After thinking about it, he retreated to the next best thing: "You don't have to come out and fight the bandits. You just need to open the city gate and let us go in and hide. Please, brother, I kowtow to you!"

The soldiers guarding the city gate were about to cry: "Brother, don't force us anymore. It's not that we don't want to save, it's just that we don't dare to save. If we open the city gate and let you in, the bandits will break through the city gate and kill everyone." The whole county was looted!”

"You'd better go back quickly, take your family away, and hide first until the killing over there is finished!"

After saying that, he hid back in the tower room and never showed his head again.

"You bastards, you bastards who refused to save you, you will be punished!" After cursing a few words, the soldier wiped his tears and ran back on horseback.

"Sir, this can't be done. Half of the soldiers have fallen. They can't hold it anymore. Let's run away!"

"Escape? If we escape, what will happen to the families of the soldiers?!" Deputy General Fang also wanted to escape, but there were bandits everywhere. Where to escape?

Bang bang bang!

Another group of soldiers were knocked unconscious by drugs.

Da da da!

There was a sound of horse hoofbeats, and a large group of bandits rode towards the crowd on tall horses, scattering many soldiers and trampling many to death and injuries.

"Sir, sir, it's no longer possible. There are too many bandits. We can't beat them. Run away!" the flag-bearing soldier shouted, throwing down the flag and running away.

Vice General Fang was extremely angry and shouted: "You bastard, come back here!"

But the flag-bearing soldiers didn't listen at all and ran faster.

"Ah ah ah, the bandits are coming, they are coming, what should Gu Xiaoyu do? What should I do?!" Ji Zhenniang hid in the carriage, screaming in fright, and was slapped twice by Gu Jinli.

Ji Zhenniang shouted: "Gu Xiaoyu, you hit me?!"

"Shut up, I don't have time to care about you now. Put on your helmet quickly to avoid being hit by random arrows." Gu Jinli gave Ji Zhenniang a helmet, and he also got a new helmet and put it on.

Then he raised the car curtain and said to Erqing: "The bandits are spreading poison. Have you all taken the antidote pills you gave me earlier? If you see someone fainting, just pop the antidote pills in and they will wake up soon."

"Let Feng Jin and You An lead two teams to the Xie family and the Niu family, and try to escort the women and children over there... Aunt Niu and the few Jin must be safe!"

When rescuing people, we must first save the heavy ones.

Then he said: "Ask Feng Jin and the others to bring detoxification pills. If they encounter unconscious soldiers on the road, give them to them. Only after they are revived can we have people to deal with the bandits."

As he spoke, Gu Jinli looked up and looked around. When he saw that many soldiers were fainted by poison, and the bandits were wielding machetes to kill people, he became angry: "You Xi, You Xi, come out!"

"Madam, I'm here." You Xi had received Qin Sanlang's instructions. If chaos broke out, he would leave it alone and stay with Da Qing by Gu Jinli's side to keep her safe.

Gu Jinli turned around and entered the car, took three bags of poison from the box and handed it to him: "There are too many bandits and we can't defeat them. Don't talk about martial arts. It's important to save your life. This is the poison I prepared. Take it." Go and spread it. You have taken the detoxification pills. Even if you inhale these poisons, it will be fine and you will not fall down immediately."

But the bandit did not take her special detoxification pills. If he inhaled the poison, he would immediately foam at the mouth and become comatose for more than a day.

"Here are two bags of antidote. After spreading the poison, give it to the soldiers accompanying you. It will revive them." Gu Jinli quickly explained, and then said: "Follow the instructions. I have Daqing to protect me, and there is still poison." , nothing will happen, just go and come back as soon as possible."

"Yes!" You Xi responded, and quickly left with his men.

Ji Zhenniang was shocked, pointed at Gu Jinli and said: "You, you, you have poison?!"

