A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1450 Xiao Sheng [Thank you everyone for your monthly votes]

After Erqing and Sanqing heard this, they immediately went to kill Ding Changwei, holding the long knife high in their hands, as if they wanted to chop Ding Changwei to death.

"Come on, kill these two maids." Ding Changwei ordered his subordinates and dragged Ji Zhenniang back. It was obvious that he still did not believe Gu Jinli's words and did not want to give up Ji Zhenniang as a hostage.

"Yes!" The shadow guards secretly trained by the Ding family rushed out and slashed at Erqing and Sanqing with a long knife in their hands.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sound of fighting sounded, and a group of people were fighting fiercely.

Ding Changwu looked at Gu Jinli, with an ax in his hand. He moved and struck directly at Gu Jinli's head: "Bitch, your poison can't do anything to me, let's see how much more you can do without the poison! "

Huhuhu, the ax is a heavy weapon, and it makes a whistling sound when it is danced.

Ding Changwu was very confident in his own skills. When he struck Gu Jinli with the ax, he had a sarcastic sneer in his eyes. He slashed at Gu Jinli's waist and abdomen with the big knife in his other hand, attacking from both sides, vowing to severely injure Gu Jinli with one move.

Gu Jinli was not afraid at all, his figure was like a ghost, and he dodged the ax that hit his head like lightning. With a clang, the Tang Dao blocked the big knife that hit his waist and abdomen, and then he snaked around behind Ding Changwu, with the short knife in his sleeve exposed. , stabbed directly into Ding Changwu's back.


The short sword was also a small Tang sword, extremely sharp. After piercing Ding Changwu's armor, it failed to penetrate into his body and was blocked by another piece of armor he wore under his clothes.

"Oh, so you're so afraid of death!" Gu Jinli sneered, raised the knife with his backhand, and after blocking Ding Changwu's counterattack, he suddenly used his back heel to rise into the air, and sprinkled a handful of poison towards Ding Changwu, taking advantage of Ding Changwu's vision being blocked. , the body fell, and Tang Dao waved.


Cutting Ding Changwu's calf.

Ding Changwu's face changed with anger, and he threw the ax in his hand directly at Gu Jinli: "Bitch, you only use poison every time. My mask is thickened and soaked with water. I also took Guiye's antidote." , your poison won’t hurt me for a moment!”

And this bitch's skills were limited. He could kill her in just half a quarter of an hour.

Gu Jinli jumped to the side, dodged the ax thrown by Ding Changwu, and turned around and said, "Really? It's a pity that my poison doesn't only enter my body through breathing."

After saying that, she shut up and no longer confronted Ding Changwu head-on. Instead, she kept running for her life, while spreading poison at the Ding family's shadow guards who were besieging her.

Within a few breaths, Ding Changwu's mind began to spin, and a feeling of nausea filled his heart.


Mouths of foam came out of Ding Changwu's mouth. He bent down, wiped his mouth, and looked at the foam in his hand. He couldn't believe that he was poisoned?

With a bang, Ding Changwu's body fell to the ground.

The shadow guards he led were shocked and had no idea how Gu poisoned Ding Changwu.

Ding Changwei was also shocked, and immediately called to his shadow guard: "Come on, capture the Gu family alive!"

"Yes!" The Ding family's shadow guard immediately gave up the fight with Er Qing and San Qing and turned to attack Gu Jinli.

Unfortunately, it was too late. You Xi had already rushed back with his people, and he rushed over on a fast horse. Bang bang bang, he knocked over three Ding family shadow guards at once, jumped off the horse, and raised his knife to chop.

"Protect Madam, kill them!" You Xi shouted. After hearing this, the rest of the Xi family raised their swords and slashed at the Ding family's shadow guards.

For a moment, there were sounds of fighting, shouts of killing, and Ji Zhenniang's cry for help.

