A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1445 Spreading Poison

Old Wu's daughter-in-law didn't expect that Cen would dare to hit her. She was stunned for a while and raised her hand to hit her back. However, Cen kicked her down. She spat and cursed: "I'm warning you, you are just a civilian woman." , if you beat the official family, even if I kill you immediately, you will not be caught!"

Then he looked at the other people present and glanced at them with a gloomy and cold gaze: "And you, remember, you are just the family members of the soldiers. Taking care of you is to give you face. It is natural not to take care of you. You have no right to complain!"

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that Mrs. Cen would suddenly get angry. For fear of being beaten, they nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, madam, please calm down!"

Mrs. Cen snorted coldly and cursed in her heart: A bunch of bastards who deserve to be scolded!

"Let's go, follow me. How many cars can I find for you to sit in?!" Mrs. Cen picked up Sister Tang and took these people to the Ding family camp.

When Ding Changli saw Mrs. Cen and the others, he was shocked. Is this woman sick? Is she afraid that others won't know about her relationship with adults, so she rushes to publicize it?

But Ding Ge said that if he wanted to kidnap Ji and Gu, he needed Cen's help. He would take action in the next few days. Since he couldn't offend Cen, he took them into the camp and arranged several cars.

"Identify the car first, and then identify the people in the car. When you set off tomorrow, just come over to find the car and find the people. I won't take you with me." Ding Changli said.

"Hey, thank you, Manager Ding." The elderly and children in the Lu family camp thanked them one after another. After identifying the car and people, and taking some food given by Ding Changli, they went back happily.

Lu Chong didn't have to keep vigil tonight. When he heard about this, he beat Mr. Cen very hard.

Bitch, bitch, does he want everyone to know that he has been cuckolded? You even ran to find Dingo for help. I asked you to find a man and beat you to death!

After being beaten up, Cen hated Lu Chong even more and couldn't wait to kill him.

At Mao o'clock the next day, the army set off on time and started running quickly again.

However, Kuang and the others were much more relaxed this time. They no longer had to push the elderly and children around. A few of the frail women even took a ride in the Gu family's car, enjoying themselves on their way.

The relatives of the soldiers and soldiers in other cities were not so lucky. Many of them had to run on two legs. Some were so exhausted that they fainted from running.

Hundreds of households at the military station were extremely worried and went to ask Deputy General Fang and Deputy General Xue to ask the army to move slower.

But the military orders were overwhelming, and the two lieutenants did not agree to slow down the march. They only gave them a few cars for the fainted people to sit in.

But there were too many relatives accompanying them and there were too few cars. The five cars given were all full.

In the end, there was no choice but to let the soldiers carry the thin old man and the child on their backs.

Lieutenant General Fang and Lieutenant General Xue also felt the pressure of raising soldiers... This raising of soldiers was not only to feed the soldiers, but also to take care of their families. The two of them still couldn't do it.

But neither of them wanted to give up this opportunity to be promoted, so they desperately gathered all the soldiers together to prevent those capable Baihu soldiers from running away first.

The army ran rapidly for three days, and when it got dark on the third day, they finally approached the county seat of Bailang County.

Everyone was very happy: "Finally it's almost here. I've been vomiting for the past few days."

He began to complain again: "Are Vice General Fang and Vice General Xue making too much of a fuss? There are no bandits chasing us on the road. It makes us run in vain for so many days. It's really annoying."

One of the soldiers said: "I've run away, what else can I do?"

Vice General Fang and Vice General Xue were also very happy, but they did not let the army stop, but issued a new order: "There is still one hour to go to the Bailang County Station. Everyone is going at full speed. When we get to the station, we will have a good rest. Tomorrow afternoon Let’s start again, let’s start again in the afternoon!”

Although everyone was very tired, they were all very happy thinking about the hot water at the inn and being able to rest for half a day tomorrow, so they kept running with howls.

After running frantically for more than half an hour, I finally saw the light of the Bailang County Station and shouted joyfully: "It's the station. The Bailang County Station has arrived. You guys, hurry up and run!"

"Oooh, ooh, run!"

Everyone was very excited and started running faster.

But while I was running, I suddenly heard a sound of footsteps that was different from that of marching: "Why has this sound become louder? Does it sound like the sound of horse hooves?"

"There are so many of us, so running will make a lot of noise. The sound of horse hooves is even less unusual. There are a lot of horses in the army, so don't make a fuss."

After hearing this, the soldiers who had doubts before said nothing and continued running, hoping to run faster and be the first to go to the inn to get hot water for their families.

But suddenly, a large number of soldiers running behind them fell down.

The sound of falling to the ground was heard endlessly. The soldiers in front hurriedly turned around and saw the fallen soldiers and a dozen fast horses galloping wildly.

There was someone on that horse, and he was throwing something into the crowd while riding wildly.

After scattering, the soldiers wherever they passed fell to the ground one after another.

"What's going on? Who are you? What are you doing?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a soldier shouting: "Bandits, they are bandits, spreading poison! Fight back!"

But as soon as he finished shouting, his head was chopped off by the bandit behind him.

With a grunt, the soldier's head fell to the ground, and the body fell to the ground with a thud, frightening the soldiers who saw this scene.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

"Fight back quickly! The bandits are coming!"

The army immediately became chaotic. No one expected that the bandits would be so rampant and dare to come out to do evil when they were close to the county seat. In front of them was the inn, and next to the inn was the city gate.

"Everyone, stop messing around and fight back quickly! Cover your nose and mouth, cover your nose and mouth, don't inhale the drug!" Deputy General Fang shouted, asking the flag-bearing soldiers to wave the national flag and gather the soldiers.

But some of the soldiers came with their families. At this moment, they were worried about their families and did not gather at all. Instead, they ran to save their families.

Lieutenant General Fang was almost furious when he saw this, and shouted: "Hundreds of households from all military divisions quickly gather together with their officers and soldiers to counterattack! Only by repelling the bandits can your family be saved!"

He also ordered a soldier: "Take the warrant from the Yongtai Mansion camp and go to Bailang County to ask for help. Please ask the county magistrate to send county soldiers and government officials to rescue you. Go quickly and ride a horse!"

"Yes!" The soldier took the token and rushed out on horseback.

But the gate guard of Bailang County was scared to death. Knowing that it was the bandits from Bailang Mountain who had come down the mountain, he didn't open the door at all. He even shouted: "Brother, it's not that I'm cruel, it's really the bandits from Bailang Mountain." There are too many thieves, there are Jiuzhaigou and thousands of fierce bandits. If they had not disliked Bailang County for being too poor, they would have conquered Bailang County and become the local emperor... You wish yourselves the best of luck."

We will collect the bodies for you.

The soldiers who came to ask for help were almost angry to death. They even cried. They knelt down and begged: "Brother, you can't just ignore death. The soldiers also brought their families, old and young, and many women. If they were killed, they would die." If the bandits catch you, your life will be over."

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