A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1447 Lu Chong’s poison plan

"Why is Sister Tang here? Isn't Mrs. Cen taking care of her? Could it be that Mrs. Cen has been killed by the bandits?" Ji Zhenniang has been thinking about her daughter a lot recently. She has seen Sister Tang a few times and thinks that Sister Tang is very good. Yes, so I was extremely anxious when I heard Sister Tang's voice.

Aunt Tao was also in the carriage. When she heard this, she said: "What Sister Tang? There is no one at all. Madam Xie, please be quiet. It's dangerous now. If we don't protect everything, the bandits will come and kill us."

Don't blame Aunt Tao for being cruel, it's really such a mess now, even if she hears Sister Tang's cry, she has to pretend not to hear it.

Life and death matter, Aunt Tao can only take care of the people on their side first, and she has no control over other people.

Xie Huaihua and Qing Hui also said: "Mama Tao is right, there is no sound at all. Madam, you heard wrong."

The two of them dragged Ji Zhenniang to prevent her from running away.

"Wooooo, mother, mother, where are you? Sister Tang is scared!" Sister Tang's cry came again, and she wandered around, crying for her mother.

Ji Zhenniang cried when she heard this and shouted: "Did you hear it? It's Sister Tang, it's really that child."

Whoosh whoosh!

From a distance, random arrows shot out and hit the ground, seemingly hitting Sister Tang. The child screamed: "Ah, wuwuwu, it hurts, it hurts, blood!"

"Blood? Sister Tang is injured?!" Ji Zhenniang couldn't help it and bit Qing Hui's hand, then took out the knife and slashed at Xie Huaihua.

Xie Huaihua was so frightened that she let go of her. Ji Zhenniang immediately rushed out of the carriage and ran towards the place where Sister Tang's cry came from.

"Madam, come back quickly!" Xie Huaihua turned pale with fright, and immediately rushed out of the carriage to catch up without caring about anything else.

"This troublemaker." Qing Hui was sent by Gu Jinli to protect Ji Zhenniang. After saying something dissatisfied, she immediately picked up a torch and chased after her.

Aunt Tao and Xiao Ji didn't move. They didn't want to cause trouble to Gu Jinli.

"Ji Zhenniang, you idiot, get back here!" Gu Jinli was so angry that he immediately shot a sleeve arrow, intending to hit Ji Zhenniang's leg so that she could not run anymore, but because of the strong cold wind, the shot missed. Ji Zhenniang It was rushing into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

"Asshole." Gu Jinli cursed and shouted: "Daqing, Daqing, come out quickly and go find Ji Zhenniang. Don't let anything happen to her!"

Daqing was leading people to surround the carriage to protect Gu Jinli. When he heard this, he shook his head and said, "Madam, the master has said that the servants must guard you and cannot leave easily."

While he was talking, a group of people suddenly came to the right. Daqing was startled and ordered his men: "Open your bow and release the arrow!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Sharp arrows were shot out, knocking down several people immediately.

A burst of screams came, and someone held up the military flag of the military post and shouted: "Don't shoot the arrows, it's me, I'm Lu Baihu. My sister Tang and Xiaofu are missing. I'll lead my troops to find them."

Then he said: "I heard Sister Tang's cry just now. Are the mother and daughter together with your wife? That's great. Put us in quickly. I want to pick up the mother and daughter!"

Daqing felt relieved when he saw that the person coming was Lu Chong. However, he did not let Lu Chong in immediately. Instead, he shouted in the direction of the carriage: "Madam, it is Lu Baihu who came with his soldiers to find his wife and daughter! Do you want to put them in?" Put it in?!"

"Stop them, don't let anyone in!" Gu Jinli shouted: "Let them step back ten meters and stay still. Anyone who dares to take a step forward will be shot to death immediately!"

Lu Chong, a man who showed no sign of being cuckolded, seemed very sinister and scheming at first glance. If he suddenly came to look for his wife and daughter at this time, who knows what he had in mind.

Maybe she wanted to steal Brother Qin's escape route and arrest her to threaten Brother Qin.

Then he shouted: "Tell him that his Sister Tang and Mr. Cen are not here, and ask him to look elsewhere!"

"Yes!" Daqing responded, repeating Gu Jinli's words, and warned Lu Chong again: "Now that there is chaos, we will not trust anyone. We will retreat immediately. If we dare to step forward again, our bows and arrows will have no eyesight!"

After hearing this, Lu Chong's face was gloomy and his eyes were fierce, but he was still shouting: "Girl, please tell your wife that Lu has no ill intentions and that she really came here after hearing Sister Tang's voice." Human...please be kind to her and let us go in to look for them. After we find their mother and daughter, we will leave...I, Lu Chong, am a timid person. There are bandits outside. I don’t want to fight head-on with the bandits. I want to find their mother and daughter and take them away for refuge!”

Lu Chong spoke in a pleading tone, looking extremely worried about his wife and daughter.

But after he finished shouting, he whispered to Xia Zhang: "Prepare the poison and throw it at the Qin family when the people are not paying attention. You also heard the sound. The people protecting the Gu family are a group of girls. You all It's men, after you get in, you can do whatever you want, just feel comfortable first."

These words were quite shameless. Except for a dozen or so disgusting ones, Lu Chong's soldiers remained silent.

Xia Zhang was so sick that she almost vomited.

When Lu Chong bought their grandparents and grandchildren, he was very grateful to Lu Chong. Later he discovered that Lu Chong was very insidious and not a good person. Now he feels that Lu Chong is not even a human being, and he took the initiative to attack the bandits. Surrendered, took the poison given by the bandits, and wanted to help the bandits kidnap Mrs. Qin.

I also want to take the turn of those young maids brought by the Gu family.

So inhuman!

"Xia Zhang, did you hear that?" When Lu Chong saw that Xia Zhang didn't respond, he was so angry that he stabbed him in the back with the toe of his shoe.

Xia Zhang felt resentful and replied: "I heard this, sir, please rest assured, I will definitely handle this matter... When the matter is completed, please make the decision and give me a clean maid to do it for you." daughter in law."

"Hahaha, you kid, you really want a wife. Don't worry, as long as you get things done, let alone one of them, I will give you two maids as wives, so that you can enjoy the blessings of being together." Lu Chong He said happily.

Some soldiers were reluctant to kill each other with the Qin family, so they boldly asked: "Sir, we are soldiers. It's not good to help the bandits kidnap Mrs. Qin."

"Yes, sir, this is not what we should do. We should kill the bandits and clean up the bandits."

Lu Chong was very angry when he heard this and asked: "There are bandits everywhere. If we don't help the bandits deal with the Qin family, our family will be killed by the bandits, and our wife will be killed by the bandits." Damn it, do you want to watch your family suffer?"

"Besides, our work is not in vain. We will get gold after we finish the work, and we know this. After the matter is over, we will take the gold and our families and continue westward. When we arrive at the Northwest Army camp, we will still resist Rong soldiers."


After hearing this, the soldiers were speechless.

Lu Chong didn't have time to talk nonsense with them, so he urged Xia Zhang: "Have you prepared the poison? Distribute it to the soldiers quickly. Once you have distributed it, throw it over to stun them immediately."

Xia Zhang used the dim torch light to tinker with the poison in the bag and replied, "Sir, it's almost done."

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