
The bandits rushed down the hills on both sides, howling like wolves, coupled with the sound of galloping hooves and the neighing of horses, their posture was very intimidating.

The person leading the troops today was none other than half of the Yongtai Mansion army led by Vice General Xue.

Because General Fan fell, the troops he brought out were divided between him and Deputy General Fang.

In the past two days, Vice General Fang had been in the limelight. Vice General Xue was a little unconvinced, so he said that today he would lead his troops in front to explore the way for everyone.

When Lieutenant General Xue saw the bandits rushing down, he immediately shouted: "The shield soldiers are arrayed to stop them! The archers are ready to fire arrows!"

The soldiers immediately moved, the shield soldiers lined up, and two shield walls were built on both sides. The archers stood behind the shield soldiers, stretched their bows, nocked arrows, and aimed to shoot.

Swish swish swish!

Sharp arrows shot through the wind and hit several bandits on horseback.

The bandits screamed and rolled off their horses.

When the soldiers saw this, they were very excited.

Vice General Xue shouted again: "Get ready, shoot the arrow!"

Swish swish swish!

Bows and arrows rained down, shooting down a dozen more bandits.

"Quick! Shoot again!" Vice General Xue shouted as he looked at the bandit who was about to rush towards him.

The archer's hands were shaking a little. He hurriedly nocked an arrow and fired another round of arrows. After shooting down a few bandits again, the bandits suddenly became confused and shouted: "Boss, it's a thorn in the head, I'm afraid Can’t eat it? What the hell?!”

At this time, some bandits had already attacked the hillside and were slashing at the shield soldiers with their swords. Seeing that a fierce battle was about to start, the bandit boss shouted: "Taiqiaoya, retreat!"

After saying that, he shot down a bandit and ran away on horseback.

When the other bandits saw this, they hurriedly said: "Retreat, retreat quickly, there are soldiers coming from behind!"

As soon as these words came out, the other bandits panicked and started to grab the horses. Those who couldn't grab the horses ran towards the hillside with two legs.

Vice General Xue was so happy that he personally rode a horse and led his soldiers to pursue them: "Listen to my order, rush forward and kill these bandits!"

"Yes!" The soldiers' morale was also boosted. After hearing this, they hurriedly chased towards the hillside. However, the bandits were obviously familiar with the terrain here. Deputy Xue chased them for two quarters of an hour, completely chasing the bandits. They were lost in pursuit and only killed a few bandits.

In desperation, he could only lead his troops back.

Vice General Fang has arrived with the army behind him and is cleaning the "battlefield". He has obtained three horses, more than a dozen swords, bows and axes, and thirteen bandit corpses. In addition to the eight corpses brought back by Vice General Xue, a total of Twenty-one bandits were killed.

This result is quite good, everyone is overjoyed.

Vice General Fang said: "Vice General Xue is so powerful. He killed twenty-one bandits in just a few quarters of an hour and got three horses. This can be regarded as a favor for our army heading west."

Vice General Xue was extremely happy in his heart, but he said on his face: "Hey, I just killed a few bandits, it's nothing."

Then he sighed: "Originally I wanted to chase them and destroy their lair, but those bandits were familiar with the terrain and ran too fast and couldn't catch up. It's really annoying."

Vice Admiral Fang said: "It's good to be able to kill twenty-one, and I also got three horses. These horses are a treasure for us soldiers."

Vice General Xue said this without saying anything. He immediately pointed at a group of big black horses and said: "Vice General Fang has been working hard recently. These black horses are good. I will give them to Vice General Fang. Don't be polite to me!"

What is seized belongs to oneself and shall be distributed by oneself.

Vice General Fang didn't want to have any conflict with Vice General Xue, so he accepted it: "Thank you, Brother Xue."

They changed their names and suddenly became closer to each other.

"Hahaha, what can I say thank you for? We are brothers from the same camp." Vice General Xue laughed and gave five more swords to Vice General Fang.

As for the other hundred households, they were given some feather arrows and axes. Although there were not many things, they were still very happy because the soldiers who accompanied them had "won the battle".

"How should these corpses be disposed of?" Hundreds of households asked Vice General Xue.

Vice General Xue thought for a while and said: "There are many bandits on the road. Let's chop off the heads and pile them up in Jingguan."

"Building Jingguan?!" Deputy General Fang was a little shocked. The so-called Jingguan meant cutting off the enemy's heads and piling them into a hill on the roadside to act as a deterrent to the enemy.

However, this was the practice during the chaos at the end of the previous dynasty. After the establishment of Dachu, there were no crowds in Jingguan. After all, this was a bit unethical in a non-war era.

Vice General Xue said: "These are bandits who have killed many innocent people. It is an advantage for them to use them to crowd the capital. Brother Fang does not need to feel that it is against the harmony of heaven and earth."

Vice General Xue said this, so Vice General Fang naturally would not say anything more and only said: "Just do as Brother Xue said."

Therefore, Lieutenant General Xue ordered his men to cut off the heads of the bandits and pile them up in Jingguan.

The soldiers in Yongtai Mansion are fine. Where have the soldiers in the south seen such a posture? They were all so frightened that some even vomited.

Upon seeing this, Vice General Xue said: "You are so useless, where are you now? You have to get used to it quickly, otherwise when you face the Rong people, you will not be an opponent at all! The Rong people are more cruel than us. If there are too many, they are feeding on children!”

Lieutenant General Fang also took the opportunity to tell the soldiers in the south about the brutality of the Rong people, which frightened several soldiers.

One of the soldiers under Lu Chong's command fainted. Lu Chong felt very embarrassed and punished the soldier.

Sitting in the mule cart, Mr. Cen sneered silently. How could Lu Chong, a loser, have the nerve to talk about his own soldiers? He himself turned pale with fright, and he was not as courageous as she was.

This is not a boast, Mr. Cen is indeed very courageous, even when he saw the soldiers beheading the bandits, he did not change his color.

But Ji Zhenniang was trembling with fear. She sat in the carriage, holding Qing Hui's arm, and asked Gu Jinli: "He, he, they really chopped off the bandit's head... in piles?!"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Yes, can this be said to be fun?"

"Ouch!" After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang screamed, rolled her eyes, and fainted.

Gu Jinli: "..."

You are so useless.

"Madam, madam, are you okay?" Xie Huaihua was finally able to accompany Ji Zhenniang today. She wanted to perform well. Seeing that Ji Zhenniang fainted, she was very anxious and hurriedly said to Qing Hui: "Miss Qing Hui, please help me quickly. My wife."

Qing Hui looked at Gu Jinli and asked, "Madam?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Rescue her, you have to let her see the cruelty along the way."

"Yes." Qinghui woke up Ji Zhenniang with two injections.

Ji Zhenniang cried when she woke up: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, I don't want to go to the northwest, I want to go home."

"Why are you going back? You've already reached Bailang County. Who has time to take you back now? Even if someone takes you back, it's hard for you to get home safely. The bandits here would even dare to rob the army." Gu Jinli He was scaring Ji Zhenniang: "Don't cry. If those bandits hear a woman crying, they will kidnap you at night."

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