A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1436 Marriage proposal

However, Vice General Fang and Vice General Xue were not stupid. They only sent away the Fan family members, leaving behind many good things from the Fan family.

These things were carefully prepared by the Fan family. They were necessary supplies on the westward journey. They were quite valuable in calculation. They had done a lot of work for the Fan family, so getting these things was not a loss.

Deputy Fang said to everyone: "Thank you for your hard work. When we get back, Deputy General Xue and I will give you something. Let's have a good time tonight. When we leave Humang County tomorrow, the road will be more difficult. Everyone Guys, we need to be more vigilant.”

Hu Mang County is already very close to the northwest. When they were in the county office, the magistrate of Hu Mang County told them that the bandits on this road were different from those in the south. They were all gangsters in groups, and even the army dared to rob them. , especially the army in the south.

There is no way. The southern army has always been looked down upon by the northerners. They think that the southern armies are all southerners. So who are the southerners? He's just a pretty boy, he's afraid of killing a chicken, but he has so much ability?

"Yes, I remember my humble position. Many thanks to Vice General Fang and Vice General Xue." The households said, but in fact they were not convinced by Vice General Fang and Vice General Xue.

The two of them are only deputy generals, and they are also deputy generals of the Yongtai Mansion camp. In total, they can only control the hundreds of households in Yongtai Mansion, but not the hundreds of households from the south.

It's just that the ranks of the two are here, and there are many bandits near the northwest. The families are afraid that they will be robbed by bandits when marching alone with their families with hundreds of soldiers, so they stay and go together.

Vice General Fang called Qin Sanlang over again and said, "Mrs. Fan is old and confused. Don't argue with her."

Qin Sanlang said: "Vice General Fang is serious. Mrs. Fan is General Fan's biological mother. I dare not disrespect her in my humble position."

In fact, he wanted to chop up Mrs. Fan, this old pious woman was too poisonous.

After hearing this, Vice General Fang was very happy, nodded, and took the guys back to the inn.

After arriving at the inn, we began to divide the Fan family's things.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but Qin Sanlang got a little more, and Ding Ge also got an extra share because he had more soldiers and was stronger.

Lu Chong was stingy and couldn't make more points. He felt very uncomfortable. The more he looked at Qin Sanlang, the more displeased he became, but he still pretended to be talking to Qin Sanlang and Ding Ge: "Qin Baihu, Ding Baihu, look at the two of them." The deputy general values ​​the two of you very much. If you two are promoted in the future, you must remember to be brothers."

Qin Sanlang always had an expressionless face when dealing with people who didn't want to talk to him. He would only say: "Lu Baihu's words are serious."

Ding Ge glanced at Lu Chong meaningfully and said: "We are all soldiers of He'an Prefecture, brothers and sisters, so I will naturally remember to order Lu Baihu."

Your wife tastes very good, of course I will remember you more.

Niu Dabao had a bad temper. Hearing Lu Chong's stingy words, he couldn't help it and directly handed the thing he was holding to him: "If you think it's too young, I'll give it to you!"

Lu Chong was embarrassed. Seeing that the camp was approaching, he hurriedly said: "I'll take a step first. See you all tomorrow."

Then he picked up his things and left.

Niu DaBao was still dissatisfied and cursed: "What kind of man do you think you are when you talk sarcastically about people just for a small thing?"

After hearing this, Ding Ge laughed and said, "Brother Niu, don't be angry. Lu Chong is like that. Don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Unexpectedly, Niu Dabao ignored him and asked Qin Sanlang and Xie Cheng to leave, leaving Ding Ge to go with Cao Baihu and the others.

Ding Ge felt extremely unhappy, but his face remained unchanged at all, and he laughed and said, "Brother Niu is really serious."

Then he called Shi Baihu and Cao Baihu and the others: "I asked my servants to go to the county to buy some good things. Several brothers will accompany me for a meal. I will go on the road tomorrow. This life will not be so easy. Tonight You can have a lot of fun."

