Ji Zhenniang was very happy after hearing this, but asked with a fierce face: "Are you telling the truth? Do you really want to marry a servant, and don't want to be a concubine for the master?"

Xie Huaihua said: "Reporting to Madam, I am determined to be the wife in charge of the Xie family, so I only want to marry a servant of the Xie family. From now on, the couple will work for the lord and madam. I don't want to be a concubine."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and swore a poisonous oath: "This slave swears that I will only marry a servant of the Xie family in this life. If I have the slightest thought for my master, I will let this slave be kidnapped by the bandits on the way to the west and suffer all kinds of torture." And die!"

"Sophora japonica!" Nanny Xie was so distressed that she almost shed tears. Even if this girl wanted to show her loyalty, she shouldn't have made such a poisonous oath.

Ji Zhenniang was shocked when she heard that the road to the west was dangerous and she encountered bandits yesterday. Xie Huaihua dared to make such a vicious oath, which showed that she really had no interest in Xie Cheng.


Ji Zhenniang was happy and snorted at Xie Cheng, as if to say: See, others still look down on you.

Xie Cheng had a headache. He and Xie Huaihua had nothing to do with each other. When it was first reported that Xie Huaihua wanted to be his concubine, it was because his mother thought that Zhenniang would not follow her to the northwest and was afraid that he would die in the war and have no future, so she thought of letting him Take Sophora japonica as a concubine.

Later, when she came along, she didn't mention the matter anymore, leaving Mother Xie and her daughter to concentrate on serving Zhen Niang and taking care of the relatives of the soldiers.

Xie Cheng was helpless, but he was happy to see Ji Zhenniang finally happy.

However, Ji Zhenniang felt worried and said, "I don't know who the unmarried male servants of the Xie family are. Do you know?"

Xie Chengdao: "There are only three who are not married, Xie Shungong, Xie Shunliang and Xie Shunqian."

The Xie family doesn't have many family members, only about thirty. This time they brought twenty, but most of them are already married. There are not many who are not married, and even fewer who are similar to Xie Huaihua's age.

After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang shouted: "I know that Xie Shunggong, my God, isn't he married yet? He's a few months older than you, and he's almost thirty. No, no, no, he's too old, Sophora japonica is less than ten years old. Six, how can you marry an old man who is almost thirty?"

Ji Zhenniang disagreed and asked Xie Shunliang and Xie Shunqian what they were doing.

After Xie Cheng told them about their situation, Ji Zhenniang said with a look of disgust: "They are really useless. They are not even stewards. How can they marry my grandma's daughter?"

Xie Cheng couldn't bear it anymore and asked her: "Then what do you want to match Xie Huaihua?"

Ji Zhenniang said: "Stop asking. I don't know. I'm annoyed. Don't bother me."

Xie Cheng: "..."

This has become my own, hasn’t it?

Xie Huaihua suddenly spoke up and asked: "Madam, I have a few words that I want to say, is that okay?"

Ji Zhenniang is unhappy. What do you mean? It's like I won't let you speak?

But since you don't want to be Xie Cheng's concubine and just want to marry a servant, I will let you speak.

"After all, it's your marriage. If you have any ideas, tell me." Ji Zhenniang pretended to be extremely generous and said.

Xie Huaihua said: "Madam, I am willing to marry Xiao Xie, the steward. I am determined to be a steward wife, so naturally it is better to marry a steward. After I marry Xiao Xie, the steward, he will be in charge of the outer courtyard from now on, and I will be in charge. In the inner house, husband and wife work together to do things for you and your lady, please help me."

Manager Xie is Uncle Xie, so they call Xie Shunggong Little Manager Xie... Although Xie Huaihua has little contact with Xie Shungong, she knows that he grew up with adults from a hundred households, and that he is not only good at martial arts, but also good at settling accounts. Although he is not married, there is no dirty thing between men and women. He is a person worthy of being entrusted to him for life.

Ji Zhenniang felt that what Xie Huaihua said was quite reasonable, but: "He is too old."

Xie Huaihua: "I'm only twenty-five years old, not considered old."

Auntie Xie also said: "Madam, Xiao Xie is indeed a good steward, and he is not too old, so he is just right."

Ji Zhenniang frowned, still a little unhappy, but Xie Huaihua didn't dislike it, so what could she say?

However, Ji Zhenniang felt that she was a good mistress who was responsible for her servants, so she said: "There is no rush. Let's observe for a while and see. If Xie Shungong is worthy of trust, I will approve your marriage."

"Yes, my servant, thank you madam." Xie Huaihua is not in a hurry, as long as madam agrees to consider it.

Ji Zhenniang began to trust Xie Huaihua because of her proposal to marry a servant. She looked at her and said, "You are an unmarried girl. You are busy outside taking care of the soldiers' relatives. Okay, just stay with me from tomorrow on, and leave those tasks that require publicity to your mother."

After hearing this, Grandma Xie was overjoyed. Madam was finally willing to accept Sophora japonica.

She almost shed tears, but she knew that Madam didn't like seeing others cry, so she endured it and kowtowed with Sophora Flower to express gratitude: "Thank you, Madam."

Xie Cheng also breathed a sigh of relief, finally solving this difficult matter.

Qing Hui has been at the Xie family camp to protect Ji Zhenniang during this period. When she saw this not far away, she was extremely happy. Knowing that Madam was thinking about this, she went back to inform her.

Gu Jinli was washing his face. After hearing what Er Qing told him, he smiled and said: "Xie Huaihua finally got the idea. This is it. If the Xie family doesn't make a fuss, we can relax a little."

They had already thought of a solution to the conflict between Xie Huaihua and Ji Zhenniang.

But Grandma Tao said that she would not tell Xie Huaihua first and wait to see what she did. If Xie Huaihua was smart and could think of a solution on her own, then she would be able to help Ji Zhenniang if she stayed with Ji Zhenniang in the future.

If Xie Huaihua can't think of the right way to solve this conflict, then even staying with Ji Zhenniang will be useless, and she still won't be able to help Ji Zhenniang manage the Xie family. Going to the northwest in the future, the Xie family will only be in more chaos, and as allies, they will also suffer.

"The matter with the Xie family has been resolved, madam, you can rest assured." Erqing said, seeing Qin Sanlang coming, he greeted Xiaoji and Sanqing, and left with the face wash.

Not long after, Qin Sanlang came over and said while taking off his outer robe: "Xiaoyu, I'm back."

As he spoke, he took off his dirty clothes and shoes, got into the carriage, looked at her and smiled, hugged her before she got angry, took a sniff, and sighed: "Well, the faint fragrance is a familiar smell."

Then he said: "The acne patch has also been taken off."

Qin Sanlang was in an extremely happy mood. It is said that women should look good to please themselves. Xiaoyu began to pay attention to this since he forced her to have a fight last night. It can be seen that he is more and more interested in him.

Gu Jinli said harshly: "Today's acne patch was a little unstable. I took it off and put it on again, not for you."

Qin Sanlang's smile became even stronger, he kissed her thin white neck and said, "Then how can you explain why you peeked at me today?"

She obviously likes him more and more, so much so that she peeks at him without admitting it.

Gu Jinli just refused to admit it: "I was looking at the landmarks along the way to draw a route map, not you. Don't think too much."

"You still don't admit it. You have such a tough mouth. It seems like you need to clean it up." Qin Sanlang smiled and kissed her. The familiar taste was like frosting, so sweet that it made him laugh unconsciously, and it was evil. Bite her.

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