"Master Baihu is dead?!" The soldiers of Qianyang County were shocked. Didn't Master Baihu find thousands of bandits to help, and they were very skilled, so how could he die?

But the soldiers in Qianyang County recognized Qin Sanlang's voice, followed the voice, and saw that it was Qin Sanlang who was riding a horse carrying a human head, so they believed Ding Ge's story.

When he was in the garrison camp of Fucheng, Qin Sanlang's skills were very good. He defeated Ding Ge twice, but lost twice in the arrow competition.

"Ding Ge is dead, Ding Ge is really dead, he was killed by Qin Baihu!" The soldiers in Qianyang County became confused, stopped fighting, and stopped fighting Niu Dabao and the others.

Master Ge is dead?

The people of the Ding family were shocked. They turned to look at Qin Sanlang who was riding a horse, and their hearts dropped when they saw the human head in his hand.

But they can't lose. If they lose, the entire Ding family will be destroyed.

"The heads are fake. Keep killing. If you kill the resisting soldiers, each of the Ding family will give you twenty taels of gold!" Ding Changsheng continued to bewitch the soldiers in Qianyang County, asking them to help the Ding family kill the enemy, and said : "Don't be afraid, we still have bandits from Jiuzhaigou in Bailang Mountain to help us, we won't lose, we will definitely win!"

Whoosh whoosh!

A hail of arrows shot towards Ding Changsheng. You Ping and the others began to attack, repeating Qin Sanlang's words: "Ding Ge is dead. Surrender quickly. Those who surrender will not be killed!"

The soldiers in Qianyang County were in chaos and didn't know who to listen to.

Upon seeing this, Qin Sanlang shouted: "If the officers and soldiers of Qianyang County do not want to harm their families, they should immediately kill Ding's family and the bandits, and make meritorious deeds!"

After hearing this, General Yao Qi also shouted to the soldiers of Qianyang County: "Brothers, for the sake of your family, stop helping the Ding family. Kill the Ding family quickly and make meritorious deeds!"

After hearing this, the soldiers of Qianyang County no longer hesitated and raised their swords to attack the Ding family: "Kill, kill the Ding family, and you will be punished with merit!"

Upon seeing this, Ding Changsheng immediately led his men to fight back, and the two parties fought fiercely again.

Qin Sanlang pointed in the direction of the bandits and ordered: "You Ping, Hong Dao, and Zhang Zhong, lead people to kill these bandits!"

"Yes." You Ping and Hong Dao responded, and immediately ordered their men: "The archers turn around, aim, and fire arrows!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Sharp arrows were like rain, shooting towards the bandits. After three waves of arrows, dozens of bandits fell down.

You Ping immediately led his men to rush over and slashed at the still shocked bandits. Click, click, click, and the sound of a broadsword cutting into bones filled his ears.


The bandits screamed and a dozen more fell down.

"Don't panic. Calm down your motherfuckers. Use your ruthless robberies. Surround the leaders first, and then hack to death those soft-footed shrimp soldiers!" The leader of the fifth village shouted loudly and began to give instructions. The bandits killed Yuhei and the others.

The bandits also had some skills. They were divided into two groups. One group surrounded powerful people like You Ping to delay time, while the other group went to kill Zhang Zhong and others.

The soldiers in this military station are definitely not as powerful as You Ping and the others.

But the bandits were wrong. Zhang Zhong and the others were brought out by Qin Sanlang, and they were much more powerful than the other officers in the army, especially Hong Dao, who roared like a tiger and pounced on the bandits on horseback. While pulling the man off his horse, he cut off the horse next to him with a knife.

The soldiers under his command also followed the same example, none of them looked like humans, and specialized in using such beast tricks.

"Damn Hu Xiaosi, you're looking for death. Why are you cutting down horses? Horses are much more expensive than you, so you should keep them for use. Kill people, do you understand?" Hong Dao saw that the soldiers of his small flag injured the horses. I was so angry that I almost wanted to kill someone.

