A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1438 Meeting the Bandits Again

"Uh~" Gu Jinli was angry, brat, if you dare to bite me, I will strangle you to death.

Her hands immediately moved, wanting to pinch the flesh on his waist, but he was thick-skinned and she was used to keeping her nails short, so she couldn't pinch him at all.

Ah, even more angry!

Qin Sanlang laughed out loud and made her angry first. After kissing her contentedly, he let go of her and handed her his arm: "Bite her."

Give you a chance to take revenge.

Gu Jinli pushed his arm away and said, "Childish."

I'm not a child, can I really hold a grudge and bite you? You can play by yourself, I won't do this with you.

Qin Sanlang: "Won't you bite?"

Oh well.

As he spoke, he looked at her little mouth that was red from being kissed, and felt itchy in his heart. He leaned over to kiss her again, and wanted to take off her clothes.

Gu Jinli grabbed his clothes and reminded, "You'd better take it easy, otherwise you'll feel uncomfortable again."

My aunt is visiting, but she can't do anything with you. Don't make it your own fault.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang could only stop, but he held her tightly: "Old Madam Fan was frightened by the beast eating people, and if Grandma Fan scares her, she will not spread rumors again."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, I can rest assured that you will do the work."

In fact, she was a little shocked when she heard that the members of the Fan family were eaten to death by wild beasts... He had always been very kind and sunny in front of her, and he always smiled at her. She didn't expect that he would be so cruel outside. .

Seeing her stunned, Qin Sanlang thought she was scared and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, Xiaoyu. My methods are only for dealing with outsiders and will never hurt you."

Gu Jinli smiled and asked, "Do you think I will be scared?"

Then he said: "Mrs. Fan is so vicious, she deserves such methods!"

This era is very harsh on women's reputation. Mrs. Fan spread such rumors not only because she wanted her dead, but also wanted the Gu family's reputation to be discredited. She also wanted Qin Sanlang to never raise his head as a human being.

Such a vicious old godly woman should be chopped up and fed to the dogs!

Gu Jinli looked at Qin Sanlang and said seriously: "Remember, no matter what method you use to deal with evil people, it is never too much. I will not be afraid of you... I like you."

Qin Sanlang was stunned by her sudden confession.

"Xiaoyu..." Qin Sanlang's heart was filled with emotion and he didn't do anything exciting. He just tightened his arms, hugged her tightly, and embraced her.

Gu Jinli knew that he liked to hold her quietly like this, so he smiled slightly and nestled in his arms honestly, letting him hug him as much as he could.

More than a quarter of an hour later, Qin Sanlang let go of her, pecked her on the lips and said, "Eat, you must be hungry."

"Yes." Gu Jinli nodded, stood up, straightened his clothes, and shouted out of the carriage: "Erqing, Xiaoji, bring the food."

Erqing and the others were on another carriage not far away. When they heard this, they responded, went to get the warm food, handed it into the carriage and left.

Today's meal was very sumptuous. Gu Jinli specially sent someone to buy it from a restaurant in the county town. It included not only fish, meat, chicken soup, but also fresh cabbage.

The food in the north is as rough and majestic as the mountains and rivers, and is cut into large pieces. However, Humang County is a small county, so the taste of the food is average.

But Gu Jinli was still happy to have such a normal meal.

"Eat quickly, there's rice." Gu Jinli handed a large bowl of rice to Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang took it and started eating after seeing that she also had rice.

The young couple had a satisfying meal. After eating, Gu Jinli started to drive people away: "You go, Mrs. Fan and the others have just been sent away. It's not good for you to stay here. It will arouse suspicion." , especially Ding Qinshou, he is very suspicious and ill."

Ding Qinshou is Ding Ge. Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang both felt that the two names Qin Beast and Beast matched Ding Ge very well.

Qin Sanlang said: "I'm not leaving. I'll stay and sleep tonight. Let the news go out tomorrow and say that I saw General Fan leaving and continued to fawn over you after I couldn't get a big backer. Everyone knows that I'm a softie." meal."

He said it confidently and without any embarrassment, which made Gu Jinli laugh. After thinking about it, he agreed.

Asked about Dingo again.

"I see that the road is getting more and more uneven. Is it time for Dingo to take action? And today is already twenty-one. He is so smart, there is no way he would choose to take action during the Chinese New Year, either a few days before or after the new year, and Dingo has a short temper and cannot wait until after the new year."

"It must have been in the past few days." Qin Sanlang nodded and said: "You Ping and the others came to report that some strangers have been in and out of Ding Ge's camp recently, and they must be discussing the matter of annexing troops. You Ping and the others have checked, come here People are all different, there are two groups of people.”

Qin Sanlang looked at Gu Jinli and said: "I guess that besides Ding Changying, Ding Ge should have at least three groups of people behind his back, and most likely four groups. After all, it is impossible for him to recruit all the people into the camp and let him have all the people. All exposed.”

"The Ding family is still a prominent family in the Central Plains. If the Ding family sends more people to help him, he will only have more people."

Qin Sanlang told Gu Jinli all the pros and cons, not to scare her, but to make her aware so that she could be on guard.

Then he pointed at her face and said, "It's been a bit rough lately. Don't take off the acne patch. It's safe. I'm used to it and I won't dislike Xiaoyu."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Okay, I understand."

She was silent for a while, then suddenly looked at Qin Sanlang and said, "Do you realize that we have encountered bandits too many times recently? Do you think Ding Qinshou might have colluded with the bandits and wanted to kill and devour the soldiers?" .”

You also need to find a valid reason for swallowing troops. It doesn't mean that you are strong, you just need to be able to fight.

There are many bandits in the northwest, so Gu Jinli felt that Ding Ge might unite with the bandits to kill them on the road and devour their soldiers.

When the time came, he reported to the court that he had encountered bandits and that they had been killed by the bandits. As a survivor, he led their troops westward.

"It's very possible." Qin Sanlang stood up immediately and said, "You wash up and go to bed first. I'll notify You Ping and the others and ask them to follow the people who went to the Ding family camp to see if they are bandits?"

"Okay." Gu Jinli responded, and then explained: "Let them be careful. If the other party is too powerful, don't follow them, so as not to alert the enemy."

"Yes." Qin Sanlang responded, touched her face, called Sanqing to accompany her, and then left.

At nine o'clock the next day, everyone got up on time and started on their way again. Because they were delayed by the Fan family, their march was just as fast today. By the afternoon, they had already left Humang County.

But at the junction of Humang County and Bailang County, they encountered bandits again.

"There are bandits! These two scouts are fake, they are bandits!!"

Someone in the front yelled when they realized that the one who came back was not the previous scout. When the other soldiers heard this, they immediately beat the gong to notify the entire army, asking the soldiers behind to come over and help.

And when the gong rang, two groups of bandits suddenly rushed down from the hillsides on both sides, led by a dozen bandits riding big horses, carrying long knives, carrying bows and arrows, and wearing armor, like cavalry!

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