"Don't worry, Master, Madam is fine." You Ping quickly told Qin Sanlang what happened to Gu Jinli.

Qin Sanlang's face darkened when he heard this, and there was murderous intent in his eyes. How dare the Ding family send five groups of people to surround Xiaoyu and treat the woman who bullied him as dead!

"Put on this armor, put on the mask, don't make any noise, and pretend to be me." Qin Sanlang took off his armor under the shield of the iron shield and let You Ping put it on.

You Ping frowned and asked, "Master, do you want to go behind them and sneak attack? This is too risky."

Qin Sanlang naturally knew that this was dangerous, but Xiaoyu was his enemy. The Ding family dared to send so many people to kill her. If she hadn't been so powerful, wouldn't she have died long ago?

When Qin Sanlang thought of this, he couldn't bear it anymore and decided to kill Ding Ge first.

"After putting on the armor, stand up and attract their attention. If they come to kill you, don't fight forcefully, just deal with it first to delay it." After Qin Sanlang finished speaking, he took two Tang knives and used the iron shield to cover them. Get dressed and leave.

You Ping complied, put on Qin Sanlang's armor, stood up, and crouched down again when the Ding family's arrows came.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sharp arrow was blocked by the iron shield and fell to the ground.

"Commanders of Qianyang County, continue to kill the enemy and kill Qin Sanlang. Each of the Ding family will give you twenty taels of gold, that's twenty taels of gold!" Uncle Dong shouted while dragging Ding Ge back.

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. Where have the soldiers in Qianyang County seen gold? His eyes turned red when he heard this, and he screamed: "Kill Qin Sanlang and get the gold!"

General Chen Qi also became red-eyed and said to his soldiers: "Brothers, things have reached this point. Only by killing Qin Sanlang and putting everything on his head can we survive. Kill!"

"Kill!" The soldiers from Qianyang County were like hungry wolves, killing You Ping.

They recognized Qin Sanlang's armor and mistook You Ping, who was wearing the armor, for Qin Sanlang.

The Ding family members did the same, aiming their bows and arrows at You Ping and shooting towards him.

Yu Ping hid very quickly and was not injured at all. He did not let his men attack. He only fought back appropriately to delay the attack.

"Master Ge, how are you? Can you still stand up?" Uncle Dong looked at Ding Ge's kneecaps by the light of the torch. The arrows of two sharp arrows went right through the middle of the kneecaps... This kind of weather is also rare in Ding Ge. The sharp arrows shot by Ge when he was running could still be so accurate. It is not an exaggeration to say that he could pierce the Yang with a hundred steps.

"I'm fine!" Ding Ge's kneecap was shot through. He was in excruciating pain, but he gritted his teeth and held on: "Qin Sanlang, Niu Dabao, Xie Cheng, and the one named Liu must die! They already know that Ding guy is the same as If the bandits plot to kill the resisting army, the Ding family will be doomed if they don’t die!"

Especially the bastard named Liu, who originally thought that he was afraid of death and would not dare to help Qin Sanlang. Unexpectedly, when he saw that Qin Sanlang had an antidote and used poison to knock down a large number of bandits, he immediately became furious. Bring troops over and follow Qin Sanlang to beat him.

He is not done with Liu!

"Old slave, I understand." Uncle Dong didn't even need Ding Ge to tell him. He also knew that he had to kill several Niu Dabao to silence him. What he was worried about now was Ding Ge's legs.

The kneecap has been penetrated, I'm afraid it will be crippled!

"Old Ding, Old Ding, where did you die? Come here and see Mr. Ge's injuries!" Uncle Dong shouted around.

After hearing this, the doctor of the Ding family hurriedly came over with the medicine box on his back, his body trembling: "Master Dong, it would be better if you came."

Don't you know that my two medicine boys were shot to death by stray arrows? How can I not hide?

Uncle Dong urged: "Stop talking nonsense and show Master Ge quickly. There can be nothing wrong with his legs!"