Shi Baihu has been getting close to Ding Ge recently, so he naturally won't refuse. Cao Baihu thought about it and followed.

Niu Dabao and the others went back to the camp and took the things and divided them among the others.

Xie Cheng just returned to the camp when he saw Ji Zhenniang's tearful face and sighed: "What's wrong? Who made you angry again?"

Ji Zhenniang stared at him and said, "Why did you come back so late?!"

I cried for a long time.

Xie Cheng: "...Aren't you going to see off General Fan and Mrs. Fan? You know that."

Ji Zhenniang said angrily: "What can the old witch give you? Let her die directly!"

Xie Chengdao: "Didn't Grandma Tao tell you? Even if you hate someone, you can't scold her so blatantly. If someone hears it, it will be detrimental to you."

But Ji Zhenniang shouted: "I said it in our camp, not outside. If this word spreads, it means that there is a traitor in our camp and we need to clean it up!"

It was quite reasonable, but Xie Cheng couldn't reply.

Seeing that Ji Zhenniang was still angry, she asked again: "What happened? But Aunt Tao scolded you again today?"

"Hmph!" Ji Zhenniang snorted coldly and said nothing, "Why can't we live in the inn? We finally passed by a county town. If we can't live in the city, forget it. We can't live in the inn. Is there any justice? We have to It’s not that I don’t have money!”

Living in a carriage day by day, in such a narrow carriage, she almost got sick from boredom!

No, she is actually sick now and has been poisoned.

Ji Zhenniang cried even more happily.

Speaking of this, Xie Cheng felt a little embarrassed and said: "The inn in the county town is too small and can only be reserved for high-ranking people. When I pass by the inn in Fucheng next time, I will spend money to buy you a good room. Let you have a good sleep."

But Ji Zhenniang was still unhappy. While sitting in the carriage, she would hit the table and beat the walls of the carriage.

Xie Cheng was helpless and could only say nice things to coax her.

But Ji Zhenniang had something on her mind, and Xie Cheng didn't coax her to the itchy spot, so Ji Zhenniang still felt uncomfortable.

Just when Xie Cheng's patience was about to run out, Grandma Xie stood outside the carriage and reported, "Sir, madam, Xie Huaihua wants to see you."

When Ji Zhenniang heard the words Xie Huaihua, she opened the car curtain and shouted at Aunt Xie: "She still dares to come and ask for an audience. It's because of her that I was scolded by Aunt Tao today. Tell her to get out, if you dare to come here, I’ll hit her!”

After hearing this, Aunt Xie looked at Xie Cheng as if asking for help.

Xie Cheng frowned and asked Ji Zhenniang: "What's wrong? Are you still doubting that Sophora japonica is here to be my concubine? Haven't I already explained it to you? If it doesn't happen, I won't accept Sophora japonica as my concubine. "

Ji Zhenniang became angry and shouted: "Sophora japonica, you are so affectionate when you scream. You like her so much. Divorce me and marry her!"

Xie Cheng was speechless and wanted to curse, but Ji Zhenniang started to cry after yelling. Xie Cheng felt distressed and couldn't bear to curse.

During the stalemate, Xie Huaihua came over on her own, knelt in front of the carriage and said, "I beg you, your lord and madam, to decide on the marriage!"

As soon as these words came out, Ji Zhenniang's crying was successfully stopped.

Ji Zhenniang was stunned and looked at Xie Cheng.

Xie Cheng opened the curtain, looked at Xie Huaihua who was kneeling on the ground, and asked: "You want us to decide the marriage? But who do you like?"

Xie Huaihua said: "Returning to your lord, the rules of the Xie family are that male and female servants are not allowed to communicate with each other in private. I don't dare to make mistakes. However, I am almost sixteen and it's time to get married. That's why I came to ask your lord and madam to make the decision. I have no requirements. , as long as he is a servant of the Xie family."

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