"Mother, mother, don't throw away Sister Tang. Sister Tang listens to you~" Sister Tang bled a lot, but she was very afraid that Mr. Cen wouldn't want her, so she crawled back regardless.

Ji Zhenniang was anxious and hurriedly chased her: "Sister Tang, stop crawling. Your mother is really not there. Go back with Aunt Xie."

But as soon as she finished speaking, Ji Zhenniang heard the sound of footsteps. She hurriedly looked up and screamed in fright: "Ah, ah, ah, who are you? When did you come here?" ? Wuwuwu..."

The leader of the Sixth Village of Bailang Mountain was carrying a big knife, leaning down to look at Ji Zhenniang on the ground, laughing, imitating Ji Zhenniang's accent and said: "Who are we? Of course I am your groom tonight." "

Ding Changwu also came, with people from the Ding family behind him, but did not show up.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this official wife is well-raised, with thin skin and tender flesh, unlike our ladies here, whose faces are red and black, and they are so strong as fuck, and their waist is like a water tank. It’s rough, and it doesn’t feel good to sleep on.”

After hearing this, the other bandits nodded and said, "What Mr. Liu said is that this lady from the official family is indeed good-looking. Her skin is tender and tender. She will definitely be energetic when she sleeps."

After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang couldn't help but scream. She held the knife given by Gu Jinli and put it on her neck: "Get out, get out of here, I won't let you succeed even if I die."

"Ha, you come with me and would rather die than obey? If you fall into my hands, you can die if you want?" The leader of the Sixth Village kicked Ji Zhenniang directly, knocking Ji Zhenniang down. The knife also fell to the ground.

When she wanted to crawl over to pick it up, her hand was stepped on by the leader of the Sixth Village.

"Mom, mother, wuwuwu, mother, please come out, Sister Tang hurts so much." Sister Tang was still crying. The most annoying cry of the child was that the leader of the Six Villages pulled Sister Tang up and walked into the darkness. He threw it away and shouted: "Bitch, come out and take your daughter away, otherwise I will kill her. She is useless anyway."

Sister Tang was hit so hard that she fainted.

After hearing this, Mrs. Cen walked out of the darkness and took Sister Tang away.

When Ji Zhenniang saw her, her eyes were about to burst, and she cried out: "Ms. Cen, you bitch, you actually harmed me!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Cen turned around and sneered: "Oh, I harmed you? The person who harmed you is yourself. Mrs. Gu has protected you very well, but you disobeyed and ran out. Who is to blame?"


"Don't worry, the Sixth Village Master and the others are all caring people. When you come to the village from now on, they will take good care of you. I just hope you can bear it and don't sleep to death!"

"Shut up, shut up you poisonous woman, I, Ji Zhenniang, will not be humiliated even if I die!" Ji Zhenniang said, biting her tongue hard, but she was afraid of pain, so she stopped just after biting and bleeding. Start crying.

Seeing this, Mrs. Cen became even more happy: "You deserve it!"

If he had listened to Gu Jinli earlier, he would not have suffered this disaster.

Mrs. Cen was jealous of Ji Zhenniang. She didn't understand why so many people were protecting this idiot? She, Cen Xiaofu, is obviously smarter than Ji Zhenniang, knows how to do things, and is flexible and adaptable. Why aren't Gu Jinli and the others nice to her?

"Master of the Sixth Village, Ji's relationship with Xie Cheng is not good. She hasn't slept with Xie Cheng in two years. Why don't you try it quickly?" Mrs. Cen was so jealous that she wanted to go to the Sixth Village. The Lord killed Ji Zhenniang on the spot.

After hearing this, the leader of the Sixth Village burst out laughing. He actually put down his sword and started to take off his clothes: "Then I'll have a taste of it."

Xie Huaihua had already found this place. When she saw this, she rushed out, knelt on the ground and said: "No, no, please let my wife go...I am still a yellow flower girl. If you want me, take me with you." Let’s go and let my wife go.”

Ji Zhenniang was shocked, looked at Xie Huaihua and said: "Huaihua, what are you talking about? You actually have to use yourself to save me, wuwuwu, but I was so cruel to you before."

Xie Huaihua held Ji Zhenniang's hand, stuffed her with a packet of poison from the sleeve of her cotton-padded jacket, and cried, "Madam, don't say anything. This slave is a servant and should sacrifice her life to save the savior."

Ji Zhenniang was stunned, but she quickly realized what she was doing and hurriedly collected the poison.

"Hey, Mr. Six, here's a young girl showing up. You're going to be busy tonight." The bandits present laughed and booed, and some said shamelessly: "Master Six, please hurry up and let me go." Let’s see how powerful Mr. Liu is.”

The leader of the Sixth Village shamelessly replied: "Hahaha, it's coming soon, you have to watch it."

As she was talking, Xie Huaihua suddenly got angry and spilled the poison bag in her hand. The leader of the Sixth Village took a solid mouthful of poison and coughed violently: "Little girl, I want you to look good!"

"Ma'am, spread the poison, run away!" Xie Huaihua picked up Ji Zhenniang and pushed her back, while she took out the knife she carried with her and slashed at the leader of the Six Villages.

But she wasn't very strong and didn't know how to use martial arts, so she missed her target and missed the target.

With a bang, the leader of the Sixth Village was so angry that he kicked Xie Huaihua over: "Bitch!"

"Sophora japonica!" Ji Zhenniang was crying and shouting while running. She spread the poison in her hand in all directions, stun several bandits who wanted to stop her, and successfully ran a few meters away from where they came from.

Ding Changwu didn't expect that Ji Zhenniang, a delicate young lady, could escape, so he rushed to chase her.

He was good at martial arts and quick on his feet. He caught up with Ji Zhenniang in the blink of an eye and grabbed her: "Bitch, you still dare to run."


Qing Hui suddenly came out and slashed at Ding Changwu, spilling the poison in his hand.

But Ding Changwu was already on guard, wearing a mask on his face and a water-soaked cotton padding his mouth and nose. He held his breath, but he didn't inhale the poison.

Ding Changwu was extremely angry and punched Qing Hui. He turned his hand and slashed Qing Hui's head with the knife.

"Qing Hui!" Ji Zhenniang was shocked. Just when she thought Qing Hui was dead, Gu Jinli suddenly came with San Qing and Er Qing. He grabbed Qing Hui, pulled her back, and then pressed Qing Hui's shoulders. , after leveraging his strength, he jumped into the air and kicked Ding Changwu.


Ding Changwu was kicked back a few steps and looked at Gu Jinli in shock. This person with a face full of abscesses must be Gu, but how could she know how to use martial arts?

Master Gui is right, this woman is indeed not simple.

"We've encountered a tough situation, Chang Wei, don't hide, come out quickly!" Ding Changwu shouted, before his voice could finish, Ding Changwei and a group of people came out.

Ding Changwei was a shrewd man. He directly grabbed Ji Zhenniang from the ground, put a knife on her neck, and looked at Gu Jinli threateningly: "Take out the poison on your body, or I will kill the Ji family. The Ji family belongs to Xie Cheng. First wife, Xie Cheng loves her very much. If she dies, Xie Cheng will definitely blame the Qin family. In the future, when he goes to the northwest..."


Before Ding Changwei finished speaking, Gu Jinli shot a sleeve arrow from his sleeve, cutting half of Ding Changwei's cheek open and blood gushing out.

Ding Changwei was shocked.

Gu Jinli looked at his shocked face and sneered: "Do you think I care about Ji Zhenniang? She is just a burden and a troublemaker. I wish she would die. You are stupid for using her as a hostage. Two celebrations and three celebrations, Go ahead and kill them!"

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