"Just stay in the carriage and don't come out." Gu Jinli didn't have time to pay attention to Ji Zhenniang. He climbed out of the carriage, jumped up on the roof, and quickly looked at the situation on their side.

Qin Sanlang had already gathered with Xie Cheng, Niu Dabao and others to form a line of defense, protecting them behind the line of defense and letting the archers shoot the bandits running towards them on horseback.

Qin Sanlang had already obtained the poison prepared by Gu Jinli, but now he was not polite to these bandits and tied them all to arrows and shot them out.

Bang bang bang!

The poison exploded when the arrow hit the bandit's armor, and the poisonous powder spread like mist among the bandits.

In just a few breaths, the bandit running at the front fell.

You Xi and the others were even more powerful, just like bandits spreading poison, they spread poison while riding wildly, and the bandits they passed fell to the ground one after another.

"Damn, damn, these soldiers actually used dirty tricks to spread poison on us. Brothers, back off, back off!" After the leader of the third village in Bailang Mountain saw that something was wrong, he immediately asked the bandits to retreat. Head-on confrontation: "Go to Mr. Ghost and ask for medicine!"

The ghost master is very powerful. He brought the poison. He also has other powerful poisons and antidotes in his hands. As long as he takes the antidote, he will be able to kill them. Kill these poisonous soldiers and it will be their turn. Wife and sisters!

Master Gui also came tonight. He was looking at the situation here from a distance. When he saw that some of the soldiers were using poison, he smiled. He rarely asked Uncle Dong: "Who is the one who spread the poison?" From the military department?"

"They look like Niu Dabao from He'an Prefecture... The man who shouted to shoot arrows should be Qin Sanlang from the Tianfu County Military Station." Uncle Dong was so anxious when he saw that Qin Sanlang had poison, he answered Gui After the master's words, he hurriedly asked for medicine: "Master Gui, you Eagle Food Gang has a powerful doctor, and he must have an antidote. Please give us the antidote so that we can quickly kill the man named Qin!"

"My surname is Qin." Master Gui said this. He quickly raised his hand behind him and said, "Lu Zi, give them a bag of antidote to try."

"Yes." Luzi flashed out of the darkness and gave the antidote to Uncle Dong.

Uncle Don couldn't wait any longer, so he rode on horseback to deliver the antidote to the bandits.

But the strange thing is that the antidote given by Master Gui has no effect.

Uncle Dong was shocked and dragged back a man who was foaming at the mouth and showed him to Master Gui: "Master Gui, the antidote from Yingshi Gang is not good. It cannot cure this kind of poison. Is there any other antidote?!"

Master Gui was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't figure it out?

Where did the man named Qin get such a good poison? Even the detoxifying pills made by the doctors of the Eagle Food Gang couldn't cure it.

No, it’s not the Qin family that deserves the credit, but the Gu family...

"Aren't you going to kidnap Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Ji? Go quickly." The ghost master reminded: "That Gu family is not simple. She brought a doctor with her. The poison should have been made by her doctor. It would be natural if she was kidnapped. There is an antidote.”

"Master Gui is right, hurry up, Changwu brings people to kidnap the Gu family!" Uncle Dong hurriedly ordered Ding Changwu: "The battle situation is changing rapidly, we can't wait!"

"Yes!" Ding Changwu immediately rode on horseback and led the shadow guards to kidnap the people.

But Gu Jinli was surrounded by Daqing and the others, so it would not be easy to abduct him.

But Mrs. Cen was a poisonous person. In order to kidnap Ji Zhenniang and Gu Jinli, she directly threw her daughter Sister Tang behind Gu Jinli's carriage.

"Mother, mother, where are you? Don't leave Sister Tang behind. Sister Tang is scared, wuwuwu..." Sister Tang was suddenly thrown in, and when she heard the shouts of killing from all around, she was so frightened that she cried.

When Ji Zhenniang heard Sister Tang's voice, she was startled and said, "Sister Tang, it's Sister Tang!"

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