, that Mrs. Gu is so ugly that the bandits have no appetite after seeing her. Moreover, something happened to the general, and all his soldiers defected to Vice General Fang and Vice General Xue. There is no one left to help us with these things. "

Aunt Fan had to persuade Mrs. Fan until her saliva dried up.

Before dark, the army set up camp. Vice General Fang and Vice General Xue came over and said to Mrs. Fan, "Old Madam, let's just make do for one night. When we arrive in Humang County tomorrow, you and General Fan can have a good rest."

After hearing this, Mrs. Fan snorted coldly and did not answer. She felt that the two of them were deliberately showing off to her after they had won their son's army.

Vice General Fang and Vice General Xue saw that their hot faces were pressed against their cold buttocks, so they didn't stay long and left after finishing their words.

However, I still asked the soldiers to give the best two tents to Mrs. Fan and her son.

The Qin family was also setting up camp. Qin Sanlang finally waited until the tent was set up and the food was ready, and then he personally brought the carriage to Gu Jinli.

When Gu Jinli saw Qin Sanlang, he was stunned for a moment and whispered: "Why are you here? We are angry with each other now. You can't come here, lest others see it... Both the Ding family and the Fan family have sent people They're watching us."

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