Ding Changwei didn't expect that the Gu family would have such a group of capable people. Knowing that he might not be able to capture the Gu family alive, he immediately grabbed Ji Zhenniang's neck and dragged her into the darkness.

Ji Zhenniang must be captured first. If we cannot capture both of them, we will suffer a big loss.

"Gu Xiaoyu, Gu Xiaoyu, save me, save me!" Ji Zhenniang shouted with blood in her mouth. She could not be taken away by other men. If word spread, her reputation would be ruined, which would be worse than dying directly. Be scary.

"Shut up, you troublemaker, I'm not here to save you!" Gu Jinli cursed, but grabbed You Xi's horse, turned over, and rode towards Ji Zhenniang.

The horse was so fast that she caught up with Ding Changwei in the blink of an eye. Without stopping, she flew off the horse with the Tang knife and chopped off Ding Changwei's head.

At this moment, Gu Jinli was like a Shura from the underworld, his face flickering under the dim torch light, looking very ferocious.

"Ah!" Ji Zhenniang thought that Gu Jinli was here to kill her, so she screamed in fright, her body softened, and she collapsed.

Bang, click!

Two soul-shaking sounds sounded. Gu Jinli's Tang Dao directly cut off Ding Changwei's retaliating sword, and then took advantage of Ding Changwei's shock to slash at his neck.

The Tang knife was sharp, and Gu Jinli used all his strength. Even though he was blocked by Ding Changwei's big knife, he still cut a long gash on the right side of Ding Changwei's neck and severed his right carotid artery.


Blood gushed out and spurted out. Ding Changwei was also a ruthless person. He covered the bleeding wound with one hand and wanted to stab Ji Zhenniang who fell to the ground with the knife in his hand.


Gu Jinli flew up and kicked Ding Changwei over.

Erqing rushed forward and chopped off Ding Changwei's head with a knife so that he could no longer move.

"Fifth brother is dead, fifth brother is dead!" When the other Ding family shadow guards saw this, they became confused, and a few shrewd ones had already started to escape.

The Ding family is just a prominent family in the Central Plains, not a wealthy family. The shadow guards trained by the family are not as loyal as those raised by wealthy families, so when the leader dies, he does not want to hand over his life here.

But You Xi and the others were trained by Qin Sanlang himself. They used the method of raising dead soldiers and noble dead soldiers in the army. How could they be allowed to escape? He immediately led people to catch up, but within a moment, the shadow guards of the Ding family were killed. Eighty percent were killed, leaving only five alive as evidence.

At this point, Gu Jinli had a small victory.

"Where's Xie Huaihua? Go find Xie Huaihua quickly, don't let her fall into the hands of the bandits!" Gu Jinli shouted towards You Xi and the others.

"Yes." You Xi and others responded, and just as they were about to find someone, Qing Hui dragged Xie Huaihua back and said, "Madam, Sophora japonica is fine. She was just stabbed, but it's not fatal."

Qinghui had been with Xie Huaihua for a few days, and she had a good relationship with her. She also admired her for being a timely savior, so she didn't let Ji Zhenniang be humiliated. After she was out of danger, she immediately ran back to find her along the same route.

Half of the previous bandits had been stunned by the poison, and the remaining half, seeing that something was wrong, carried the poisoned Sixth Village Master, and escorted Cen and Xie Huaihua to escape.

Qing Hui knew very well what would happen to Xie Huaihua if she was captured by the bandits. She immediately rushed to fight the bandits. Finally, when the bandits heard that something was going on here, they were afraid that it would be too late and they would not be able to escape, so they let go. .

But Xie Huaihua was still stabbed by the bandits in the chaos.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli laughed and said, "I'm afraid Cen will be doomed this time, but it's good to think that evil will be punished."

Qing Hui also hated Mrs. Cen to death. This woman was too poisonous. However, "Madam, the bandits abandoned Sister Tang because she was young and injured. She is now lying not far in front. How about we Tube?"

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