Ding Ge had a lot of manpower and sent people to keep an eye on their camp. Since Ding Ge sent gold to Fan Tian, ​​the Fan family also sent people to keep an eye on them.

Although their carriage was surrounded by many cars and tents, and the camp was also patrolled, it was not easy for the Ding family and the Fan family to know their true situation. However, this was a sensitive moment when Fan Tian was about to get angry, and they could not reconcile too quickly. , continue to pretend.

"Don't be afraid. I'll go out two-quarters of an hour after I come in. Then there will be a rumor that my overtures were rejected, and we'll quarrel again." Qin Sanlang put the food box on the low table, took off his shoes and outer robe, and got into the room. After getting into the carriage, he lowered the curtain and stared at Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli was angry when he saw him: "What are you looking at? It's not like I've never seen him before."

Qin Sanlang laughed and stretched out his hand towards her: "Come here and give her a hug."

Gu Jinli snorted: "Try this again, I won't get through."

After they got engaged, every time he came back to see her, he asked her to hug him.

Qin Sanlang guessed that she would not come, so he moved his body, stretched out his long arms, wrapped his arms around her waist, and took her into his arms... The warm and soft body nestled in his heart, making him miss it all day and night. Only then did my heart settle down.

"Did you really cry last night?" Qin Sanlang asked. From last night to today, he kept remembering the look of moisture in her eyes. Although the tears did not fall, he could feel that at that moment, She was really sad.

He had been worried while waiting outside the gate of Fan's camp last night, and also when he was on the road today. He couldn't help but want to go back to the carriage and ask her several times, but did he really cry? He asked her not to be angry or sad, and that he would never say anything to make her sad again.

Gu Jinli was stunned, not expecting that he would ask about her almost crying last night. She glanced her head to the side and said, "Have you seen me cry in all these years? You think too much, I won't cry. "

Seeing her turning her head away, Qin Sanlang felt even more uncomfortable: "Lie."

Gu Jinli said sternly: "I didn't lie. How old am I? Would I still lie about this?"


"What about you? Did you really mean what you said last night? Do you really think I don't like you enough?" Gu Jinli turned around, raised his chin slightly, and looked at him arrogantly.

Boy, be careful what you say, otherwise I will be really angry!

Qin Sanlang looked at her and fell silent.

Gu Jinli was angry: "You really think I don't like you enough!"

She was so angry. This is the first time in my life that I've been so nice to a man. You still don't think it's enough, do you?

"I'm sorry, I became too greedy." Qin Sanlang tightened his arms, hugged her a little, and said something he had hidden for a long time: "At the beginning, I felt that I had harmed you, so I wanted to Be nice to you; then I realized that I fell in love with you, so I wanted to guard you silently, protect you, and make you happy; then I was unwilling to give in and wanted to marry you; now that I have married you, I want you to like me even more. Some like me so much that... they regard me as life, or more important than life."

Then he said hurriedly: "I love Xiaoyu as much as my life, so Xiaoyu shouldn't think that if you like me more, you will lose money."

She loves money and is relatively calm and cold-blooded in nature. Many times, in order to prevent herself from being sad, she will deliberately control her emotions. He also said that if one person cares too much about another person, that is called a loss-making business, and she does not do loss-making business.

Gu Jinli was a little shocked after hearing this.

Qin Sanlang has always been a calm and reserved character. Most of the time, no matter how happy or sad he is, he only shows it slightly. There are very few times when he is too excited or has too strong emotions.

All in all, the most exciting things he had ever done were when she agreed to get engaged to him, when he jumped out of the window and forcibly kissed her, and when they were about to have sex, he was so anxious that he tore off her skirt.

She knew he liked her, but she didn't know how much he liked her. Will it change again?

Gu Jinli was in a trance, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In short, she felt that she was very comfortable with Brother Qin. He made her very relaxed and made her want to live with him, but it seemed that it was not part of her plan to make too much trouble.

But, does she really not like him that much?

"Xiaoyu..." Seeing that she didn't speak, Qin Sanlang's face dropped and he didn't know what he was thinking. His heart also dropped. He hugged her tighter, lowered his head and kissed her, nibbling and murmuring: "Xiaoyu..." Fish, don’t say anything, okay?”

There was pleading in his voice, he was just greedy, he wanted her to regard him as her life, not just a little liking.

Gu Jinli's mouth moved, wanting to speak, but there was a lump in his throat, and some words could not come out. He was silent for about half a quarter of an hour, and he was almost desperate. Only then did she find her voice and hold his face. , looked into his eyes and said: "I like you. In my heart, you are worth more than life and money."

After Qin Sanlang heard this, his heart that fell into the sea of ​​misery fell into the honeypot again. He laughed out loud. He couldn't express the joy. He could only kiss her lips fiercely, nibbling her greedily. In this way, Expressing his joy.

But Gu Jinli became sad, avoided his kiss, lay on his shoulder, and said, "I think I'm done. What if you fall in love with someone else in the future?"

On the night of the wedding ceremony, he went to see her and said he wanted to get engaged. He confessed his love to her and asked her to respond. She said she liked him at that time.

But her love at that time was within her control. If Qin Sanlang changed his mind, she could leave at any time and continue to be herself freely.

But now she gave him her whole heart.

If this heart completely belongs to her, she can be fearless!

But after giving her heart to him, she would start to panic and worry about the changes that would happen in the future.

After all, no matter in ancient times or modern times, there are very few men who never change their hearts. She is not naive enough to think that she can meet a man who will never change her heart.

Qin Sanlang heard her slightly choked tone and the fear in her tone, and his heart ached. He hugged her and comforted her: "No, I have given my heart to you, and I will never fall in love with another woman again. Your body, mind, and property are all yours."

Gu Jinli: "Anyone will say good things, but you are not a stone. If you really change your mind, you won't be able to control it."

After saying that, she pushed him away and said angrily: "Go out, I don't want to see you now, please leave me alone."

As she spoke, she pulled the quilt over and covered herself, as if she didn't want to see him.

Qin Sanlang was anxious and didn't know how to coax her. In desperation, he could only get into the bed and hug her forcefully.

Gu Jinli originally wanted to struggle, but when he thrust a dagger into her hand, she was afraid of accidentally poking him, so she had to stay still.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoyu. I can guarantee that that day will not come. If it does, you will kill me. My life is yours." Qin Sanlang held her hand, gave her the dagger, and pointed it at himself heart.

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