When Ding Ge went to the northwest, he was on the roster of the imperial military department. If his leg was broken, where would the Ding family find a Ding Ge to take his place?

The old man said that Da Chu was about to be in chaos, and the Ding family must be protected by soldiers.

"Hey, hey, hey." The Ding family doctor responded, and hurriedly looked at Ding Ge's legs. He frowned at the sight, and then squeezed it with his hand, and his heart went cold.

The archer was too ruthless, and the arrow was hexagonal. When it penetrated the bone, it directly split the bone into six pieces.

A piece of patella is broken into six petals. How can this be cured?

"Master Dong, this injury..." The Ding family doctor hesitated to speak.

"Tell me, how long will it take to heal?!" Uncle Dong asked directly about the healing time.

The doctor of the Ding family said in embarrassment: "Master Dong, this..."

"Say!" Uncle Dong's eyes were red with anger, and he stared at the Ding family doctor and asked. Suddenly he felt a strong wind coming from behind him, and he hurriedly drew his knife and turned around to slash.

But the other party was faster than him. With a click, he cut off the arm holding the knife. With a twist of his wrist, the knife in his hand stabbed into his abdomen, pinning him to the ground.

Uncle Dong was shocked. He looked at Qin Sanlang in front of him. Just as he was about to call for help, his jaw was quickly removed by Qin Sanlang with a click, and he couldn't shout even if he wanted to.


The Ding family doctor was so frightened that he fell to the ground, his mouth was trembling, and he couldn't scream even if he wanted to.

When Ding Ge saw Qin Sanlang, he was so shocked that he never expected that Qin Sanlang would come around to kill him.

Seeing that there were only two of them within five meters, at such a distance, even if he shouted for help, Ding Changsheng and the others could not come back quickly to save him. They could only ask Qin Sanlang: "Brother Qin, I was wrong, I shouldn't swallow your soldiers . Don’t worry, as long as you let me go, I will immediately stop the bandits and return the gold to you!”

"Don't you hate Mrs. Gu and want money? As long as you have gold, you don't have to look at Mrs. Gu's face anymore and face her ugly face and stench!"

Qin Sanlang turned to look at Ding Ge, pulled out another Tang Dao, pointed at him and said: "You are wrong, she is my life, if you dare to send someone to harm her, you will die."

After saying that, under Ding Ge's shocked eyes, he raised the Tang Dao high and slashed hard. With a whoosh, the sharp Tang Dao directly cut off Ding Ge's head.

Gulu, Ding Ge's head rolled to the ground, his eyes were still wide open. He couldn't figure it out until his death, how could Qin Sanlang really like Gu?

The leader of the second village and the leader of the fifth village had already discovered the situation here, but they were a few meters away and the torch light was not bright enough. They could not see clearly who the person standing was, so they hurriedly shouted: "Master Dong, is it you? Reply, otherwise the brothers will shoot!"

Qin Sanlang did not answer, but took his bow and arrow and aimed at the second village leader who was speaking.


The sharp arrows shot out like wind and lightning. The leader of the second village was pierced through the throat by the sharp arrow and was knocked off his horse.

"Second brother, second brother!" The leader of the fifth village was so frightened that he quickly rolled off his horse and hid to prevent himself from becoming a target. He said to the bandits behind him: "Damn, there was a sneak attack. Second brother was hit by an arrow. Go over there quickly and kill that man to avenge your second brother!"

The bandits were originally watching the anti-rong soldiers killing each other, but after hearing this, they hurriedly rushed towards Qin Sanlang.

But the person who rushed up first was unlucky and was kicked off his horse by Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang carried Ding Ge's head, got on the horse, controlled the reins with one hand, clamped the horse's belly, bypassed the bandits, and ran back, shouting: "Ding Ge is dead, all Qianyang County soldiers surrender immediately, surrender." Those who don’t want to be killed!”

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