A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1456 The Brutal Southerners

These bandits were filled with regrets. If they had known that they would have their hand and hamstrings broken, they would have fought tooth and nail with Qin.

But the one named Qin is so scary, and there are only four of them, so even if they try their best, they will probably die.

The bandits in Bailang Mountain suffered a big loss this time. When Qin Sanlang came back on horseback, the remaining bandits and the Ding family were either dead or alive. Ding Changsheng was also captured, leaving only Qianyang County. of more than a hundred soldiers.

These soldiers were in a stalemate with Niu Dabao and the others. When they saw Qin Sanlang coming back and knew that he was the leader of several military divisions, they hurriedly knelt down and begged: "Qin Baihu, we know we are wrong. We were also deceived by the Ding family. Just pretend you didn't see this and let us go."

General Chen Qi also said: "Qin Baihu, there is a shortage of troops in the northwest now. How about you turn a blind eye and let the brothers follow you to fight against the soldiers in the northwest and make contributions?"

Pretend you didn't see this? Make great achievements?

Oh, you can say such shameless words, it’s hopeless.

Qin Sanlang sat on the horse, overlooking them, and gave them two ways: "Do you want to die now, or wait until the Ministry of War decides? Choose one."

The soldiers in Qianyang County were shocked.

Mr. Chen Qi said: "Qin Baihu, didn't you say that those who surrender will not be killed? Not only did we surrender, we also helped kill the Ding family, which can be regarded as a crime and meritorious service."

Qin Sanlang's face was serious and he stared at Mr. Chen Qi who was speaking: "I will not deny a word of what I said. But what you have committed is a serious crime that will kill the whole family. You can only help your family avoid the crime if you want to survive. , and if you want to follow me to the northwest, that’s just a dream.”

After speaking, he looked at Hong Dao: "Tie up Chen Shi and destroy his hands and feet."

"Yes!" Hong Dao immediately stepped forward and slashed Mr. Chen Qi on the calf, causing Mr. Chen to kneel down and screamed: "I don't accept it. I have clearly abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side. You, Qin, ...Uh-huh!"

Before Mr. Chen Qi finished speaking, Hong Dao blocked his mouth with a rag and could no longer say anything inflammatory.

Qin Sanlang's eyes were cold and murderous as he glanced at the soldiers of Qianyang County and warned: "If you are wrong, you are wrong. You must be punished. Anyone who dares to disobey or resist will be killed!"

If you don't want to die, just be tied up.

The soldiers in Qianyang County were afraid of Qin Sanlang. When they saw that Ding Ge was killed by him and General Chen Qi was tied up, they didn't dare to express their anger. They dropped their weapons and knelt down, and they were tied up.

"Hey Qin Baihu, my uncle has known for a long time that you are a capable person, and you are indeed very powerful. If it hadn't been for you this time, we would have died in the Ding family's conspiracy!" Liu Baihu said with a smile, He was so happy that his team was finally on the right track. Not only did he not have to die this time, but he also made great contributions and was probably promoted.

Hundreds of households in other cities also praised Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang raised his hand to interrupt them and said: "Comrades, you have spoken seriously. Now is not the time to talk about this. Let's quickly divide our troops into two groups to support Deputy General Fang and Deputy General Xue. The two deputy generals were also attacked by bandits and the Ding family. Trapped.”

Ding Ge originally just wanted to devour the soldiers from several military stations in He'an Prefecture, but Mr. Ding was vicious and wanted to devour most of the accompanying resistance army, so even Vice General Fang and Vice General Xue were not spared.

If their two lieutenants died and the accompanying army would be left without a leader, Dingo could take over. The Ding family would look for connections. After Dinge arrived in the northwest, he would be promoted to lieutenant general or Qianhu if he made small contributions.

After all, the northwest is short of soldiers, the Wei Guogong line has fallen behind, and the northwest army is in chaos. Sometimes as long as you have enough soldiers, you will be upgraded.

"Yes, yes, Qin Baihu is right, let's hurry up and rescue the two lieutenants." The other Baihu immediately agreed.

Qin Sanlang was not polite to them, and directly arranged for Xie Cheng to take the soldiers from other prefectures to rescue Vice General Xue, while he took people to rescue Vice General Fang.

Hundreds of households in other prefectures and cities were a little dissatisfied, but Qin Sanlang was too fierce tonight. He was to repel the bandits, control the Ding family, and suppress the rebellion of the soldiers in Qianyang County. The big guys didn't dare to confront him head-on. They recognized him. Make arrangements and start splitting up to rescue people.

Vice General Fang led a lot of Yongtai Mansion soldiers, but the bandits were powerful, and he had to allocate manpower to protect the families of the soldiers, so he was in a desperate situation.

When he thought he was going to die, Qin Sanlang came with a large number of soldiers to kill him. There were at least several hundred people in large numbers.

The military flag of the He'an Prefecture was raised high, and Zhang Zhongshi, who was holding the flag, shouted: "The traitor Dingge is dead, the leaders of the second and fifth villages of Bailangshan have been killed, most of the bandits they led have been killed, and the rest The bandits surrender quickly!"

As soon as these words came out, the bandits who were killing happily were stunned. The masters of the seventh village and the eighth village looked around and found that a large number of bandits were missing.

The leader of the Seventh Village cursed: "Damn it, it seems that Second Brother and the others are really finished. Brother Eight, let's retreat quickly and go back to find the Boss first."

The leader of the Eighth Village was panicked when he saw the soldiers coming in force, and he nodded repeatedly: "Brother Seven is right, retreat, retreat quickly!"

The two of them called their men and fled towards the county seat, hoping to avoid the army led by Qin Sanlang and take a detour back to the mountain.

"Reinforcements are coming, stop the bandits quickly, don't let them escape!" Deputy General Fang shouted, not wanting to let these bandits go. Half of his soldiers have died in the hands of these people, and he must fight for them. revenge.

But the soldiers he led were either dead or fainted by poison, or they ran away. There were not many people left, and there was no way they could stop the Seventh Village Master and the others.

But the Seventh Village Master and the others could not escape. You An led his men to kill them, and directly stopped the Seventh Village Master and the others. After dealing with the Seventh Village Master and the others for a while, Qin Sanlang arrived with a large number of soldiers.

The leader of the seventh village, the leader of the eighth village, and more than 200 bandits under his command were all killed. Not far from the gate of Bailang County, there was a river of blood. The defenders hiding in the towers and rooms were frightened to death after hearing this.

Oh my god, why is this southerner so powerful? He hacked all the bandits in Bailang Mountain to death.

"Boss, it looks like the soldiers from the south have won. They are so cruel. If we didn't help them before, will they come to settle the score with us?" A soldier was scared to death and asked his little flag leader.

The little flag chief guarding the city gate was also very scared. How did I know that the southerners were so cruel? If he had known, he would have opened the city gates long ago to let them in and hide.

But: "Aren't we afraid that bandits will come and loot the city, so we didn't open the city gate? We didn't do it on purpose, we are also innocent... I heard that there are many people studying in the south, and those scholars are reasonable, wait a minute Let’s talk it over with them and it should be fine.”

The soldier was confused and said, "Boss, look at the way they kill people. They are more brutal than bandits. How can they be such reasonable people?"

With a snap, the soldier was beaten by the flag commander, and he said angrily: "You bastard, can you fucking speak? Are you just trying to trouble me?"

But what Xiao Bing said makes sense.

The little flag leader thought for a while and said: "You guys keep an eye on the city gate. I will go to the county government office to see the county magistrate and ask him what to do? He is the county magistrate and he sets the rules. We can't let us take the blame." .”

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