However, Gu Jinli was cautious, thinking that if Mr. Kuang came to ask for help, Mr. Cen would definitely find someone to ask for help.

She has never given Mrs. Cen a good look. Mrs. Cen should not come to her, but should go to Ji Zhenniang for help.

"It's too crowded and uncomfortable to ride in a carriage like this. Let's divide these old people who are not too old and these older children with the Xie family."

Kuang nodded with a smile: "As long as there is a car, I can go to any house."

Gu Jinli said: "Then aunt, please bring me here."

Then he reminded: "Take it to the Xie family first, so as not to be overtaken by others."

Mr. Kuang is such a shrewd person. When he heard this, he slapped his thigh and said hurriedly: "Hey, wife, Sanlang, you were right to remind me, my aunt will take people over immediately."

Saying that, he left in a hurry.

Gu Jinli's guess was correct. By the time Kuang arrived at the Xie family camp, Cen had already brought a dozen old people and children to the Xie family camp. He was holding Sister Tang and talking to Grandma Xie about asking to see Ji Zhenniang.

Qing Hui had Gu Jinli's instructions not to allow Ji Zhenniang to see Mr. Cen alone. Therefore, although Ji Zhenniang wanted to let Mr. Cen in, she was stopped by Qing Hui and threatened: "Mrs. Xie, do you want to be hugged and kissed by my wife?" ?”


Ji Zhenniang retched in shame, waved her hands and said, "I don't want to, don't scare me anymore!"

Then he said: "But Mrs. Lu has come here with Sister Tang in her arms. We are all ladies, so I can't help but give her face, right? Besides, Sister Tang is so cute, just like my Zhuzhu."

Ji Zhenniang missed her daughter, and when she saw a little girl who was about the same age as her own daughter, she wanted to get close to her.

But no, Qing Hui said: "If you don't want to be harmed, don't meet Mrs. Cen, and don't get close to Sister Tang. Mrs. Cen knows that you miss your daughter, and every time you come to see you, you hold Sister Tang in your arms. It's cruel." , Madam, still can’t you understand?”

Ji Zhenniang: "I know, I haven't seen Mrs. Cen, but it's hard to accept the old people and children she brought, right? I saw a few very young children over there, only a few years old. Running like this, would it be wrong? So exhausted."

Qing Hui was too lazy to tell her: "Whether you take in those people or be hugged and kissed by my wife, you can choose for yourself."


"Stop disgusting me!" Ji Zhenniang was about to collapse: "If you keep talking, I won't be able to eat!"

Qing Hui glanced at her: "Then don't see them."

As he was talking, Kuang's gong voice came in: "Hey, Mrs. Lu, what a coincidence, you also brought someone here to ask Mrs. Xie for help? It's a pity that it's too late, Mrs. Xie has already promised our Niu family, Let the elderly and children from our camp come over and take the bus, you should go back quickly, don't let the cold wind blow here, you will catch a cold."

After saying that, there was no need to inform Nanny Xie, and he led the people directly to the Xie family camp. The posture made Nanny Xie and Cen stunned.

When they came to their senses, Mrs. Kuang had already led people into the camp and ran towards Ji Zhenniang's carriage.

When Ji Zhenniang heard this, she became angry. She pointed at Kuang from a distance and said, "Who said I would take you in the car? I never said that, so get out of here!"

Kuang smiled and said, "You didn't say it, but Mrs. Qin did. Do you dare to disagree with what she said?"

Ji Zhenniang choked: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Gu Xiaoyu, you are such a shrew, you can only bully me!"

Mrs. Kuang comforted her hypocritically: "Mrs. Xie, please stop crying. We are here to help you. That Mrs. Cen is not a good one. You are so simple and kind-hearted that you can't fight her."

If our people are not given a ride, the advantage will be taken by Mr. Cen.

"Mrs. Xie, don't cry. My aunt has brought a gift this time. It's half a duck and a radish. You're welcome, take it and eat it." Mrs. Kuang felt that she was quite generous.

Ji Zhenniang was angry and yelled: "Half a duck? Is your family that poor? Ducks are so cheap, but you still give half a duck. You are reluctant to give even one. It's too picky. And there are radishes. Whose family uses radishes as gifts? Son?"

Kuang was sprayed with saliva, so she wiped her face and said, "Isn't it finished? There's only half of one left. Come on, come on, take it first. When you get to Bailang County, my aunt will give it to you." If you buy a whole one and deliver it, you will have to trouble your family to take care of it on the road from now on."

After saying this, Ji Zhenniang was stunned for a while before she realized: "What do you mean? Do you still want to take this car all the way to the northwest?!"

Kuang: "I've already sat down, so it's better not to sit down halfway. After all, Mrs. Xie, you are so kind and kind, how can you drive the elderly and children out of the car?"

Ji Zhenniang choked and raised her hand to hit Kuang, but Xie Huaihua stopped her in time: "Madam, please calm down."

But you can't hit her, she's at the same level, and you have to call her aunt.

Qing Hui warned: "Mrs. Xie, please calm down. If your emotions fluctuate too much, the poison in your body will become worse."

"What? Madam Xie, are you poisoned? It's not contagious, right?" Kuang quickly got up and stayed away from Ji Zhenniang.

Ji Zhenniang was so angry that she cried again and shouted: "It's not contagious, it's not contagious, it's just a little poison, what are you afraid of?!"

Woohoo, shrew, do you still dare to despise me?

After hearing this, Mrs. Kuang felt relieved. She moved over and sat on the board of the front car. She smiled and said, "Mrs. Xie, please take care of yourself."

Then he said: "Then I'll go find Grandma Xie and ask her to help settle my people?"

Ji Zhenniang didn't want to see Mrs. Kuang and shouted, "Get out of here!"

Then he pointed at the duck and carrot and said, "Take these things away, I won't eat these shabby things."

Hahaha, Mrs. Kuang got what she wanted. She carried her things and twisted her hips and walked away. After helping Aunt Xie drive away Mr. Cen, she asked Aunt Xie to arrange a car for the elderly and children on her side.

Mrs. Cen was so humiliated and looked at Kuang Shi’s back with a fierce look in her eyes: Mr. Kuang, you asked for it, and you are going to die this time too! And none of your sons will survive!

"Madam, what should we do? You have to find a place for us. You can't let us go all the way in vain." The soldiers and family members of the Lu family camp looked at Cen with dissatisfaction, with disdain in their eyes and faces. , as if you don’t want to be a hundred households if the Lu family can’t do it!

Old Wu's daughter-in-law said mercilessly: "Madam, we don't want a good car, but the elderly and children really can't run anymore. Look at the Qin family's side. There is also a carriage. I heard that the carriage is a double carriage. It’s so warm when you sit inside.”

"If I had known this earlier, my men would have gone to the Qin family to serve as soldiers, and our mothers wouldn't have to suffer such poverty now!"

After hearing this, Madam Cen looked at her and said, "Old Wife-in-law Wu, come here."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu felt that something was wrong, but she thought that Mr. Cen would not dare to do anything to her, so she came over.

Bang bang bang!

Mrs. Cen put down Sister Tang, slapped Old Wu's wife several times, and scolded: "If your men don't want to be soldiers here, get out of here. But remember, as long as your men dare to leave, my family will A man dares to report to the He'an government office that he is a deserter. If a deserter is serious, the entire clan will be killed, and your whole family will not be well off!"

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