Hu Xiaosi said: "It was chopped off, it was chopped off, it was not intentional."

I also love horses very much.

"Master, we are here to help!" As the fight was going on here, You Xi came with his men. His men were even more powerful. They were all raised by Qin Sanlang according to the standards of a dead soldier. After a while of slashing, , the bandits killed and injured dozens more.

When the officers and soldiers from other prefectures and cities saw it, they all gathered around carrying military flags as if they had found a backbone: "Quick, come to the officers and soldiers of He'an Prefecture, the people here are great!"

General Guo gave the military flag of the He'an Prefecture to Qin Sanlang, and Qin Sanlang kept asking the soldiers to carry the military flag, and it never fell down for a moment.

With this shouting, the soldiers in the distance also saw the military flags of the He'an Prefecture and the situation where the bandits were suppressing them, and they rushed over immediately.

In just over a quarter of an hour, Qin Sanlang gathered thousands of soldiers and hundreds of family members of the soldiers.

The bandits saw that more and more soldiers were gathering together, and they saw that Qin Sanlang and the others were really brave, and Ding Ge was dead, and Mr. Dong was nowhere to be found. If they continued to help the Ding family, they might not be able to get the subsequent gold, so it would be a waste of their efforts. .

Can they do the hard work for nothing?

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!" The leader of the fifth village immediately mounted his horse and called on the bandits to flee for their lives. As for the leader of the second village, they were all dead and didn't need to worry about it.

But Qin Sanlang had been staring at him for a long time. When he saw that he was about to run away, he stuffed Dingo's head into the bag on the horse's back, turned the horse's head and chased after him.

When the leader of Wuzhaigou saw that Qin Sanlang was chasing him, he was so scared that he hurriedly ordered the bandits: "Stop him, and you will share half of the gold and women in the village!"

This man surnamed Qin was so powerful that he not only killed Ding Ge, but also killed his second brother with one arrow. If he caught up with him, he would definitely die. In order to survive, the leader of the fifth village could only give up gold, silver and women.

After hearing this, the bandits were moved and immediately formed a human wall to stop Qin Sanlang. However, Qin Sanlang wanted to fight quickly and did not retreat. He continued to chase the leader of the fifth village. When he was about to rush in front of the bandits, he suddenly suddenly He turned his horse's head, went around to one side, and shouted, "Fire the arrow!"

You Ping's men immediately fired arrows, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, and the last wave of arrows fell, killing the bandits who were caught off guard.

After the bandits were stopped like this, Qin Sanlang successfully bypassed the human wall and caught up with the leader of the fifth village.

The leader of the Fifth Village only brought three confidants to protect him, but those three confidants were obviously no match for Qin Sanlang. With just two sword strikes, two of the confidants were cut off from their horses, and the remaining one did not dare to step forward at all.

"Yangzi, you bastard, get to me quickly!" The leader of the Fifth Village was extremely angry and ordered Yangzi, but Yangzi just stopped Qin Sanlang perfunctorily and did not try his best at all.

Whoosh, Qin Sanlang's Tang sword was thrown out like an arrow, piercing the back of the leader of the fifth village.

"Ah!" The leader of the fifth village screamed, rolled off his horse, and ran towards the dead forest next to him on both hands and feet.

But Qin Sanlang soon caught up with him, and the horse trampled over the leader of the fifth village without mercy.

The leader of the Fifth Village had his eyes bulged, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and was completely trampled to pieces.

Qin Sanlang dismounted, walked over, put the leader of the fifth village on his horse, and took him back.

He was like the King of Hell. He met several bandits on his way back. The bandits didn't dare to fight back. They all knelt down and begged for mercy: "Master, please forgive me. We just gave the gold to help the Ding family. We don't really want to make trouble with you." , don’t kill us!”

Qin Sanlang needed to prove alive that the Ding family had colluded with bandits to kill the resisting soldiers. He did not kill them, but cut off their hand tendons and hamstrings to prevent them from doing evil again.

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